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Agnieszka Cebulska

Agnieszka Cebulska. I believe the choice to be excellent begins with aligning your thoughts and words with the intention to require more from yourself. Some people believe that when we are born we are blank page, others that our destiny is already defined.

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Agnieszka Cebulska

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AgnieszkaCebulska I believe the choice to be excellent begins with aligning your thoughts and words with the intention to require more from yourself.

  2. Some people believe that when we are born we are blank page, others that our destiny is already defined. • I believethat I was born as pinkpage, becauseI’malwaysoptimisticand happy aboutthingsthathappenin my life.

  3. From the very beginning of my life I did things that brought me challenges and I did them with passion – that’s why I started sailing.

  4. Almost 10 yearsofsailing was a schooloflife – I learnthow to stand upafterfailure, putevenmoreeffortand stand againinthecompetition. I alsolearnt, whatis for many evenmoredifficult, how to be successful, how to aim high whenyoucompeteonlywithyourself, how to stand thepressureand be successful.

  5. Afterfinishing high school I knewI wanted to do thingsI’mpassionateabout – travelling, takingrisk, meetingnewcultures, settingandachievingambitiousgoals. That’swhy I decided to apply to thebestschoolinPolandandchoseinternationalrelations as my major. In the same year I joinedthebiggestinternationalorganizationin my school – AIESEC.

  6. In AIESEC I discovered its world of opportunities…

  7. I learnthow to be part of a teamand contribute to itssuccess but alsohow to keepyourindividualism. I got to knowdifferentpeopleandculturesfromallcontinents, I visited12 countriesandspent1 yearabroadthanks to AIESEC

  8. In AIESEC I learnt how to lead people, support their development and think out of the box.

  9. I’m the person who decided to live her life not to observe it. • That’s why I’m always active and consciously shape my future. • I never want to be a shadow but remarkable person bringing colours in the life of others.


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