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By the name of ALLAH Almighty

By the name of ALLAH Almighty. “Taught man that which he knew not”. Measurement , Ranking and Rating Scales An Over View. Tahir Mahmood Lecturer Department of Statistics University of Sargodha . Scale :. Click. Measurement Scale. Rating Scales. Dichromous scale (yes, no)

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By the name of ALLAH Almighty

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  1. By the name of ALLAH Almighty “Taught man that which he knew not”

  2. Measurement , Ranking and Rating Scales An Over View TahirMahmood Lecturer Department of Statistics University of Sargodha

  3. Scale : Click Measurement Scale Rating Scales • Dichromous scale (yes, no) • Category scale • Likert scale(1,2,3----------) • Numerical scale • Semantic differential scale • Itemized rating scale • Fixed or constant sum rating scale • Stapel scale • Graphic rating scale • Consensus scale • Other scales • (multidimensional scale) • Nominal scale • Ordinal scale • Interval scale • Ratio scale Click` Ranking scales • Paired comparison • Forced choice • Comparative scales Click Click O.K P.S.M

  4. Definitions Dichotomous scale; The dichotomous scale is used to elicit a yes or no answer, as in the example Below. Note that a nominal scale is used to elicit the response. Example; do you own a car? Yes No Category scale; The category scale uses multiple items to elicit a single response as per the example. This also uses the nominal scale. Example; where in northern California do you reside? North Bay, south Bay, East Bay, Peninsula, Other Likert scale; The Likert scale is designed to examine how strongly subjects agree or disagree with statement on a 5-point scale with the following anchors: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 This is also an interval scale and differences in the response between any two points on the scale remain the same Click Click Click

  5. Semantic Differential Scale; Several bipolar attributes are identified at extremes of the scale and respondents are asked to indicate their attitude, on what may be called a semantic scale. This is treated as interval scale. Example; Responsive --------------------- Unresponsive Beautiful --------------------- Ugly Numerical scale; The numerical is similar to the semantic scale, with the difference that numbers on a 5-point or 7-points scale are provided. This is also an interval scale. Example; How please are you with your new real estate agent? extremely pleased 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 extremely displeased Itemized rating scale; A 5-point or 7-point scale with anchors, as needed, is provided for each item and the respondent states the appropriates number on the side of each item, as per the examples that follow. The response to the items are then summated. This use an interval scale. Click Click Click Example; Very unlikely unlikely Neither likely or Nor unlikely likely very likely 1 2 3 4 5

  6. Fixed or constant sum scale; the respondent are here asked to distribute a given no. Of points across various items as per the example below. This is more in the nature of Ordinal scale. Example; in choosing a toilet soap, indicate the importance you attach to each of the aspects by allotting points for each to total 100 in all. Stapel scale; this scale simultaneously measures both direction and intensity of the attitude toward the items under study. the characteristic of interest to the study is placed at the center and a numerical scale, say, from +3 to -3, on either side of the item. Since this does not has an absolute zero point, this an interval scale. Click Click

  7. Graphic Rating Scale; a graphical representation helps the respondent to indicate on this scale their answers to a particular question by placing a mark at the appropriate point on the line as in the following example. This is an ordinal scale, though the following example might appear to make it look like an interval scale Example; on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your supervisor? Excellent all right very bad 10 5 1 Consensus scale; are also developed by consensus, where a panel of judges select certain items, which in its view measure the relevant concept. Other scales; there are also some advanced scaling methods such as multidimensional Scaling, where objects, people, or both, are visually scaled, and a conjoint analysis is performed. Click Click Click Click

  8. 2-Question in a paper is: i.Trueii.False Examples: 1- An electronic switch is: i. On ii. Off 3- A specific product is: i.Goodii.Defective Click

  9. Examples: 1- Intermediate education: i. F.A ii. ICS iii. FSc 2- Tea brand : i. Lipton ii. Supreme iii. Tpal 3- Mobile : i.Nokia ii. Sumsung iii. Q Moble Click

  10. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Examples: 1. Chen one is an attractive store : 2. Chen one have an attractive price : Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Nor Disagree Agree Strongly agree 3 4 5 1 2 Click

  11. Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio Scales Provide Different Information 3 2 1 More.. Click Click

  12. Examples: Service is discourteous ……………… Service is courteous Location is convenient ……………… Location is inconvenient Hours are inconvenient ……………… Hours are convenient Loan interest rates ……………… Loan interest rates are high are low Click

  13. Examples: Service is discourteous 1…2…3…4…5…6…7 Service is courteous Location is convenient1…2…3…4…5…6…7 Location is inconvenient Hours are inconvenient 1…2…3…4…5…6…7 Hours are convenient Loan interest rates1…2…3…4…5…6…7 Loan interest rates are high are low Click

  14. In the restaurant example, the participant distributes 100 points among four categories to indicate the relative importance of each attribute:   _____ Food Quality  _____ Atmosphere  _____ Service  _____ Price 100 TOTAL Example: Click

  15. Examples Of Category (Itemized) Rating Scales 1. Balanced, forced-choice, odd-interval scale focusing on an attitude toward a specific attribute (1) How do you like the taste of Classic Coke? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Like It Like it Neither Like Dislike It Strongly Very Much Nor Dislike It Dislike It 2. Balanced, forced-choice, even-interval scale focusing on an overall attitude (2) Overall, how would you rate Ultra Brite Toothpaste? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Extremely Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Extremely Good GoodGood Bad BadBad Click

  16. Examples: Nokia : Mobile Reliability 2 -3 -2 -1 1 3 Dew : cold drink flavor 1 -3 -2 -1 2 3 Click

  17. Examples: 1- Mostly behave of friends with you : 2- Semester system satisfying you : 10 1 5 Click

  18. Example:  The decision chooses a number from one to five to signal their degree of support. These numbers signal roughly the following: 1: Yes. Let's do it.2: OK. It's good enough.3: Maybe. I have questions.4: Wait. Can we change it?5: No. Let's do something else. Click

  19. Number of Dimensions Measurement scales are either uni dimensional or  multidimensional With a one-dimensional scale , only one attribute of the participant or object is measured. One measure of an actor’s star power is his or her ability to “carry” a movie. It is a single dimension. By combining multiple dimensions into a single measure, an agent may place clients along a linear continuum of “star power.” A multidimensional scale recognizes that an object might be better described with several dimensions than on a one-dimensional continuum. The actor’s star power  variable might be better expressed by three distinct dimensions—ticket sales for last three movies, speed of attracting financial re-sources, and column-inch/amount-of-TV coverage of the last three films More.. Click Click

  20. Example: • Description - Paired comparison scales ask a respondent to pick one of two objects from a set based upon a given criterion • Example - Which brand do you prefer? ___ Coca-Cola ___ Pepsi ___ Dr. Pepper ___ Pepsi ___ Coca-Cola ___ Seven-Up ___ Dr. Pepper ___ Seven-Up Click

  21. Scaling Defined: • The term scaling refers to procedures for attempting to determine quantitative measures of subjective and sometimes abstract concepts. It is defined as a procedure for the assignment of numbers to a property of objects in order to impart some of the characteristics of numbers to the properties in question. More.. Click Click

  22. Measurement • Process of assigning numbers or labels to things in accordance with specific rules to represent quantities or qualities of attributes. • Rule: A guide, method, or command that tells a researcher what to do. • Scale: A set of symbols or numbers constructed to be assigned by a rule to the individuals (or their behaviors or attitudes) to whom the scale is applied. Click

  23. Click

  24. Primary Scales of Measurement

  25. Example: Click

  26. What sources did you use when designing your new • home? Please check all that apply. • Online planning services • Magazines • Independent contractor/builder • Designer • Architect • Other (specify:_____________) More.. Click Click

  27. Multiple-Choice, Single-Response Scale Example: • What newspaper do you read most often for financial news? • East City Gazette • West City Tribune • Regional newspaper • National newspaper • Other (specify:_____________) Click

  28. THANK YOU…

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