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ARRA Reporting – Title I and Title X, Homeless

ARRA Reporting – Title I and Title X, Homeless. Office of Innovative Support. OIS Grants . Title I, Basic Title I, Neglected and Delinquent Homeless. Reporting under 1512. Subrecipients (Districts) will report the following to MDE: Vendor Payments Jobs Created/Retained. Terms.

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ARRA Reporting – Title I and Title X, Homeless

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  1. ARRA Reporting – Title I and Title X, Homeless Office of Innovative Support

  2. OIS Grants • Title I, Basic • Title I, Neglected and Delinquent • Homeless

  3. Reporting under 1512 • Subrecipients (Districts) will report the following to MDE: • Vendor Payments • Jobs Created/Retained

  4. Terms • Prime Recipient – MDE • Subrecipient – Districts • Vendor – a dealer, distributor, merchant, or other seller providing goods or services that are required for conduct of a Federal program. (Refer to OMB Circular A-133 M-09-21 Section 2.2) • Vendor Payment- A vendor payment, for reporting purposes, is defined as an amount that has been obligated, invoiced, paid for by the district, and reimbursed to the district by the MDE.

  5. Jobs Created and Jobs Retained • Jobs Created- “A new position created and filled, or previously existing unfilled positions that are filled, as result of Recovery Act funding.” • Jobs Retained- “Previously existing filled positions that are retained as a result of Recovery Act funding.” Reference: OMB Updated Implementing Guidance for ARRA; Section 5-2

  6. Jobs Created/Retained - District • To report jobs created/retained within the district, districts will need to provide the following information: • Employee’s SSN • Hours worked by employee

  7. Vendor Jobs Created/Retained • Recipients must consider the job impact on vendors funded with Recovery At funds. Typically, individuals who are employed by vendors in order to provide services to prime recipients or sub-recipients would be counted. • Recipients should not attempt to report on the employment impact on vendors from whom recipients are purchasing materials, equipment, or other supplies (so-called “indirect” jobs), except in those instances where the value or the quantity of the purchases is so significant as to have an identifiable employment impact on the vendor.

  8. Vendor Payments Districts will need Vendor’s DUNS number (all vendors paid with ARRA funds must have a DUNS number) or the Vendor’s 9 digit zip code. Districts will report the amount of the payment to the vendor and the description of the goods/services paid for during the quarter being reported.

  9. Contact Information Data And Reporting Sheila Thompson Title I Marcus Cheeks Homeless Tollie Thigpen

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