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Riding along with a drunk driver: a social norms campaign in Antwerp students

Riding along with a drunk driver: a social norms campaign in Antwerp students. A n influence on driving under influence ? Bart Vriesacker Heidi Stoop Guido Van Hal. Introduction. 2010 : 45,927 traffic accidents An average day in Belgium: 125 traffic accidents

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Riding along with a drunk driver: a social norms campaign in Antwerp students

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  1. Riding along with a drunk driver: a social norms campaign in Antwerp students An influence on drivingunderinfluence? Bart Vriesacker Heidi Stoop Guido Van Hal

  2. Introduction • 2010 : 45,927 traffic accidents • An averagedayin Belgium: 125 traffic accidents 109 slightlyinjured persons 14 severlyinjured persons 2 deaths • Adolescents andyoungadults: - traffic accidents are the most important cause of death - More than half of the totalgroup of fatal accidents Possibleexplanationsfor these figures?

  3. Attitude? • What is the attitude of youngpeople in traffic? • What do theythinkthemselvesabout…. drunkdriving? driving a carunder the influence of drugs? ridingalongwith a drunk driver? • What does theirownbehaviour look like? • How do theyperceive the behaviour of theirpeers? Which are the socialnormsregarding traffic participationwithinthisagegroup?

  4. Methodology • Survey withquestionsandpropositionsbased on the SocialNorms Approach: - Perception of socialnorms has a big influence on how we behave as individuals - These perceptions are, however, oftennot accurate because we tend to judge the behaviour of peers as lesssensiblethan in reality misperceptions Thiscan lead to the factthatanindividualwilladapt his behaviourtowhat is thoughttobe the group norm.

  5. Methodology • Young peopleand adolescents from the Province of Antwerpwereinvitedby means of: - e-mail (student movements) - link on several websites - social media such as Facebook page and promotion by means of FacebookandTwitter account of the province of Antwerp …to fill out the online-questionnaire • The questionnaire was availablefrom April 18th, 2011 untilJune 30th, 2011

  6. Results • 1,279 participants • Socio-demographiccharacteristics: • Almostall respondents are students (96.9%) • The number of womenthatfilled out the questionnaire is remarkablyhigher(69.3%) • 84.7% of the respondents livesin the province of Antwerp - 70.4% liveswiththeirparents/guardian - 20.1 % lives in digs - 9.1% has another living situation (mostly living togetherwith partner or family)

  7. Means of transport • Top 3 most important means of transport Blue = 1stplace, red = 2nd place, green = 3rd place 59.8% of the respondents possesses a drivinglicense. • Top 3 : 51.8 % ‘driving a car’ 53.3 % ‘car passenger’ Driving a car Bike Public transport Car passenger On foot Motor cycle Taxi Other

  8. Going out • Frequency: twice a week: 39%, never: 10.5%, daily: 0.5% most populardays: Friday (70.4%) andSaturday (75.9%) • Budget: In 68.5% of the respondents not more than 20 euro. • Distancecoveredto go out is only in 11.7% of the respondents more than20 km. • Means of transport (%): 2.1 6.3 20.3 Driving a car Car passenger 38.8 Public transport 20.4 Bike 12.1 On foot Other

  9. Drivingunder the influence (DUI)– ridingalongwith a driver under the influence(RADUI) No 86.2 No 81.5 74.3 Yes 70.6 Yes 29.4 25.7 18.5 13.8

  10. Perception DUI - RADUI

  11. Propositions(1)

  12. Propositions(2)

  13. SocialNormsIntervention Mainlybased on the propositions  Injuctivenorms

  14. Follow-up? • Compare baseline-data with data of a follow-up study - behaviour - perception of behaviour statistically significant changes? • Following the theory of the socialnorms approach, a follow-up study is more thandesirable. • In practice, often the necessary financial means are lackingtocarrythis out.

  15. Reference: McAlaney, J., Bewick, B. M., and Bauerle, J. (2010) Social Norms Guidebook: A Guide to Implementing the Social Norms Approach in the UK. University of Bradford, University of Leeds, Department ofHealth: West Yorkshire, UK. • Sources: Website forstatistics of the BelgianGovernment: http://statbel.fgov.be/nl/statistieken/cijfers/verkeer_vervoer/verkeer/ongevallen_slachtoffers/verkeersongevallen/

  16. Questions? I amallears!

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