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Classification and Evolution Final Review

. The difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in a group is called a(n). Answer. Variation. . Over time, adaptations can lead populations to experience. Answer. Genetic Changes. . What did Charles Darwin observe in finch populations on the Gal

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Classification and Evolution Final Review

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    1. Classification and Evolution Final Review

    2. The difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in a group is called a(n)

    3. Answer Variation

    4. Over time, adaptations can lead populations to experience

    5. Answer Genetic Changes

    6. What did Charles Darwin observe in finch populations on the Galápagos Islands off the coast of South America?

    7. Answer Different species on different islands

    8. What did Charles Darwin learn from the fossils of a giant armadillo that he found in Argentina?

    9. Answers Modern animals may be related to fossilized organisms.

    10. Fossils of marine organisms high in the Andes Mountains led Darwin to conclude that

    11. Answer Great change can happen over time.

    12. The development by scientists of a new color in a rose is the result of

    13. Answer Artificial Selection

    14. In natural selection, the selective agent is the

    15. Environment

    16. All the rabbits living in a particular area would be an example of a(n)

    17. Answer Population

    18. A bird that can easily outcompete other birds for food and that can produce many eggs has a high

    19. Answer Fitness

    20. Biogeography is the study of the

    21. Answer Distribution of organisms around the world

    22. What is suggested by the similarity of early embryos of different species of vertebrates?

    23. Evolution from a distance common ancestor

    24. Some organisms that share a common ancestor have features that have different functions, but similar structures. These are known as

    25. Answer Homologous structure

    26. If an organism has a vestigial structure, that structure likely once had a function in a(n)

    27. Answer Early ancestor

    28. The correct order for the levels of Linnaeus's classification system, from general to specific, is

    29. Answer Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

    30. Which of the following is correctly written in the binomial nomenclature system?

    31. Answer Italics? First word needs to capitalized? Second word does not

    32. Which of the following taxa would generally contain the most members?

    33. Answer K,P,C,O,F,G,S

    34. Which phrase best describes the Linnaean classification system?

    35. Answer Each level includes the more specific levels below.

    36. One limitation of the Linnaean classification system is that it

    37. Answer Based on physical characteristics only.

    38. Woese separated the kingdom Monera into the following two kingdoms:

    39. Answer Bacteria and Archaea

    40. Which of the following lists the three domains accepted by most scientists?

    41. Answer Eukarya, Archaea, Bacteria

    42. Which description distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes?

    43. Answer Eukaryotes have cells with organelles such as a nucleus

    44. Single-celled prokaryotes that are classified by their ability to survive extreme conditions are

    45. Answer Archaea

    46. What characteristic of fungi makes them different from plants?

    47. Answer They do not feed in the same way Plants: photosynthesis Fungi: Decomposers

    48. Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure?

    49. Answer The wing of an ostrich

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