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Types and Programming Languages

Types and Programming Languages. Lecture 3. Simon Gay Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow. 2006/07. Avoiding run-time errors. We will say that e  Expr is valid if whenever it reduces to a stuck expression s , s is a value.

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Types and Programming Languages

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  1. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 Simon Gay Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow 2006/07

  2. Avoiding run-time errors We will say thate  Expr is valid if whenever it reduces to a stuck expression s, s is a value. Let Valid be the set of all valid expressions: Valid  Expr. In fact, Valid  Expr. (If Valid = Expr: no problem!) The Simple Expression Language is so simple that given e  Expr we can work out whether or not e  Valid simply by reducing e until we get stuck (which is bound to happen) and then examining the stuck expression. Exercise: why doesn’t this work in real programming languages? Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  3. Avoiding run-time errors • We would like to define a set of safe expressions, Safe  Expr, • such that • given an expression e we can work out whether or note Safewithout reducinge • Safe  Valid, so that if e Safe then e is valid (has no run-time errors) • we expect that Safe  Valid but we want to make sure that the gap between Safe and Valid is not too large: if we adopt the principle of rejecting unsafe expressions, then we don’t want to reject too many valid expressions by mistake. The idea is to define a type system, and then Safe will be the set of expressions which are accepted by the typechecker. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  4. Types The idea for defining Safe is to classify the types of values: true : bool false : bool v : int if v is an integer literal and specify the operand and result types of each operator. Addition: if e : int and f : int then e+f : int as an inference rule: Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  5. stands for int or bool Types Similarly: • What about the conditional? • the condition must have type bool • we can only give a type to the whole expression if both branches have the same type The obvious rule: but what about: Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  6. (T-Eq) (T-If) Summary: type system true : bool false : bool v : int if v is an integer literal (T-Plus) (T-And) Notice that the rules are syntax directed. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  7. Typing derivations A typing derivation shows how the typing rules justify assigning a type to a particular expression. The derivation has a tree structure. Reading from the leaves to the root shows how we can build a derivation of a typed expression. Reading from the root to the leaves shows how we can check that a given typed expression is derivable, or even infer (deduce) the type (if it exists) of a given untyped expression. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  8. Type checking Example: is 2+(3==4):int derivable? To have 2+(3==4):int we need 2:int and 3==4:int by T-Plus. We have 2:int but the only possible typing for 3==4 is 3==4:bool if 3:int and 4:int (by T-Eq). So 2+(3==4):int is not derivable. Exercise: show a derivation for (1+2)+(if false then 3 else 4):int. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  9. Type inference Example: what is the type, if any, of if true then 2 else 3 ? By T-If, if we have true:bool and if, for some type T, we have 2:T and 3:T, then we have if true then 2 else 3:T . We do have true:bool; also 2:int and 3:int. So T=int. Therefore if true then 2 else 3:int. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  10. Safe expressions and valid expressions Recall that Valid is the set of expressions which never reduce to a stuck expression unless that stuck expression is a value. This is a semantic definition. The purpose of introducing the type system was to define This is a syntactic definition and we can easily check whether or not a given expression is safe. We must prove that Safe  Valid. Exercise: why shouldn’t we expect Safe = Valid ? Find a valid expression which is not safe. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  11. Proving that Safe  Valid The idea is: 1. prove that if e  Safe and ee’ then e’  Safe. 2. prove that if e  Safe and e is stuck then e is a value. Then if we start with any safe expression e and reduce it until it gets stuck: safe safe safe safe we know that every subsequent expression is safe, including the stuck expression s. Therefore s must be a value. This means that e is valid. The argument applies to any safe e, so every safe expression is valid. In other words, Safe  Valid. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  12. 1. Type preservation We need to prove that if e  Safe and ee’ then e’  Safe. In fact we prove something stronger: if e:T and ee’ then e’:T. This is called a type preservation theorem or sometimes, for historical reasons, a subject reduction theorem. Let’s try to prove the type preservation theorem by analyzing the possible forms of e, in each case looking at the possibilities for ee’, and using the fact that e:T. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  13. Type preservation 1. If e is a value then e has no reductions: nothing to prove. 2. If e is a+b then we have a+b:int, a:int and b:int. There are three possible kinds of reduction. i. a+ba’+b because aa’. Then because a:intwe would like to say that a’:int, and then a’+b:int. ii. a+ba+b’ because bb’. Then because b:intwe would like to say that b’:int, and then a+b’:int. iii. a and b are integer literals and a+bc where c is also an integer literal. Then c:int. Is this reasoning valid? Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  14. Proof by induction We are trying to prove that if e:T and ee’ then e’:T. During the proof we consider the case when e is of the form a+b. At this point we want to assume that if a:T and aa’ then a’:T, and similarly for b. This might seem to be circular reasoning - we are assuming the thing that we are trying to prove - but in fact we are doing a proof by induction, and our reasoning is sound as long as we only assume it for subexpressions of the expression under consideration. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  15. Proof by induction • In general, to prove a property P of expressions: • prove P(v) for all values v • prove P(e+f) assuming P(e) and P(f) • prove P(e&f) assuming P(e) and P(f) • prove P(e==f) assuming P(e) and P(f) • prove P(if c then e else f) assuming P(c) and P(e) and P(f) This is the induction principle for expressions. In our specific example, the property we are proving is P(e): if e:T and ee’ then e’:T. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  16. Inductive definitions and induction principles Whenever we have an inductive definition we have an induction principle. The grammar defining expressions: e ::= v | e + e | e == e | e & e | if e then e else e can be recast as an inductive definition of the set Expr: v  Expr if v is a value Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  17. More familiar induction: positive integers The set N of positive integers has the inductive definition and a corresponding induction principle. • Let P be a property of positive integers. If • P(0) is true, and • for all kN, we can prove P(k+1) by assuming P(k)then for all nN, P(n) is true. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  18. Example: proof by induction on positive integers Standard example: prove that for all nN, (this is P(n)) First prove P(0) (known as the base case): both sides are 0. Next, for a general k, prove P(k+1) assuming P(k). This is known as the induction step or the step case, and the assumption P(k) is known as the induction hypothesis. Assume P(k): Therefore: Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  19. Type preservation • Now we can prove this properly. We know what property P is. • Prove P(v) for all values v: already done • Prove P(e+f) given P(e) and P(f): we have e+f:int, e:int, f:int. There are three possible kinds of reduction. • i. e+fe’+f because ee’. By the induction hypothesis P(e), • e’:int. Therefore e’+f:int. • ii. e+fe+f’ because ff’. By the induction hypothesis P(f), • f’:int. Therefore e+f’:int. • iii. e and f are integer literals and e+fg where g is also an • integer literal. Then g:int. • Prove P(e&f) given P(e) and P(f): similar to +. • Prove P(e==f) assuming P(e) and P(f):similar to + and &. Exercise: spell out the details for & and ==. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  20. Type preservation • Prove P(if c then e else f) given P(c) and P(e) and P(f).If if c then e else f:T then c:bool, e:T, f:T. • There are three possible kinds of reduction. • i. if c then e else fif c’ then e else f because cc’. • By the induction hypothesis P(c),c’:bool. • Therefore if c’ then e else f:T. • ii. c is true and if c then e else fe. We know that e:T. • iii. c is false and if c then e else ff. We know that f:T. This completes the proof of type preservation. The theorem expresses the fact that types classify expressions according to their ultimate values: if e:T then evaluating e will eventually result in a value of type T. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  21. Safe (typable) stuck expressions are values Put another way: a typable expression can’t be stuck unless it is a value. We prove it by induction, but this time we can be less formal. Consider the syntactic forms of an expression e and assume that it is typable. For any subexpression f of e, assume that if f is stuck then f is a value (we will know that f is typable). 1. e could be an integer or boolean literal, so it is stuck but also a value. 2. e could be a+b. In this case a:int and b:int. If a  a’ then a+b  a’+b and a+b is not stuck. If a is stuck then by the induction hypothesis a is a value. If so, then if b b’ then a+b  a+b’ and a+b is not stuck. If b is also stuck then again b is a value. If so then a+b reduces to the sum of a and b, so it is not stuck. Therefore a typable expression of the form a+b is not stuck. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  22. 2. Safe (typable) stuck expressions are values 3. If e is a&b or a==b then the argument is similar to case 2. 4. If e is if c then f else g then c:bool and for some T, f:T and g:T. If c is not stuck then e is not stuck. If c is stuck then by the induction hypothesis it is a value, either true or false. So either ef or ef, and e is not stuck. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  23. What have we done? We have defined a set of expressions, Expr, and a reduction relation on Expr. Valid  Expr consists of the expressions which reduce without getting stuck. In fact, Valid  Expr. In realistic programming languages the question eValid ? is undecidable. We have used a type system to define Safe Expr , a set of safe (typable) expressions. Typechecking is easy. We have proved that Safe Valid by combining a type preservation theorem and a theorem about stuck expressions. Safe Valid is called soundness of the type system. In fact Safe  Valid. If we had Safe = Valid then the type system would be complete but this is usually not possible. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

  24. Reading Pierce: 3.3 Exercises Pierce: 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.5.5, 3.5.13, 3.5.14, 3.5.16, 3.5.17 Types and Programming Languages Lecture 3 - Simon Gay

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