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PHONICS for Reading Anita Archer, James Lapp, Diane Flood, Linda Lungren

PHONICS for Reading Anita Archer, James Lapp, Diane Flood, Linda Lungren. Objectives. Identify the purpose and unique characteristics of Phonics for Reading Understand how to get started with Phonics for Reading Identify features of the lessons

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PHONICS for Reading Anita Archer, James Lapp, Diane Flood, Linda Lungren

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  1. PHONICS for ReadingAnita Archer, James Lapp, Diane Flood, Linda Lungren

  2. Objectives • Identify the purpose and unique characteristics of Phonics for Reading • Understand how to get started with Phonics for Reading • Identify features of the lessons • Locate helpful resources for monitoring progress Note: Images in this presentation are from American version. Actual books have been versioned for Australia.

  3. The Phonics for Reading Series • The Phonics for Readingseries is a systematic, research-based program. • The program provides explicit instruction in phonics, as well as phonemic awareness, fluency and comprehension. • Phonics for Reading is carefully sequencedto guide and build students’ learning. • Each of the 3 levels features consistentroutines, repeated practice andimmediate corrective feedback.

  4. First Level • focuses on: • short vowels • double consonants • consonant blends • consonant digraphs • Second Level • progresses with: • long vowels • vowel combinations • CVCe words • word endings • r-controlled vowel sounds • Third Level • expands concepts with: • letter/vowel combinations • prefixes and suffixes • minor sounds of c and g • minor sounds of vowel combinations

  5. Use Phonics for Reading with Students … • in years three to six who have not yet mastered the decoding skills taught in the primary years • in the upper year levels who have significant decoding challenges • in adult-education classes who are new to learning English • in years one and two who would benefit from systematic decoding instruction

  6. Created with the Older Student in Mind • The typeface used is small, avoiding the stigma of large print. • Illustrations include older children and adults. • In addition to one-syllable words, students read multi-syllable words, enhancing decoding competency. • Independent practice activitiesrequire reading words in context.

  7. Research Base • Phonics for Reading reflects the findings of several major documents on reading: • Becoming a Nation of Readers • Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children • The U.S. National Reading Panel Report • Phonics for Reading lessons are informed by additional research in: • beginning reading • reading intervention for older, struggling readers • explicit instruction • literacy and cultural diversity • The Florida Center for Reading Research review noted no weakness in the program.

  8. 1. Place students in the right level • A Placement Test is provided at the back of each Teacher Guide. • The test consists of numerous subtests. • If students receive at least 80% accuracy, continue to next subtest until student scores below 80%. • That subtest will determine placement in the series.

  9. How to do the Placement Test • Make a copy of the Student Form and the Recording Form for each student taking the Placement Test. Begin with Subtest A. If you anticipate the student could be placed at a more advanced level, begin with a higher subtest. • Ask the student to read aloud the words in each line of the subtest. If the student makes four consecutive errors, stop the test and have the student read a lower subtest. If the student takes more than five seconds to read a word, direct the student to read the next word. If the student correctly reads the required number of word parts for the subtest (80% correct), have the student read the words on the next subtest. • Stop the test at the point at which the student does not meet the 80% criteria. Remember that multi-syllable words are given one point for each decodable word part. For example, the word provide equals two points. • Based on the results of the Placement Test, you may choose to place a student at the beginning of a level or at an intermediate point within the level. • The data collected for each student can be recorded on a copy of the Individual Student Record. All student data can be summarised on a copy of the Group Record for the purpose of forming instructional groups. • These directions are also found in the Teacher Guides.

  10. 2. Group students for instruction • Phonics for Reading is designed for small-group instruction of up to 10 students working at the same skill level. • The program may be used for one-on-one instruction. • Individual instruction can be provided by a paraprofessional or tutor, following training on implementation.

  11. 3. Teach lessons using scripted text • The Phonics for Reading lessons are teacher-directed. • A focus word is presented, then the sound for a letter or letter combination is introduced. • Letter or letter combination is presented in words. • Root words and word endings introduced • Words containing recently taught letter-sound associations and word endings appear in decodable text. • Students complete independent practice activities.

  12. 4. Monitor students’ progress • Work Check: students self-correct their independent practice activities • Checking Up: teacher listens to students read part of a passage and counts word-reading errors • One-minute fluency checks: fluency chart available for checks in Levels One and Two • Placement Test: may be used as post test after a level and at the end of the year

  13. A Lesson Overview of the Teacher Guide In some lessons, a Blending Sounds activity is introduced, in which the teacher pronounces the separate sounds – without stopping – within a word, and then students say the whole word. In later lessons a Segmenting Words into Sounds activity replaces the Blending Sounds. Lesson Objectives contain goals for introducing or practising specific sounds. 1 4 2 The New Sounds activity has students repeat key words and focus sounds after you pronounce them. The Sound Drill is an oral, teacher directed letter-sound correspondence activity only in the Teacher Guide. Care should be taken not to distort sounds. Continuous sounds should be held for one second. 5 New Words are introduced in each lesson. Students will say the sound for the underlined letters, and read the words in sentences. 3

  14. Multi-syllable words are presented in each lesson as Challenge Words. Reading multi-syllable words is included to enhance students’ transfer of decoding skills to longer words and to increase student motivation. Students sound out each word part, say each word part, then introduce the whole word. Each lesson also includes a list of Review Words taught in previous lessons. Students read a line of words to themselves and then read the words aloud. 8 6 Lessons also introduce Word Endings. Students will sound out and say the underlined root word, then say the whole word after the teacher has pronounced it. Then the Teacher reads the word in a sentence and students say the word again. If students mispronounce sounds or words during lessons, correct the error immediately. 7

  15. 11 9 High frequency words are introduced as Sight Words. Since students must memorise these, it is important they be certain of all the words before moving on to the next activity. A spelling activity is also included in each lesson. Students will self-correct their spelling against a visual model you will display. Decodable text, in the form of a narrative or expository passage is included in each lesson. After parts of the story have been read, students demonstrate their comprehension. 10

  16. Practice activities are presented in each lesson and are meant for students to complete independently. Introduce each activity to the students and monitor the first item to ensure that students understand the directions and can complete the activity without assistance. 12 Word Check should be done as a group immediately following the practice activities. If time is limited, the correct answers may be read to students, or students may correct their own work. 13 12 In Checking Up, students read a part from the story as you count and record the number of word reading errors. 14

  17. Example of the Teacher Guide Answer Key

  18. Lesson Overview of the Student Book First is the New Sound activity, in which a focus sound is introduced. 1 2 In New Words, one-syllable words are introduced and the words are read in sentences, immediately putting them into context for students. In Review Words, one-syllable words that contain previously taught word parts are presented to maintain and reinforce student’s decoding skills. 3 Word Endings are introduced. Some root words contain altered spellings when the endings are added. 4

  19. In Challenge Words, multi-syllable words that include known letter-sound correspondences and configuration patterns are introduced. Each word is divided into pronounceable units referred to as ‘word parts’. 5 High-frequency Sight Words are also introduced and practised. These include irregular words that are not spelled as they sound, as well as words that can be decoded but contain elements that have not yet been introduced to students. High frequency words are grouped by pattern when possible. 6 7 Sentences and Stories are presented for students to decode and comprehend. Decodable text is useful in beginning reading for developing automaticity and fluency.

  20. Spelling has been included in the lessons because learning to read and spell rely on much of the same underlying knowledge, such as letter-sound associations, affixes and word patterns. 8 Practice Activities are presented for students to complete independently. The types of activities vary from lesson to lesson but each type remains consistent in its format. The desired outcome of all reading instruction is that students can read passages, constructing meaning as they proceed and extracting the gist of the passage. 9

  21. A second Independent Practice activity is presented. 9 Then students self-correct their practice activities and record the total number of correct answers in the box labelled 10. Receiving feedback on their answers is more helpful than examining other student’s work. 10 11 In every few lessons there is a Checking Up activity, where students read a part from a story as the teacher counts and records the number of word-reading errors. 10

  22. Resources at the back of Teacher Guides

  23. Resources at the back of Teacher Guides

  24. Resources at the back of Teacher Guides In the second and third levels, at any point in the program, you can assess students’ fluency (the number of correct words read in one minute) by using the passages in the Student Book. The cumulative number of words is listed to the left of each line in the story. (Chart on Page 190 of TG Second Level) At both levels students should correctly read 100 words in 1 minute. See the fluency section (p. 15 TG Second Level) of the Introduction to Phonics for Reading in the Teacher Guides for additional fluency building activities.

  25. Resources at the back of Teacher Guides At the back of each Teacher Guide is a Scope and Sequence Chart for that level. The chart shows the skill taught in each lesson of the level.

  26. Resources at the back of Teacher Guides The Teacher Guides also provide games for additional word practice. These games are fun for students and require no extra preparation on your part! Students may use the words from the lesson activities or from the Word Lists in their books.

  27. Additional Resources These additional series each have three levels: • QUICK-WORD offers word practice in the context of sentences. • QUICK-WRITE helps teach the different forms of writing, provides writing ideas and lists of essential words, teaches grammar, etc. • QUICK-SPELL are reference guides. Visit www.hbe.com.au for more details

  28. Thank You! For further support please contact: Hawker Brownlow Education +613 8558 2444 orders@hbe.com.au

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