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Right-skilling for tomorrow’s workforce

Right-skilling for tomorrow’s workforce. ACCC, Edmonton June 5, 2011. Trends: Skills Shortages. Several interesting trends in the labour market in Canada. Some examples of skills shortages: Trucking: 37,000 a year over the next 5 years

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Right-skilling for tomorrow’s workforce

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  1. Right-skilling for tomorrow’s workforce ACCC, Edmonton June 5, 2011

  2. Trends: Skills Shortages • Several interesting trends in the labour market in Canada. • Some examples of skills shortages: • Trucking: 37,000 a year over the next 5 years • Construction: 150,000 retiring workers 2005 - 2014 • Tourism: 300,000 new jobs over the next decade • Mining: about 81,000 needed in the next decade • ICT: 106,000 in the next 5 years • Supply Chain: annual shortage of 86,000 employees

  3. Jobs of tomorrow • Various estimates suggest 60 to 75% of the jobs that today's kindergartners will hold, do not yet exist. • And other estimates suggest upward of 65% to 81% of jobs of the future in Canada will require post-secondary education

  4. Workplace training • Workplace training not big in Canada 30 percent of adult workers in Canada participate in job-related education and training; compares with 35 percent in UK and 45 percent in US. Under 25% is employer funded. (However, a small but growing group of people take courses with no employer support. The participation rate of that group increased from 4% to 10%.)

  5. The ageing workforce: Retirements • With an aging workforce in Canada, the majority of future job openings will be the result of retirements. • About 70% of all job openings during the 2006-15 period will be to replace retired workers (3.8 million out of 5.5 million), up from an average of about 51% over the previous ten years.

  6. What do we need to do? • One of the solutions is to “right-skill” our current and future workforce the best we can. That means: • Have employers better articulate their demand. • Have training and education better respond to the needs (supply).

  7. Sector Council Overview Sector Councils are tasked with implementing industry-driven labour market solutions in key sectors of the economy; “the voice of industry on skills development issues” • Some 35 sector councils cover over 50% of Canada’s workforce • First ones began in late 1980s • Reaching close to 50% of labour market • Public & private funding support • Growing expectations

  8. Sector Councils & PSE(some examples) • ECO Canada: developed curriculum that are taught at 26 colleges and 33 universities • FITTskills: international business program offered on over 60 colleges, universities and other organizations • Trucking council’s tools and standards used in Canada and now in development for Europe • Culture: marketing music and rights mgt. ready for teaching • Electricity: program focused on Aboriginal job readiness

  9. The Alliance of Sector Councils (TASC) • Works to share best practices and develop expertise on the key labour market issues • Priority areas: • Standards and certification • Workplace learning • Labour market information • Liaison with education (secondary and PSE) • Career promotion • Immigration and foreign credential recognition • Aboriginal engagement

  10. Gateway to Careers website Online career information in 12 languages www.councils.org/careers

  11. A Growing InternationalMovement • Sector Councils currently exist in 6 countries: Canada, South Africa, the U.K., the Netherlands, Australia, and New Zealand • Sector Councils being considered in: European Union, Latin America, India, Pakistan • International Network of Sector Skills Organizations, shares best practices in skills development (www.insso.org)

  12. Thank you! Merci! Andrew Cardozo Executive Director / Directeur généralThe Alliance of Sector Councils - L'Alliance des conseils sectoriels acardozo@councils.org www.councils.org

  13. Partnerships with Learning Systems Providers • Affinity Groups • Compendium • National Accreditation Program • Research • Graduate Placement

  14. National Occupation Standards

  15. Compendium

  16. National Accreditation Program Info on the National Accreditation Program (NAP), which has been developed to recognize supply chain-related educational offerings that meet the Council’s national standard. The NAP standard reflects industry's needs and educators' best practices. • Important for HR people to understand the notion of standards and Council’s role in developing industry-wide excellence in training and education • Companies can register on line for the program • Site links to accredited programs and courses, dates, locations

  17. Career Focus Program Wage-subsidy program that helps employers hire new employees in supply chain roles. Employees must be post-secondary graduates, of university, college, association or private-sector programs, and aged 30 or under.

  18. 2011 Sector Study • The study will include the following measures: • Survey of employers; • Survey of employees; • Survey of training providers; • In-depth interviews with key stakeholders; and • Focus groups with employers.

  19. 2011 Sector Study • We anticipate the following outcomes: • Identification of New HR Issues; • Validation of Labour Market Components; • Development of Forecasting Model; • Strategic Direction for the Council; and • Shared Information for All Stakeholders.

  20. Contact Information Kevin A. Maynard, CAE Executive Director 1100 Central Parkway West, Suite 17-1 Mississauga, ON L5C 4E5 t. 905-897-6700/1-866-616-5948 f. 905-897-1100 c. 416-616-5948 www.supplychaincanada.org kmaynard@supplychaincanada.org

  21. ICTC’sLabour Market Information (LMI)Program June 2011 Version1..0

  22. Agenda • ICTC • ICTC’s LMI Strategy • Body of Work • Current Project Details • Where to Start? www.ictc-ctic.ca

  23. ICTC Overview • ICTC is dedicated to ensuring Canada’s ICT sector is made up of a prepared, diverse and highly educated workforce. We achieve our goals through a five pillar approach: • Standards • Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) • Career Pathways • Immigration Initiatives • Partnership www.ictc-ctic.ca

  24. Why Labour Market Intelligence (LMI)? • ICTC board must base labour market interventions on the most recent and detailed LMI available. • Industry Advisory Committee informs the Board with feet on the ground • Effective strategic human resource planning for the Canadian ICT industry will improve with the use of LMI. • LMI is the number one requested topic or product of ICTC. “…Canada needs efficient labour markets to create a workforce that will be highly skilled and flexible enough to meet the daunting economic challenges…efficient labour markets require good information”. Don Drummond, FLMM Working Group Report on LMI, 2009 www.ictc-ctic.ca

  25. LMI at ICTC - History 2001-2002 Strategy to establish ICTC (SHRC) as the Source for ICT (IT) LMI in Canada: Stage 1: Provide Data to all stakeholders, Stage 2: Use data and develop Trendinformation to gauge the changes in the ICT labour market, Stage 3: Provide Analysisof LMI that establishes ICTC as the thought leader in LMI in Canada. www.ictc-ctic.ca

  26. ICTC’s LMI Offering www.ictc-ctic.ca

  27. ICT Outlook – 2006-2007 • First Forecast for ICT Occupations • Report Examined: • Trends in IT Employment • Demand Drivers • Outlook for the Demand Drivers • Implications for the IT Labour Market • Lead to Analytical Framework – Outlook 2008-2015 www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Forecast

  28. Outlook 2008-2015 Human Resources in the Information and Communication Technology Labour Market www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Forecast

  29. Outlook 2011-2016 Human Resources in the Information and Communication Technology Labour Market www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Forecast

  30. Outlook 2011-2016 www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Forecast

  31. Labour Force Survey • Monthly Household Survey (55,000) by StatsCan • ICTC gets 21 Jobs Recoded (1 Month Delay) • 9+ year data set • Report at “All Occupations” Level • 3 Month Rolling Average www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Trends

  32. Labour Force Survey (LFS)Annual Analysis 2003-11 • 21 Occupations to 6 Groups • (Managers, Engineers, Analysts, Programmers, Technicians, Other IT) • Analysis of Year-over-Year and Year-over-Series Trends • Provides a Profile of the Occupation Groups www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Trends

  33. Salary Survey Skills HR Practices www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Trends

  34. Post Secondary Enrolments www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Trends

  35. Diversity Offshoring Legacy Applications Trends www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Trends

  36. Sub-Sector Studies Wireless Digital Media eHealth LMI>Sub-Sectors www.ictc-ctic.ca

  37. National Survey of IT Occupations – 2002-03 • 1st National Study with HRSDC and StatsCan • Based on the ICTC (SHRC) Occupations • 35,000 Employees, 25,000 Employers • Public and Private Employers • Detailed Results – ethnicity, education, training, • remuneration, retention, tenure, skills, entry job, • etc. • Authored by Morley Gunderson and Francois • Vaillancourt • 1st Evidence-Based Research by ICTC (SHRC) www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Historical

  38. Census Research - 1961-2001 • Most detailed Occupational Analysis Available • Based on the National Occupation Classification • Codes (NOC) • Tracked Changes from 1961 to 2001 to Codes • 1 Overall Report and 10 Provincial Profiles • Detailed Info about Occupations (Age, Gender, • Geography, Schooling, etc) • Provincial Report: • Size, Evolution, and Location of IT Labour Market • Province in Relation to Canada www.ictc-ctic.ca LMI>Historical

  39. Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) • Goal: Engage industry to determine what technologies and labour market trends are currently being experienced, and what’s on the horizon • Use the “Micro” trends to determine the “Macro” needs – indentify – prioritize - strategize • Guide Research Activities and Review/Validate Report Findings • Advise and Participate in Messaging and Reaching the Audience • Provide guidance to ICTC on what should be done next LMI>Advisory www.ictc-ctic.ca

  40. National Occupational Standards and Codes • ICTC (SHRC) Critical to NOC revisions for 2001 • HRSDC (StatsCan) uses our Competency Profiles • to inform the National Standards • NOC are the Link to Critical Programs (EI, Training, • Immigration, etc.) • Critical to Influence the System and Collect Data • through the most extensive source • Consultations for the 2011 Census Update www.ictc-ctic.ca Systemic Change

  41. Thought Leadership Expert Panel Issues and Options – 2005 Digital Literacy Digital Economy Strategy Submission Jobs 2.0 - 2007 www.ictc-ctic.ca Systemic Change

  42. Outlook 2011-2016 • Canada’s ICT sector will face alarming skills and labour shortages over the next five years – 106,000 hires by 2016 • (~ 17,700 annually) 2. ICT jobs are fundamentally and profoundly changing. 3. All ICT sector stakeholders are poised and ready for action. Outlook 2011-2016 Report - www.ictc-ctic.ca/Outlook_2011/index_en.html Systemic Change www.ictc-ctic.ca

  43. Levers of Change – 2011-2016 Lever 1: Stimulating post-secondary enrolment Lever 2: Integrating Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) Lever 3: Shifting to integrated, cross-discipline post-secondary programs with practicum components and professional development opportunities Lever 4: Encouraging industry investment in the skills it needs Lever 5: Embracing diversity and inclusion Systemic Change

  44. Current LMI Project (2009 to 2012) Industry Advisory Committee Labour Force Survey (LFS) Quarterly and Annual Reports 3 ICT Sub-Sector Studies 2006 Census Update Qualitative Research Project Outlook 2010-2015 Update Communications www.ictc-ctic.ca

  45. Where to Start? • Establish the Fundamentals – Occupations and Industry Definitions • Invest in the Development of an Analytical Framework • Capture the Current State of the Labour Market • Establish Partnerships between Industry/Educators/Governments • Revise and Refresh for Relevance! www.ictc-ctic.ca

  46. Thank You Questions? E-mail: n.mcdevitt@ictc-ctic.ca www.ictc-ctic.ca

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