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THE RISE OF ISLAM. THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD Revelations At 40, heard the voice of GABRIEL the angel Told him he was a messenger of God - PROPHET . Told him he was the last of the PROPHETS . All other PROPHETS must be abandoned ISLAM - “submission to the will of Allah

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  1. THE RISE OF ISLAM • THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD • Revelations • At 40, heard the voice of GABRIEL the angel • Told him he was a messenger of God - PROPHET. • Told him he was the last of the PROPHETS. • All other PROPHETS must be abandoned • ISLAM - “submission to the will of Allah • MUSLIM- “one who has submitted” • The Hijrah • Hijrah – Muhammad’s journey from Yahtrib to MECCA– later named Medina. • The journey attracted many FOLLOWERS. • Became a political, religious and MILITARY leader. • Returning to Mecca • Muslims and Meccans battled each other • Mecca’s power as a trade center DECLINED. • Mecca’s leaders surrendered to MUHAMMAD. • He entered the city and had the call to PRAYER. • Muhammad died two years later at the age of 62.

  2. Beliefs and Practices of Islam • Only one God - MONOTHEISM • There is good and evil and each person is responsible for their life. • The Holy book of Muslims - KORAN • All will stand before Allah after death for JUDGEMENT • The Five Pillars of Islam • - belief in Allah and Muhammad is the profit of his word. • FAITH • - five times a day, at a mosque (Islamic house of worship), or wherever they find themselves. • PRAYER • - support the less fortunate • ALMS • - during the holy month of Ramadan, eat and drink nothing between dawn and sunset. • FASTING • - once in a lifetime, all Muslimsmust journey to Mecca. • PILGRIMAGE

  3. Beliefs and Practices of Islam • Believers are forbidden to eat PORK or drink wine or other intoxicating beverages. • Muhammad’s example of how to live your life is called SUNNA • To Muslims, Allah is the same God worshiped in CHRISTIANITY and Judaism. • Qur’an is same as Jewish Torah (Old Testament) and the Christian’s NEW TESTAMENT

  4. 10.2 NOTES THE SPREAD OF ISLAM • MUHAMMAD’S SUCCESSORS SPREAD ISLAM • CALIPH means “successor” or “deputy” • 4 “Rightly Guided” CALIPHS • Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali • All knew MUHAMMAD • Well-disciplined armies overwhelmed forces • Conquered peoples allowed to choose religion • Many convert to ISLAM.

  5. CONFLICT WITHIN A THE MUSLIMS Umayyad’s family- • Set up a hereditary system of succession • Moved capital to DAMASCUS, (Syria) • Muslims felt capital was moved too far from homeland • Began to surround themselves with wealth • Sunni-Shi’a Split • Those who accepted Umayyad’s rule – SUNNI • Those who did not accept Umayyad’s rule – SHI’A – (Caliph needed to be relative of Muhammad) • The SUFI pursued a life of poverty and devotion in reaction to the Umayyads. • The ABBASIDS overthrow the Umayyads

  6. MUSLIMS CONTROL THREE CONTINENTS • A member of the ABBASIDS family set up a dynasty in Spain • Abbasids consolidate power • Iraq, Iran, and centralASIA. • Moved Capital in 762 to BAGHDAD, Iraq. • Rival Groups Divide Muslim lands • Independent Muslim states sprang up. • The FATIMID Dynasty named after Muhammad’s daughter Fatima began across North Africa and spread Arabia and Syria.

  7. Muslim Trade Network • Two seas linked the Muslim Empire together, the MEDITERRANEAN and the INDIAN OCEAN • Set up a money system called Dinar • Muslim merchants set up banks in cities throughout the Empire. • Set up a check system where checks could be cashed in any bank throughout the Empire, called SAKK • Many non-Muslims adopted the Arabic language and Muslim CUSTOMS. • In Cairo, Cordoba Damascus and BAGHDAD, a cultural blending of people fueled a period of immense achievements in the arts and the sciences.

  8. LASTING EFFECTS OF ISLAM • Permanent Capital in BAGHDAD, Iraq • Four Social Classes • Upper = Born MUSLIM • 2nd Class = Converted to MUSLIM • 3rd Class = Non-Muslim, (protected people) • Included Christians and Jews • 4th Class = SLAVES

  9. LASTING EFFECTS OF ISLAM • Muslim Scholarship • The Prophet Muhammad emphasized learning and education. • Much European knowledge and studies were preserved in a library / museum in Baghdad called the House of Wisdom • Arts and Sciences • Medicine = a Persian scholar named Al-Razi was one of the leading physicians who wrote a book on the prevention of smallpox called the Treatise on Small pox and Measels • Math = Al- Khwarizimi, wrote a book on the bringing together of unknowns to match a known quantity called “AL-JABR” or ALGEBRA • Art and Archetecture = invention of beautiful handwriting called CALLIGRAPHY • The Greatest cultural blending of the Muslim world can be seen in its ARCHITECTURE • Mosques were a Blending of Roman Catholic, Byzantine, and Muslim worlds.

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