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    1. PURSUING CROSS CULTURAL MINISTRY I. Biblical Mandates & The Biblical Progression of Ethnic Inclusion II. Dynamics of Cross Cultural Ministry III. Strategies for Ministry Welcome to this presentation about Cross Cultural Ministry. This presentation is based primarily on the ministry between White Americans and African Americans but has implications for many other ethnic interactions. As you can see from the first slide the outline of the presentation begins with a discussion of a Biblical progression that describes the Lord's strategy in using the nations to accomplish His will. Then we spend some discussing some of the dynamics of cross cultural interaction, which often seem very mysterious to people. The good news is that an understanding of history, of cultural anthropology, and an understanding of people's social values can help us in relating to other kinds of people. There are skills that can be learned so that personal and ministry bridges can be built. We end the presentation with a discussion of strategizing to accomplish cross cultural understanding, relationship building, and ministry. Welcome to this presentation about Cross Cultural Ministry. This presentation is based primarily on the ministry between White Americans and African Americans but has implications for many other ethnic interactions. As you can see from the first slide the outline of the presentation begins with a discussion of a Biblical progression that describes the Lord's strategy in using the nations to accomplish His will. Then we spend some discussing some of the dynamics of cross cultural interaction, which often seem very mysterious to people. The good news is that an understanding of history, of cultural anthropology, and an understanding of people's social values can help us in relating to other kinds of people. There are skills that can be learned so that personal and ministry bridges can be built. We end the presentation with a discussion of strategizing to accomplish cross cultural understanding, relationship building, and ministry.

    2. I. BIBLICAL MANDATES & BIBLICAL PROGRESSION OF ETHNIC INCLUSION A. Realities of Being Human, Human Division, and Diversity. B. The Plan of God for Ethnic History in the Story of Grace

    3. A. Realities of Being Human, From Unity to Division to Diversity 1. Human dignity and value. The Image of God in mankind. Human and Divine unity. Genesis 1:26, Acts 17: 26 2. Sinful unity at the Tower of Babel. Genesis 11: 1-9 We being our discussing by reviewing what God has to say about how He created human beings. An essential foundation to an understanding of dealing with human beings from a Christian perspective is to understand that God created all human beings in His own image. God created human beings male and female, and that in itself is a statement of God's love for diversity while treasuring the unity. We are all human, but immediately there is distinction. God is trinity, yet He is One. Humans are created to be like Him. In the book of Acts the Apostle Paul teaches us that God has a plan for the nations, even a specific time line and geographic plan for them. Yet he also gives emphasis to the fact that we are created of one blood. This text has sometimes been used to perpetuate distinction (and division) instead of to celebrate the unity of the human race. We being our discussing by reviewing what God has to say about how He created human beings. An essential foundation to an understanding of dealing with human beings from a Christian perspective is to understand that God created all human beings in His own image. God created human beings male and female, and that in itself is a statement of God's love for diversity while treasuring the unity. We are all human, but immediately there is distinction. God is trinity, yet He is One. Humans are created to be like Him. In the book of Acts the Apostle Paul teaches us that God has a plan for the nations, even a specific time line and geographic plan for them. Yet he also gives emphasis to the fact that we are created of one blood. This text has sometimes been used to perpetuate distinction (and division) instead of to celebrate the unity of the human race.

    4. From Division back to Unity 3. God’s Judgement brings division. Genesis 11: 1-9 The Tower of Babel. 4. God’s use of one man to become one nation, to bless all nations. Genesis 12:1-3. Abraham becomes Israel and Jesus comes to bless us all. It is interesting to note that the chapter in which God divides the nations, Ch. 11 of Genesis is followed immediately by God's remedy for the division of the nations. In Ch. 12 the Lord calls Abram, the man through whom all the nations of the earth will be blessed. The dividing of the nations comes about because of the great danger that exists when the human race is united in it's pride. God speaks to this in amazing terms when he says that nothing will be impossible for Mankind if they stay together. Human unity based on human rebellion produces significant power, but ends in disaster as people make themselves God, and this idolatry can only end in judgement. God divides through the use of language, which of course particularized culture. Yet, it is God's intent to bring people together but only after they have been redeemed, and only after they are humbly responsive to Him. It is interesting to note that the chapter in which God divides the nations, Ch. 11 of Genesis is followed immediately by God's remedy for the division of the nations. In Ch. 12 the Lord calls Abram, the man through whom all the nations of the earth will be blessed. The dividing of the nations comes about because of the great danger that exists when the human race is united in it's pride. God speaks to this in amazing terms when he says that nothing will be impossible for Mankind if they stay together. Human unity based on human rebellion produces significant power, but ends in disaster as people make themselves God, and this idolatry can only end in judgement. God divides through the use of language, which of course particularized culture. Yet, it is God's intent to bring people together but only after they have been redeemed, and only after they are humbly responsive to Him.

    5. B. THE PLAN OF GOD FOR ETHNIC HISTORY IN THE STORY OF GRACE It’s not an accident that we have the nations, although sometimes it looks like a disaster. One of the great problems in the world is ethnic division. It would be hard to find anything that has caused more sorrow to the world than this fact. Ethnocentrism, racism, nationalism, imperialism, tribalism have caused one blood bath after another. Segregation, apartheid, the caste system, slavery based on race, all of these are heinous in their affects on people. Yet God has a purpose and uses the results of the Fall of man, which has created this dilemna, and uses the continuing rebellion of man, which is manifested in his self-pride and hatred of others, to accomplish His will. One of the great problems in the world is ethnic division. It would be hard to find anything that has caused more sorrow to the world than this fact. Ethnocentrism, racism, nationalism, imperialism, tribalism have caused one blood bath after another. Segregation, apartheid, the caste system, slavery based on race, all of these are heinous in their affects on people. Yet God has a purpose and uses the results of the Fall of man, which has created this dilemna, and uses the continuing rebellion of man, which is manifested in his self-pride and hatred of others, to accomplish His will.

    6. The Plan of God Uses the Nations 1. Ethnocentrism as seen in the Prophet Jonah. 2. God’s principles of Oneness, John 17 3. Reconciliation through the Cross, Ephesians 2: 14-18 4. Holy Spirit Unity, Galatians 3:26-29 Jonah is the story of the racist prophet, who does not like the idea that God would forgive Jonah's ethnic enemies. He certainly had a just complaint against the Assyrians, looking at it from a human point of view. That is not good enough for God, He wants us to look at people, even our ethnic enemies, from his point of view. That is a view of compassion, of a standard of justice, but a readiness to have mercy and forgive when there is repentance. It is the prayer of the Lord Jesus that we might be one, even as He and the Father are one. Someone has mentioned that if Jesus had to pray for this for His church, then certainly we should understand that it doesn't happen automatically, and we ought to pray for it, and work for it, too. These passages show us the plan of God, the goal of God, the desire of God for the nations. Ephesians shows us how God has made it possible for there to be reconciliation. That passage specifically teaches us how God broke down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile. It is the foundation of unity between all ethnic groups. It is the pattern of one group having the truth, and another group shut out and not having it. The blood of Jesus is our peace, He ends our hostility, and He brings the foreigners into the house. This unity is stated clearly in Galatians where we are told that we are one in Christ Jesus. His Holy Spirit is in all believers and all distinctions that could lead to exclusion disappear. Hallelujah! Jonah is the story of the racist prophet, who does not like the idea that God would forgive Jonah's ethnic enemies. He certainly had a just complaint against the Assyrians, looking at it from a human point of view. That is not good enough for God, He wants us to look at people, even our ethnic enemies, from his point of view. That is a view of compassion, of a standard of justice, but a readiness to have mercy and forgive when there is repentance. It is the prayer of the Lord Jesus that we might be one, even as He and the Father are one. Someone has mentioned that if Jesus had to pray for this for His church, then certainly we should understand that it doesn't happen automatically, and we ought to pray for it, and work for it, too. These passages show us the plan of God, the goal of God, the desire of God for the nations. Ephesians shows us how God has made it possible for there to be reconciliation. That passage specifically teaches us how God broke down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile. It is the foundation of unity between all ethnic groups. It is the pattern of one group having the truth, and another group shut out and not having it. The blood of Jesus is our peace, He ends our hostility, and He brings the foreigners into the house. This unity is stated clearly in Galatians where we are told that we are one in Christ Jesus. His Holy Spirit is in all believers and all distinctions that could lead to exclusion disappear. Hallelujah!

    7. Ethnicity/The Nations 5. Affirmation of ethnic identity, Galatians 2:3, 3:14 6. Cultures confronted, liberated, Titus 1:12 7. The Gospel speaks into a person’s language and culture, Acts 2:1-11.

    8. The Price, the Process, and the Prize 8. The intense commitment of the Church to reach different cultures. I Corinthians 9: 19-23 9. The Vision, the Goal, the Consummation of the mission to the Nations. From Matthew 28:16 to Revelation 7: 9-10

    9. II. DYNAMICS OF CROSS CULTURAL MINISTRY Some things have happened, some things seem to keep happening, some things need to change.

    10. Dynamics of Cross Cultural Ministry A. Facing the Issues of Racism B. Does Race and Ethnicity Matter? C. Barriers to Crossing Cultures D. Developing a Mission Motive E. Developing a Love Motive F. Developing an Ideological Commitment with a Theological Foundation

    11. A. RACISM 1. History 2. Results 3. The Present

    12. B. Does Race and Ethnicity Matter? “I don’t see color!” What does God see? What do you see now?

    13. C. Barriers to Crossing Cultures 1. Superiority, ethnocentrism - hatred 2. Reactions to injustice - hatred, self-hatred 3. Fear and protection 4. Ignorance 5. Lack of Skills Paying attention Communication Problem solving 6. Values Conflict 7. Socio-economic and class conflicts.

    14. Values in Conflict Rural - Southern: vrs. Urban -Northern: Non-confrontational Confrontational Indirect -consensus Direct -by law. Middle Class: vrs. Poor: Delayed gratification Instant gratification Planning -saving Survival Orientation

    15. Values in Contrast Western View of Time on time, schedules, living by the clock. Family Values-immediate. Literary-if it’s in writing it’s important. Fast Food Music in the mind Non-Western View of time, relationship oriented. Family Values-extended. Verbal interaction, Meal as celebration Music in the body

    16. Building the Bridges D. Developing a Mission Motive E. Developing a Love Motive

    17. F. Ideological Commitment with a Theological Foundation Intentionality:

    18. INTENTIONALITY Knowing what is wrong Knowing what needs to be done Knowing the right thing to do Knowing how to do it the right way Determination to do it. Just DOING IT Knowing how it is doing-evaluation.

    19. III. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Steps Toward Diversity For the Preservation of Unity

    20. Steps Toward Diversity A. Personal and Interpersonal Strategies B. Church Strategies C. Continuous interaction and learning.

    21. A. Personal and Interpersonal Strategies Prayer Demystification Identify Skills Social interaction, make friends on purpose. Learn about culture, others, and your own

    22. STRATEGIES Pursue Experiences Watch for bridges Make commitments Develop patterns of inclusion Be an advocate of change/in humility Prayer -shock and apathy proofing.

    23. B. CHURCH STRATEGIES 1. Worship -always for God, Word Based. Truth, integrity, styles, emotion, momentum, involves, communicates, strives for excellence. Remember Culture . Make A Plan...

    24. How Will We Reach Them? 2. Outreach -welcoming everyone, but pursuing a target. Evangelism: methods, Match to culture programming, life-style, intentional.

    25. How Will “They” Become “Us?” 3. Leadership Development- Everyone matures. Targeting, customizing, providing a process, producing.

    26. C. Continuous Interaction and Learning Celebrate the Nations. Resist fatigue through engaging curiosity. Be self aware of the offense of your own culture.

    27. Use Resources -Help is Near! PCA-MNA, AACM, New City Churches CCDA Local Ethnic churches Books, Videos, Tapes Your Own People The Word of God The Holy Spirit

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