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Thursday 09-13-2012

Thursday 09-13-2012. Turn in: Regions postcards (if needed), any late work On your desk: warm-up, worksheet from front table entitled “borders and countries” Warm-up:. On the Border………. Write these questions: 1. How do countries determine their borders with surrounding countries?

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Thursday 09-13-2012

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  1. Thursday 09-13-2012 • Turn in: Regions postcards (if needed), any late work • On your desk: warm-up, worksheet from front table entitled “borders and countries” • Warm-up:

  2. On the Border………. Write these questions: 1. How do countries determine their borders with surrounding countries? 2. What is a country?

  3. Key Vocabulary for lesson: • 1. Political Unit- the area that a government controls • 2. Border- a boundary set between countries • 3. Sovereign- having complete independence and control over your own government/country • Add these three together and you get a…. • COUNTRY- recognized region based on its political unit, borders and sovereign government.

  4. Examples of countries…. • USA: a political unit with recognized borders, with a sovereign government.

  5. How do countries determine their borders with surrounding countries? • Have you ever wondered why countries have such unique shapes?

  6. There are 3 ways to make a border.. • 1. Physical- • Setting a border on a physical feature such as a river, mountain range, desert or sea. • 2. Cultural- • Setting a border based on a cultural feature such as language, religion, or ethnicity. • 3. Geometric- • Setting a border based on a drawn line, such as a line of latitude.

  7. Physical Borders: • Boundaries drawn along a physical land feature such as a ….. • River • Mountain range • Desert • Sea

  8. Where might a border be drawn in Europe?

  9. Pyrenees mountains separate Spain and France

  10. The Danube River in Europe forms several borders between countries

  11. Cultural Borders • Cultural borders are drawn where 2 cultures come together. • Examples of culture? • Language • Religion • Ethnicity

  12. Pakistan India Bangladesh

  13. Ethnic groups in Europe

  14. Czechoslovakia was split into 2 countries based on ethnic groups: the Czechs and Slovaks.

  15. Geometric Borders Borders drawn along a set line, without regard to any feature. Such as a line of latitude or longitude Look for straight lines.

  16. The border between North and South Korea is at the 38N line of latitude, often called the 38th parallel.

  17. Activity • You will now have the opportunity to create borders on a fictional continent. • You will receive a blank map of a continent. • You will then receive maps of that continent’s religions, physical features, and languages. • You will determine where the countries’ borders should be. • Choose to draw between 5-10 countries. • Justify why you drew the border on your worksheet.

  18. Now, go back and answer the 2 guiding questions from the beginning of the lesson. • Homework: • TEST REVIEW! • TEST NEXT CLASS!! • Complete the review for 5 bonus points on the test. • It must be totally completed for the bonus to count.

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