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Motivational Shabads

Motivational Shabads. gurbwxI iv`coN pRyrxwmeI hukm. Motivational Shabad. ijQY jwie bhIAY Blw khIAY suriq sbdu ilKweIAY ] ividAw vIcwrI qW praupkwrI ] swJ krIjY guxh kyrI Coif Avgx clIAY ] pihry ptMbr kir AfMbr Awpxw ipVu mlIAY ] ijQY jwie bhIAY Blw khIAY Joil AMimRqu pIjY ]

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Motivational Shabads

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Motivational Shabads gurbwxI iv`coNpRyrxwmeI hukm

  2. Motivational Shabad ijQY jwie bhIAY Blw khIAY suriq sbdu ilKweIAY ] ividAw vIcwrI qW praupkwrI ] swJ krIjY guxh kyrI Coif Avgx clIAY ] pihry ptMbr kir AfMbr Awpxw ipVu mlIAY ] ijQY jwie bhIAY Blw khIAY Joil AMimRqu pIjY ] guxw kw hovY vwsulw kiF vwsu leIjY ]

  3. Motivational Shabad mMdw iksY n AwKIAY piV AKru eyho buJIAY ] mUrKY nwil n luJIAY ] hm nhI cMgy burw nhI koie ] ijQY bolix hwrIAY iqQY cMgI cup ] bIjy ibKu mMgY AMimRqu vyKhu eyhu inAwau ]

  4. Motivational Shabad PrIdw jo qY mwrin mukIAW iqn@w n mwry GuMim ] AwpnVY Gir jweIAY pYr iqn@w dy cuMim ] inMdau inMdau mo kau logu inMdau ] inMdw jn kau KrI ipAwrI ] inMdw bwpu inMdw mhqwrI ]

  5. Motivational Shabad sloku mÚ 1 ] isMml ruKu srwierw Aiq dIrG Aiq mucu ] Eie ij Awvih Aws kir jwih inrwsy ikqu ] Pl iPky Pul bkbky kMim n Awvih pq ] imTqu nIvI nwnkw gux cMigAweIAw qqu ] sBu ko invY Awp kau pr kau invY n koie ] Dir qwrwjU qolIAY invY su gaurw hoie ] AprwDI dUxw invY jo hMqw imrgwih ] sIis invwieAY ikAw QIAY jw irdY kusuDy jwih ]1]

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