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A test of HSimulation-HReconstruction chain with low energy CORSIKA showers

Auger Analysis Meeting September 11-14, 2006 Chicago. A test of HSimulation-HReconstruction chain with low energy CORSIKA showers. I.De Mitri, Lorenzo Perrone , M. Settimo. Universit à di Lecce and INFN. Summary tables of Monte Carlo Truth.

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A test of HSimulation-HReconstruction chain with low energy CORSIKA showers

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  1. Auger Analysis Meeting September 11-14, 2006 Chicago A test of HSimulation-HReconstruction chain with low energy CORSIKA showers I.De Mitri, Lorenzo Perrone, M. Settimo Università di Lecce and INFN Summary tables of Monte Carlo Truth In collaboration with S. Petrera and F. Salamida

  2. Outlook - HSimulation-HReconstruction (Offline Framwork) chain - Distribution of reconstructed variables and selection cuts - Impact of cuts on ICRC 2005 hybrid aperture - Trigger info - Availability of simulated data - summary tables of Monte Carlo Truth ** - a ``skeleton'' web site to make a subset of simulated data available for interested group (thanks to B. Dawson for the feedback) ** this work has been designed and carried out in collaboration with the group of L'Aquila (S.Petrera and F. Salamida)

  3. Simulation sample E= 1017 eV E= 1017.5 eV proton primaries in a 10 km slice for E= 1017 eV in a 15 km slice for E= 1017.5 eV in a 32 km slice for E= 1018 eV in a 50 km slice for E= 1018.5 eV E= 1018 eV E= 1018.5 eV 5 × 783 -> 1017 eV 5 × 597 -> 1017.5 eV 5 × 813 -> 1018 eV dN/d ~ sin cos 0° <  < 65° CORSIKA 6.200 QGSJET: hadronic model FLUKA: low energy hadronic interaction model the shower library has been generated in Wuppertal University

  4. <module> EventFileReaderLG </module> <loop numTimes="1" save="yes"> <module> EventGeneratorOG </module> <!-- Sd simulation part --> <loop numTimes="unbounded" save="no"> <module> CachedShowerRegeneratorOG </module> <module> FastTankSimulatorOG </module> </loop> <module> SdPMTSimulatorOG </module> <module> SdFilterFADCSimulatorMTU </module> <module> SdBaselineSimulatorOG </module> <module> TankGPSSimulatorOG </module> <module> TankTriggerSimulatorOG </module> <!-- Fd simulation part --> <module>ShowerLightSimulatorKG </module> <module> LightAtDiaphragmSimulatorKG </module> <module>TelescopeSimulatorKG </module> <module> FdBackgroundSimulatorOG </module> <module> FdElectronicsSimulatorOG </module> <module> FdTriggerSimulatorLAG </module> <module> CentralTriggerSimulatorOG </module> <module> EventBuilderOG </module> <!-- Output and visualisation --> <!--module> UserModule </module--> <module> SdSimTruthIT </module> <module> EventFileExporterOG </module> HSimulation Corsika showers are provided in the EventFileReader.xml as a space separated file list KG-based FD simulation Lecce-L'Aquila modified modules for writing out FD and SD MC Thruth ioauger.root - Further info: no database, FastTankSimulator - Shower width is taken into account (Gora et al GAP- 2005-073)

  5. HReconstruction <sequenceFile> <enableTiming/> <moduleControl> <loop numTimes="unbounded" save="yes"> <module> EventFileReaderHY </module> <loop numTimes="1"> <module> EventCheckerOG </module> <module> FdCalibratorOG </module> <module> SdCalibratorOG </module> <module> FdPulseFinderOG </module> <module> FdSDPFinderOG </module> <module> HybridGeometryFinderOG </module> <module> FdApertureLightOG </module> <!-- profile from least square solution --> <module> FdProfileReconstructorKG </module> </loop> <module> UserModuleLG </module> </loop> </moduleControl> </sequenceFile> KG-based FD profile reconstruction UserModuleLG An overall root tree with MC Truth and reconstructed values is generated and written out for analysis. The SD_Id is not always an increasing number. An exchange/shift occurs randomly when writing out the event. Not a real bug, but an ``uncomfortable'' feature if you rely on an ordered sequence of events (i.e.: for a cross-check with a corresponding MC event list) ->Bugzilla #497

  6. Requirements for this study station used inreconstruction is less than 2000m from the Axis (time chisq)/dof is lower than 8 FD/SD time residual it is lower than 200ns hybrid_flag=111 at least 2 ``good station'' position less than 2 km off from SDP (obs.) mindepth < Xmax < (obs.) maxdepth && rec. profiles > 200g/cm2 gen fd_trig log10(E/eV)

  7. Energy Resolution

  8. Energy Resolution 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  9. Energy Resolution 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV ICRC 2005 FD mono with ``true geometry''

  10. Resolution Xmax

  11. Resolution Xmax 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  12. Core Distance Resolution

  13. Core Distance Resolution hybrid rec mono rec

  14. Core Distance Resolution 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  15. Space Angle Resolution

  16. Space Angle Resolution 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  17. Resolution RP

  18. Resolution RP 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  19. 0 Resolution

  20. 0 Resolution 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  21. Expected Impact of analysis on the Hybrid Aperture ICRC 2005 (S. Petrera et al.) dN ∫ ⊗A(E) ⊗T10% dE dEdSdtd events/year Number of expected events/year E >1017 eV (a 10% duty cycle is taken into account)

  22. Exercise....orders of magnitude From the Adelaide site we took the real hybrid event from 1/1/06 – 1/6/06 55608 events - 28364 events hybrid_flag=111 ...after normalizing - 91000 events/year on 4 eyes - ..... against 1-1.1 105 events/year expected

  23. Trigger Probability vs Core Distance 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  24. Trigger Probability vs Azimuth Angle 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  25. Trigger Probability vs Zenith Angle 1017.5 eV 1017 eV 1018 eV 1018.5 eV

  26. Availability of simulated data http://auger.le.infn.it/~lorenzo/www/private/main_ioauger.htm (mozilla/firefox and konqueror proofed ) ioauger.root ioauger.root MC_Truth FD-> FdTriggerSim.log.root SD ->tank.log.root XML_files *.xml

  27. FdTriggerSim.log.root event: FD info 4 eyes eye: FD info tank.log.root event: SD info

  28. CORSIKA Showers currently available at the Gran Sasso Laboratory ...from Wuppertal library protons CORSIKA 6.200 QGSJET: hadronic model FLUKA: low energy hadronic model 1000 1017 eV 750 1017.5eV 1000 1018 eV 1000 1018.5eV 250 1019 eV 250 1020 eV 216 1021 eV THIN : 10-6 (optimal) ECUT: 100 Mev for adrons, 250 keV for electromagnetic particles dN/d ~ sin cos 0° <  < 89° -a mysql database with basic info on each shower and corresponding address has been set up on auger-gs.lngs.infn.it -a synced copy of the databased can be browsed at:

  29. ! Password protected ! browse query * filling scripts adapted from a layout developed in Wuppertal

  30. Conclusions - HSimulation-HReconstruction machinery has been performed with low energy Corsika showers. -resolution of reconstructed variables has been investigated. No significant bias have been detected. The obtained energy resolution (at the level of 12%) confirms the estimate given with FD only simulations and true geometry - an estimate of the impact of reconstruction efficiency on ICRC 2005 hybrid aperture has been discussed - A set of HSimulated data are made public on a web page for the interested groups

  31. Availability of simulated data http://auger.le.infn.it/~lorenzo/www/private/hybrid.html.current ioauger.root ioauger.root MC_Truth FD-> FdTriggerSim.log.root SD ->tank.log.root XML_files *.xml

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