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Allowing children to use technology without supervision can put them in danger. According to recent studies, youngsters as young as ten will come upon online pornography by accident. Furthermore, many sexual abusers first communicate with their victims via social media. The internet can be a minefield for youngsters, exposing them to pictures and people they shouldnu2019t be exposed to. However, as a loving parent or caregiver, there are some things you can do today to keep your child safe from online mishappening.

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  2. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM ONLINE MISHAPPENING According to the survey done of schools in India, 95 per cent of teenagers have access to a cell phone these days, and 45 per cent claim they are online “almost constantly.” It’s no surprise that cyberbullying affects students in real life. Bullies take advantage of folks who spend so much time on a computer, gaming system, tablet, or mobile phone.

  3. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM HOW OFTEN ONLINE MISHAPPENING OCCURS • In their lives, 37% of middle and high school students say they have been cyberbullied. • 25 percent of adolescent boys and 35 percent of adolescent girls say they have received sexual photographs they did not request. • 15% of the young people polled admitted to cyberbullying someone else. • Only 11% of teenagers told their parents about episodes of cyberbullying.


  5. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM HAVE A DISCUSSION Sit down with your child or teen and discuss what they do online. The more you know about how they use it, the more equipped you’ll be to set appropriate limitations. You’ll be more prepared to defend them if from online mishappening if you know who they’re talking to and what they’re looking at.

  6. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM LIMIT SCREEN TIME There are numerous studies that show the need of restricting how much time children spend in front of devices. It’s not just about their psychological and emotional wellness in this case; it’s also about their safety. Sexual abuse is more likely to occur in lonely children. If your child’s only friends are online, they may become a target.

  7. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM KEEP A REGULAR CHECK Bullying, exposure to distressing pictures, and unintentional access to pornography affect a rising number of children and teenagers. They may feel a tremendous deal of shame or humiliation as a result of any of these, leading them to remain silent. Make sure you’re there to help, console, and educate them.

  8. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM CREATE AN AGREEMENT Before you hand over a cell phone to your children, have a collaborative talk with them to come up with a solution that both of you will adhere to. This might include rules like no phones in the bedroom, no phones in their rooms overnight, phones in communal areas, and no installing apps without permission.

  9. WWW.EDUMINATTI.COM KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S PERSPECTIVE They will be much more willing to talk to you as to what is really occurring to them or around them . Describe what you’re doing, why you’re doing it to your child. Remember to urge your child to come to you if they have any concerns about something they see online.

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