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Cell Growth & Division

cell growth, cell division, DNA replication, mitosis, cytokinesis

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Cell Growth & Division

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  1. Cell Growth & Division Mrs. McGee

  2. Do Now Estimate how tall you think the tallest man on Earth is?

  3. 8ft 3inc.

  4. Essential Questions Think. Pair. Share • What do you think happens to our cells when we grow? • Are babies cells similar or different to adults? • Do cells multiply and if so how fast? • How can a starfishes arm or a geckos tail grow back? • How does cancer relate to cell division?

  5. Preview Reading • Chapter 10 • Outline the chapter • Write down subtitles • Write down key points in BOLD • Write down key words in BOLD • You are NOTreading the chapter • Look at the pictures • Do you recognize any pictures? If so which ones.

  6. Notes REMINDER: During notes you are silent while the teacher is talking. If you have a question or comment raise your hand and wait silently to be called on. Write notes on your note template and attach it to your notebook 

  7. Notes • In most cases living things grow by producing more cells. • Cells are NOT bigger in adults! • The larger a cell becomes, the more demands the cell places on its DNA. In addition, the cell has more trouble moving enough nutrients and wastes across the cell membrane. 

  8. Notes cont. • DNA “Overload”- DNA does not increase when a cell grows. • Eventually the growth of a cell would led to an information crisis. Ex: Library in a small town that begins to grow

  9. PAGE 243 • SURFACE AREA: multiply length X width X # of sides • VOLUME: multiply length X width X height • As a cell grows the volume increases more rapidly than it’s surface area • When the cell becomes larger its ratio of surface area to volume decreases.

  10. Cell Division • Before a cell becomes to large it divides forming two daughter cells • Before division occurs the cell replicates or copies the DNA (genetic information) • Each daughter cell then gets a complete copy of that information

  11. Think Box • Which type of cell do you believe would have a more complex way of replicating? WHY? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic

  12. Prokaryotic cell division is simple • Eukaryotic cell division is more complex and occurs in two stages • Mitosis • Cytokinesis

  13. POGIL: The Cell Cycle • Complete #1-5 • Work Quietly and in groups of 2-3 • Your group needs to agree on the answer before you write it down • If you have a question raise your hand and wait silently in your seats

  14. Do Now • What is a tumor and how does one grow? Be ready to share your thoughts 

  15. Watch Video • Be ready to answer the following questions after the video: 1. Which types of cells divide quicker: Cancer Cells or Normal Cells 2. How do you think a tumor could be created? • https://youtu.be/IeUANxFVXKc (Displays Cell Division) • https://youtu.be/0Rql-PEHeAk (5 crazy tumors)

  16. POGIL • Complete #6-10, #11-21 • Work Quietly and in groups of 2-3 • Your group needs to agree on the answer before you write it down • If you have a question raise your hand and wait silently in your seats

  17. Closing Post it note Parking Lot Write! • Something you learned or a question you have and post it when the bell rings • HW- Finish POGIL Questions #11-21

  18. Do Now • Do you know someone who has cancer? If so write down what you know about it.

  19. Review Post Its • Facts • Misconceptions • Questions

  20. Video: What is cancer? • https://youtu.be/SGaQ0WwZ_0I Questions: • Are all types of cancer the same? • Are all tumors cancerous?

  21. POGIL • Complete #23-27 • Work Quietly and in groups of 2-3 • Your group needs to agree on the answer before you write it down • If you have a question raise your hand and wait silently in your seats As a class will will discuss and answer the extension questions

  22. Exit Ticket • 3 things you learned today • 2 things that helped you • 1 question Complete silently and independently When the bell rings place it in the bin

  23. Part 2: Cell Growth and Division

  24. Do Now • 1. Label the parts of the cell using the following words: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, DNA, mitochondria

  25. Review Cell Structures

  26. Review Exit Tickets Review 3-2-1  Facts, Misconceptions, Questions

  27. Notes REMINDER: During notes you are silent while the teacher is talking. If you have a question or comment raise your hand and wait silently to be called on. Write notes on your note template and attach it to your notebook 

  28. DNA: Chromosomes • DNA is stored in the nucleus • DNA is arranged in structures called chromosomes • Every organism has a set number of chromosomes • Humans have 46

  29. Chromosomes • Before cell division each chromosome is copied • Then, each chromosome consists of two identical“sister” chromatids.  • As the cell divides the sister chromatids separate and one goes to each of the 2 new cells.  • Chromosomes are attached at an area called the centromere

  30. THINK How did you grow from the size you were as a baby to the teenager you are today? Explain your hypothesis.

  31. Purpose of cell division: • Growth

  32. Purpose of cell division: • Repair

  33. Purpose of cell division: • Reproduction

  34. The Cell Cycle • The cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form two daughter cells, each of which then begins the cycle again • There are four phases.

  35. The 4 phases • Mitosis and cytokinesis take place during the M phase • Chromosomereplication take place in the S phase • Between those phases are G1 and G2. • G= Gap • G1 and G2 are points of intense growth and activity

  36. Interphase During most of its life, a cell is in a stage called interphase. • cell performs its functions (jobs) and keeps itself alive • the organelles and DNA replicate (copies) to prepare for cell division

  37. Interphase – the growth period when the cell performs its functions and prepares for cell division Growing…but not too much! Getting ready to divide! I’m busy doing my job!

  38. Cube Activity • 5 Groups • Quietly roll the cube and work together to answer the questions • Write down the question and the answer in your notebook When you are done create vocab charts • Cell Division • Mitosis • Cytokinesis

  39. Exit Ticket • Silently complete the exit ticket by yourself  • If you have a question raise your hand • Turn in your exit ticket into the bin when the bell rings

  40. Part 3:Cell Growth & Division

  41. DO NOW • What are the three reasons why we need cell division?

  42. 4 Groups • Create a poster • Have a large title (the name of the stage) • Have a description of what happens during this stage • Have an illustration that represents what happens during this stage 20 minutes Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

  43. Notes REMINDER: During notes you are silent while the teacher is talking. If you have a question or comment raise your hand and wait silently to be called on. Write notes on your note template and attach it to your notebook  TODAY WE ARE USING WHITE BOARDS WITH A PARTNER!

  44. Mitosis • Mitosis is the process by which the nucleus of the cell is divided into two nuclei with the same set of chromosomes as the parent cell.

  45. Mitosis • After interphase, the cell begins mitosis. • There are 4 stages in Mitosis • Prophase • Metaphase • Anaphase • Telophase Pee MAT!

  46. Prophase • 1st & longest • DNA wraps up into structures called chromosomes, which are made of two copies of identical DNA called sister chromatids • Centrioles start making spindle fibers • The nuclear membranebreaks down

  47. Metaphase • Chromosomes line up in the centerof the cell and • Spindle fibers attach to the centerof the chromosomes at their centromere

  48. Anaphase • Centrioles pull on the spindle fibers • Sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes • Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

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