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Professional Life and Organisations in Surveying in Slovakia Jan Hardos

Professional Life and Organisations in Surveying in Slovakia Jan Hardos Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers. Contents: Authorities in the field of Geodesy and Cartography Who can work and who can be in business (undertake) in profession ? Professional associations Problems.

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Professional Life and Organisations in Surveying in Slovakia Jan Hardos

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  1. Professional Life and Organisations in Surveying inSlovakia Jan Hardos Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers

  2. Contents: • Authorities in the field of Geodesy and Cartography • Who can work and who can be in business (undertake) in profession ? • Professional associations • Problems

  3. Authorities in the field of Geodesy and Cartography • Urad geodezie, kartografie a katastra SR (UGKK-SR), Geodesy Cartography and Cadastre Authority of Slovak Republic (GCCA of SR), President of the Office, about 30 employees. - 87 directly subordinated organisations of state administration on the field of GCC: - 8 Cadastral Offices in 8 Regions, 79 Cadastral Directions in 79 Districts - 3 directly subordinated producing organisations (state sector): - GKU in Bratislava (Geodetic and Cartographic Institute): Basic control field (horizontal, vertical, gravity), Photogrametry, Maps, IT technology for Cadastre - Katastralny ustav in Zilina (Cadastral Institute) - VUGKK in Bratislava (Research Institute on Geodesy Cartography and Cadastre) Altogether about 2000 employees.

  4. Who can work and who can be in business (undertake) in profession ? • Regulation in branch: Law No. 215/1995 (423/2003) concerning Geodesy and Cartography, 3/2002 - Real State Cadastre, 216/1995 Chambre of Surveyors and Cartographers. Many others laws, legal and technical regulations, instructions..... • Requirements for working: at least secondery education or university education in Geodesy and Cartography, regardless to state or private sector. • Requirements for launching own business as sole trader: at least secondary education in G&C, plus 3 years of practise. In case of „legal entity“ – so cold „agent“. • Requirements to become „Authorised Surveyor“: university education (bac+5) in G&C, 5 years of practise, exam, obligatory membership in Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers.

  5. Who is an „Authorised Surveyor“ (Licenced Surveyor)? The authorised surveyor and cartographer (according to the law No. 215/1995) verify authentically the selected surveyor’s and cartographic activities, e.g.: operations in the cadastre, horizontal and vertical control,measurement and digitalisation in great scales, setting out, deformationmeasurement, etc. An authorised surveyor and cartographer is carrying his legalpersonal responsibility that all surveyor’s work that he has approved by his stamp andsignature were performed in due quality and in agreement with appropriate regulationsand standards.

  6. Professional associations (1) • Komora geodetov a kartografov (Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers): based according the law, competency delegated by the state, associates Authorised Surveyors, obligatory membership, disciplinary power towards its members, democratic election of all bodies (Director‘s Board, Disciplinary Board, Supervisory Board, Examination Board), adopted ethical code, more than 600 members. • Slovensky zvaz geodetov (Slovak Union of Surveyors): voluntary membership, associates mostly the surveyors from private sector, about 150 members. • Slovenska spolocnost geodetov a kartografov (Slovak Society of Surveyors and Cartographers: voluntary membership, associates mostly the surveyors from state sector, about 100 members.

  7. Professional associations (2) • Komora pozemkovych uprav SR (Chamber of Land Consolidation of SR): voluntary membership, associates mostly the surveyors or agricultural engineers from private sector with authorisation for land consolidation, about 140 members. • Unia zamestnavatelskych zvazov v GaK (Employer’s Union inGeodesy and Cartography):voluntary membership, associates small number of companies (about 10 legal entities), they deal mostly with employers‘ problems. • Other smaller associations: Slovenska banska spolocnost (Slovak Mining Society) - with section of small number of Mining Surveyors, Kartograficka spolocnost SR (Cartographic Society), Zdruzenie geodetov a kartografov (Association of Surveyors and Cartographers) – associates mostly the small number of techniciens.

  8. Problems • Big quantity of Surveyors in private sector, lack of Surveyors in state sector (mainly in Cadastre) • Huge competition in the market • Low pricesdue to too big competition (mainly in the public procurements) • Paradox: big quantity of work to be done for the state (digitizing of old cadastral maps, settlement and consolidation of property – lack of state‘s orders due to low funds • Problem with abolishment of chambers still remains with slight shift of Government – intention is to preserve all chambers but with voluntary membership

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