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Performance Indicators for School Sixth Forms: QSR, Threshold Attainments and CVA at Level 3

Performance Indicators for School Sixth Forms: QSR, Threshold Attainments and CVA at Level 3. Welcome. El Kasparis, FfE Linda Rose, DCSF. Objectives. Outline Qualification Success Rates PI Outline Full Level 2/Full Level 3 PIs Outline Contextual Value Added at Level 3 PI Discussion.

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Performance Indicators for School Sixth Forms: QSR, Threshold Attainments and CVA at Level 3

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  1. Performance Indicators for School Sixth Forms: QSR, Threshold Attainments and CVA at Level 3 Welcome El Kasparis, FfE Linda Rose, DCSF

  2. Objectives • Outline Qualification Success Rates PI • Outline Full Level 2/Full Level 3 PIs • Outline Contextual Value Added at Level 3 PI • Discussion

  3. Qualification Success Rate (QSR) • Qualification Success Rates measure the proportion of individual aims that are successfully completed by their expected end date. • A grading table is applied to the performance measure to derive the Success Rate indicator grade (out of 4) for the provider. • We will be needing to collect some data from Pilot Schools but we are looking into the best way of doing this. • We calculate Success Rates so that comparative judgements can be made about post-16 student outcomes between all post-16 providers.  • Additionally, It is one of four elements needed for school sixth form funding allocations, and is a measure used by Ofsted to support inspection judgements and in their risk assessments for inspections.  • From 2010 it will be used by LAs to support their commissioning decisions.

  4. First Full Level 2/3 Threshold Attainment Levels • The two Threshold Attainment PIs show how every institution is contributing to the L2 and L3  at 19 PSA targets. • A full level 2 is equivalent to 5 A*-C grades at GCSE and a full level 3 is equivalent to 2 A levels at grades A-E. • A similar grading table is applied to the performance measures to derive Threshold Attainment indicator grade (out of 4) for the provider.

  5. Contextual Value Addedat Level 3 • Contextual Value Added at level 3 is the same measure that is published in the KS5 Achievement and Attainment Tables. • We need this indicator because it shows the progress a learner has made in the sixth form, based on prior attainment, compared to the national average. • Further drill down to the qualification level is available through the Learner Achievement Tracker (LAT) provided by the LSC.

  6. Discussion • What is the best way to collect achievements data from the schools involved in the pilot? • Do you experience any difficulty in supplying data to DCSF? • Do you understand the use of the data? • Do you appreciate how important it is that the data you supply is accurate and up to date?

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