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Enhanced Accessibility and Consistency of Eurosystem Statistics

Learn about the joint dissemination of Eurosystem statistics, which enhances accessibility and ensures consistency of data through simultaneous release on the ECB and NCBs websites. Easily download data in Excel format for further calculations and comparisons.

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Enhanced Accessibility and Consistency of Eurosystem Statistics

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  1. Joint dissemination of Eurosystem statistics:a way to enhance accessibility & ensure consistency of statistics Catherine Ahsbahs, Violetta Damia Gérard Salou, Caroline Willeke CCSA Conference Newport, 27 - 28 April 2006

  2. Key features of the enhanced accessibility • Joint dissemination; simultaneous release of euro area statistics and national contributions on the websites of the ECB and NCBs • Consistency of data ensured by use of a single data bank on the ECB’s website (applying latest internet technology)

  3. Background • ECB continues to publish and focus on the euro area aggregates • Increasing external use of and demand for ECB statistics, including requests for national contributions to euro area aggregates • Previous situation: • Accessibility of national contributions cumbersome: users needed to search on 13 websites in different languages, with different lay-outs

  4. Improved access and increased flexibility • Same statistics now available on the websites of the ECB and all Eurosystem NCBs and accessible in almost all official languages of the euro area • Data are easily downloadable in Excel, to be used for further calculations and comparisons (country shares, instrument breakdowns by country, etc.) • Easy access to historical series • In case of difficulties, user service desks can be consulted (in the ECB or in any NCB)

  5. What is now included in the joint dissemination? Table 1 Aggregated balance sheet of euro area Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs), including breakdowns Table 2 Domestic and cross-border positions of euro area MFIs Table 3 Outstanding amounts and transactions of euro-denominated debt securities by country of residency, sector of the issuer and original maturity Table 4 Outstanding amounts and transactions of euro-denominated quoted shares by country of residency and sector of the issuer Table 5 Official reserve assets, other foreign currency assets and related short-term liabilities Table 6 Total assets of euro area investment funds

  6. Live demo

  7. Same data for all NCBs and ECB web pages Here in Spanish !

  8. Same data for all NCBs and ECB web pages

  9. Same data for all NCBs and ECB web pages Here in German !

  10. XML Datafrom ECB database SDMX v1 XSLLayoutof ECBwebsite XSLLayoutof BBKwebsite How does it work? ECB Database

  11. Where exactly can the data be accessed? De Nederlandsche Bank:  http://www.statistics.dnb.nl/index.cgi?lang=uk&todo=Links Oesterreichische Nationalbank: http://www.oenb.at/de/stat_melders/datenangebot/internat_vergleiche/Daten_des_Euroraums/ausgewaehlte Banco de Portugal: http://www.bportugal.pt/stats/Eurosistema/EO/EstatisticasOnline.htm Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank: http://www.bof.fi/fin/5_tilastot/5.8_euroalue/ http://www.bof.fi/swe/5_tilastot/5.8_euroalue/ European Central Bank: http://www.ecb.int/stats/services/escb/html/index. en.html Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique: http://www.nbb.be/SIF/ChangeLocale.do?language=nl http://www.nbb.be/SIF/ChangeLocale.do?language=fr Deutsche Bundesbank: http://www.bundesbank.de/statistik/statistik_eszb.php Banco de España: http://www.bde.es/estadis/zoneur/zoneur.htm Banque de France: http://www.banque-france.fr/fr/stat_conjoncture/Dyn amin/dynamin.htm Banca d’Italia: http://www.bancaditalia.it/statistiche/consultazione/ sabc

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