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C40 São Paulo Summit: significado e possibilidades decorrentes

C40 São Paulo Summit: significado e possibilidades decorrentes Comitê Municipal de Mudança do Clima e Ecoeconomia 16 de Junho de 2011. Créditos: Clinton Climate Initiative C40 Leadership Group Grupo Executor de São Paulo. 2005 Londres 2007 Nova Iorque 2009 Seul

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C40 São Paulo Summit: significado e possibilidades decorrentes

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  1. C40 São Paulo Summit: significado e possibilidades decorrentes Comitê Municipal de Mudança do Clima e Ecoeconomia 16 de Junho de 2011

  2. Créditos: • Clinton Climate Initiative • C40 Leadership Group • Grupo Executor de São Paulo

  3. 2005 Londres 2007 Nova Iorque 2009 Seul 2011 – 31 Maio a 3 Junho São Paulo e primeira na América Latina 4ª EDIÇÃO Concluída com Êxito

  4. SECRETARIAS SMRI – Coordenação SMDU/SVMA – Temário SECOM – Divulgação SPTuris – Execução APOIO SGM, SMC, SMT, SMSP Grupo Executor C40

  5. Público Presente Total de Inscritos: 1462 (Frequência de 1154) Mulheres/Homens: 555/907 Total de estrangeiros: 451 Total de Cidades representadas: 72 cidades de 43 países Total de Prefeitos da C40: 16 Total de Prefeitos: 33 (recebemos Prefeitos da região metropolitana e interior de São Paulo que não foram contabilizados)

  6. Prefeitos: Michael Bloomberg – Nova York Eduardo Paes – Rio de Janeiro Luciano Ducci – Curitiba Frank Jensen – Copenhagen Robert Doyle – Melbourne Sadeque Khoka – Daka Fernando Echeverría – Santiago Kuma Demeksa – Addis Ababa Eberhard van der Laan – Amsterdam Outras instituições: Fundação Clinton Banco Mundial Iclei Mauricio Macri – Buenos Aires Eckart Würzner – Heidelberg Clover Moore – Sydney George Kaminis – Atenas Eva Hertzog – Basiléia Sam Adams – Portland Edward Yau – Hong Kong Vice-Prefeita: Anne Hidalgo – Paris Ex-Presidente dos EUA William J. Clinton – CCI Presidente do WB Robert Zoellick PRESENÇAS

  7. Conteúdo do C40 São Paulo Summit: • Reuniões Plenárias (4) – Autoridades convidadas e Prefeitos das Cidades-Membro da Rede C40 sobre os temas de: Investimentos, Medição de emissões, Industrias Verdes e Advocacy. • Sessões Técnicas (16)– Conjunto de Cidades que se ofereceram via Survey para apresentarem seus projetos e/ou programas em desenvolvimento • Mesas Redondas (4) – Especialistas convidados para temas relevantes que ainda não faziam parte dos temas do C40 • Reuniões de GTs (5) – Cidades-membro convidadas que integram as já existentes Sub-Redes C40 • Visitas Técnicas Agendadas

  8. Visitas Técnicas Aterro CTL e Usina Termoelétrica São João (40 pessoas) Parque Várzea do Tietê (30 pessoas) Expresso Tiradentes (60 pessoas) Heliópolis (45 pessoas)

  9. MOUs assinados Memorando de Entendimento entre a Rede C40 e o Banco Mundial sobre viabilização de suporte financeiro e técnico para projetos municipais; Memorando de Entendimento entre o ICLEI e a Rede C40, representando outros parceiros, sobre padronização métrica de inventários de emissões em cidades; As cidades de Paris e São Paulo assinaram termo aditivo ao convênio firmado em 2004. As áreas de cooperação nesse novo acordo incluem: Desenvolvimento Urbano, Cultura, Tratamento de Resíduos e Saneamento.

  10. MOU SP/NYC

  11. A Carta de São Paulo • Letter from C40 Sao Paulo Summit to Rio + 20, United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development • Statement of C40 Steering Committee on the role of cities in tackling climate change • C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) • The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) is an organization of large and engaged cities from around the world committed to implementing meaningful and sustainable climate policies and actions locally that will help address climate change globally. Cities are responsible for consuming two‐thirds of the world’s energy and generating over 70% of its greenhouse gas emissions. This concentration of population, emissions and local municipal oversight present a clear opportunity for impactful climate change policy. Cities are increasingly driving meaningful action, while national governments and international bodies are unable to have a significant impact. As cities find solutions to climate change, they are also creating sustainable jobs in the green arena. As a result, city leadership on climate change actions is critical on both local and global scales. • The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Mayors Summit (C40 Summit) • The C40 holds a biannual mayoral summit that convenes member cities to discuss the implementation of new initiatives and opportunities for further collaboration. The summit allows cities to work together on implementing meaningful climate change solutions. This cooperative approach leverages the best practices and lessons learned by cities that are taking action. In addition to C40’s member cities, over 25 other invited cities have been in Sao Paulo from May 31st to June 3rd for the C40 Summit. This meeting comes at a critical time, because as national treaties and global protocols have struggled to align to generate meaningful change, cities continue to act. •  Rio + 20 Conference on Sustainable Development • The C40 Steering Committee has drafted this Communiqué in order to highlight for the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the importance of urban strategies to adapt to climate change and mitigate the impact. The 2012 conference, which takes place in Rio de Janeiro - an active C40 city - represents an ideal opportunity to further drive the lessons from the C40 Summit and encourage the political commitment to sustainable urban development. There is a clear link between cities’ climate actions and the larger objectives of low-carbon economies, poverty eradication, and global environmental governance. The role of cities in this new institutional architecture, as defined by the UN, presents a key opportunity for collaboration. City action can serve as the catalyst for National Governments to further support climate change policies, creating a virtuous cycle. • Key Points/Elements • During the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, we ask for the following considerations: • Megacities must be recognized as having an increasingly important voice in the global climate and sustainable development debate; • National governments and international treaties should empower the leadership of their cities, to have the authority to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote green industry development; • Cities must be resourced to drive delivery on national and international targets, including: • Opportunities via Multilateral Development Banks to finance measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change and urban sustainable development; • Development of an effective agenda with well-defined goals to support city action plans to combat climate change and promote urban green growth.  • C40 looks forward to future collaboration with the Rio+20 CSD organizers, including planning and delivering an official side-event to highlight the critical role that cities must play in the global climate protection conversation; • C40 should be recognized as an official voice of the world’s megacities that are committed to real, measurable climate action. •  Acknowledged and agreed to this 2nd day of June 2011. •  For C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group For C40 Cities Mayors Summit • Michael Bloomberg Gilberto Kassab

  12. Lançada pelo Prefeito Gilberto Kassab Providencias: Incluindo todos os colaboradores na versão digital http://www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/cidade/secretarias/desenvolvimento_urbano/comite_do_clima/

  13. “Legado do C40 Sao Paulo Climate Summit” Pedido pelo Prefeito Gilberto Kassab Subsídio ao Comitê Municipal de Mudança do Clima e Ecoeconomia

  14. Próximos Passos: Iniciar a construção do Plano de ação: Identificar quais são as DIRETRIZES PRIORITÁRIAS que podem ser transformadas em PROGRAMAS e PROJETOS Tomar como base a realização do próximo PPA Identificar potenciais PROJETOS candidatos a financiamento por fontes internacionais Identificar oportunidades para parcerias com a CCI para apoio/assessoria técnica a PROJETOS Proposta de cronograma – Agosto: GTs apresentam ao Comitê as Diretrizes Prioritárias

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