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Training Programme on Procurement for End Recipients

Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Operasyonel Programı’nın Uygulanması için Kurumsal Kapasitenin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Teknik Yardım Technical Assistance on Institutional Building for the Implementation of RCOP in Turkey . Training Programme on Procurement for End Recipients. Trainer: Aslı Gülgör

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Training Programme on Procurement for End Recipients

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  1. Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Operasyonel Programı’nın Uygulanması için Kurumsal Kapasitenin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Teknik Yardım Technical Assistance on Institutional Building for the Implementation of RCOP in Turkey Training Programme on Procurement for End Recipients Trainer: Aslı Gülgör Procurement of Contract Management Non Key Expert

  2. IPA system/structure Where to start ?

  3. Overall EU Strategic framework EU 2020 strategy (follow up Lisbon Agenda ) • to alleviate poverty • to increase competitiveness, innovation and R&D • to create more and better jobs (knowledge economy) • to stimulate resources efficiency (sustainability) Specific targets for 2020: • 75 % of the population aged 20-64 in EU should be employed • 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D • share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree

  4. Content EU Cohesion Policies Instrument for Pre Accession (IPA) in Turkey

  5. EU Cohesion Policy: objectives 1. Improve cohesion: decrease economic and social disparities in EU 2. Increase competitiveness and environmental sustainability 3. Facilitate integration of member states

  6. Background: disparities in EU

  7. IPA Instrument for pre-accession

  8. Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)Assistance for candidate and potential candidate countries for EU membership • Replaces: Phare, ISPA, CARDS, SAPARD, Pre-Acession Fund for Turkey • IPA aims to support candidate countries: • In policy development in the cohesion policy areas and transitional and institutional building • In preparing countries to effectively implement and manage the Community’s CohesionPolicy (Structural Funds) • Prepare the candidate countries for the programming, implementation and management of EU Cohesion Policies

  9. IPA Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance New generation pre-accession instrument – simplified: replaces 5 former pre-accession instruments – flexible: tailor made assistance for progressive alignment with standards and policies of the EU Legal Basis • IPA Council Regulation (No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006) established IPA • IPA Commission Implementing Regulation (No 718/2007 of 12 June 2007) spells in detail the implementation process

  10. Scope of IPA Western Balkans and Turkey – in other words Potential candidates: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR1244/99 Candidates: Croatia, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Lifetime: 2007 – 2013 Budget: 11.5 billion euro 5 Components that replace 5 Instruments: Phare, CARDS, ISPA, Sapard and Turkey pre-accession assistance

  11. Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) • Assistance for candidate and potential candidate countries for EU membership • IPA aims to support candidate countries: • In policy development in the cohesion policy areas and transitional and institutional building • In preparing countries to effectively implement and manage the Community’s CohesionPolicy (Structural Funds) • Prepare the candidate countries for the programming, implementation and management of EU Cohesion Policies • 3 IPA Regulations: Establishment of IPA, IPA impl. Regulation and amending regulation (see website DG Enlargement: www.ec.europa.eu/enlargement/index_en.htm )

  12. IPA Pre-Accession Assistance 2007-2012 under Multi-annual Institutional Financial Framework

  13. Key Principles of IPA • Managing structures should anticipate future management bodies under the Structural and Cohesion Funds • Structures should be set up at national level • Implementation of multi-annual programmes • Shift towards decentralized management (from DIS to EDIS accreditation); similar to shared management under cohesion instruments • Wide eligibility scope, closer to cohesion instruments • but: it is a pre-accession instrument

  14. Co-financing under IPA • EU max 85% contribution in eligible costs • Other costs: national funds or other co-financing sources (local, private, NGOs) • In case of private sector investments • EU contribution lower than 85% • Specific rules for EU co-financing rate in case of state aid or net revenues

  15. IPA in Turkey: current situation • SCF and OPs approved by European Commission • Turkey’s IPA Framework Agreement December 2008 • Signed financing agreements for all programmes (2009) • Technical assistance on IPA started • Project pipeline development in progress • First projects in implementation • Procurement and contracting to be shifted from CFCU to IPA centers for Comp. 3-5 in 2012

  16. Programming IPA: Scope • Components of IPA: • I Transition Assistance and Institution Building; • II Cross-Border Cooperation; • III Regional Development; • IV Human Resources Development; • V Rural Development (IPARD)

  17. Operational Programmes for IPA Turkey • Component Cross-Border: • - Regional cross border programmes BG-TK, Greece TK • Comp. Regional Development: • - OP Regional Competitiveness • - OP Environment • - OP Transport • Comp. HR: • - OP Human Resource Development • Comp. Rural Development: • - Rural Development Plan

  18. Operational Programmes for IPA Turkey • Component Cross-Border: • - Regional cross border programmes BG-TK, Greece-TK • Comp. Regional Development: • - OP Regional Competitiveness • - OP Environment • - OP Transport • Comp. HR: • - OP Human Resource Development • Comp. Rural Development: • - Rural Development Plan

  19. Component I:Institutional Building Beneficiaries: Public bodies and NGOs to finance capacity and institutional building Forms of assistance are e.g. : – Twinning, Twinning light, TAIEX – Investments in the regulatory infrastructure to support alignmentwith the EU norms and standards – Grant schemes (in Turkey: civil society, communications; see EU Delegation website) – Implementation of finance facilities in co-operation with IFIs

  20. Component II: Cross-Border Cooperation • Beneficiaries: Public bodies, NGOs • Scope: • Transnational cooperation (Bulgaria, Greece) • Interregional cooperation • Investment and institutional building • Eligibility of actions: ERDF Regulation Article 21 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006

  21. Component III: Regional Development • Scope of actions consistent with eligibility Cohesion Fund and ERDF regulations • Transport infrastructure:TEN-T rail and roads and connecting infra, sustainable and urban transport, multi-modal programmes, maritime, communication • Environment projects: waste management, drinking water, waste water, air quality, nature preservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable urban transport projects • Regional Competitiveness: regional infrastructure, tourism, industrial parks, innovation and SME development, urban development, health and social facilities

  22. OP Transport Priorities • 1. Improvement of railway infrastructure in TEN-T Corridors • - High speed rail Istanbul-Bulgaria, Ankara-Konya • - Upgrading and electrification of railways • 2. Upgrading port infrastructure • - Fylios, Mersin, Çandarlı, Blacksea ports • 3. Technical assistance • - Project preparation, capacity building

  23. OP Environment Priorities • 1. Improved water supply, sewerage and waste • water treatment services • - Waste water treatment Erzurum, Kırşehir, etc. • 2. Improved integrated solid waste management • - Solid waste Balıkesir, Kayseri, Çorum, Konya, etc. • 3. Technical assistance • - Project pipeline preparation, feasibility, etc.

  24. OP Regional Competitiveness Priorities • Central and Eastern Nuts 2 Regions in Turkey are eligible!! • 1 Improvement of Business Environment • Business infrastructure, financing instruments, • tourism and innovation • 2 Strengthening of enterprise capacity and foster entrepreneurship • Support to SMEs and innovation • 3 Technical assistance

  25. Regional Competitiveness (IPA III): Regional Competitveness (IPA III): Geographical c oncentration Geographical c oncentration 20 20

  26. RCOP Budget • 1st package projects procurement state • 2nd project package 43 projects preparation • Projects to be created for 300 million euro 2011-2013 budget

  27. Component IV: OP Human Resource Development • Scope of actions consistent with eligibility ESF and ESF regulations • To attract and retain more people in employment (women, young people, improvement of employment services of ISKUR) • To enhance investment in human capital by increasing the quality of education • To increase adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs

  28. Component V: OP Rural Development (IPARD) Priorities • 1.Improving marketefficiency and implementation of communitystandards • Investments in farms & products, marketing and infrastructure • 2. Preparatory actions for implementation ofthe agri-environmental measures and Leader - Environmental measures and community init. • 3. Development of the ruraleconomy • - Rural infra, diversification activities, training, TA

  29. Management Types

  30. IPA - management types • Decentralised Management: tendering and contracting - the beneficiary country • Centralised Management: tendering and contracting - the Commission/EC Delegation • Shared Management: only for Component II, CBC programmes between beneficiary countries and their MS neighbours • Joint Management: certain implementing tasks are delegated to International Organisations

  31. DIS ex-ante • Under a Decentralised system of management of EU assistance with ex-ante control, the Contracting Authority is an institution assigned to be so in the national administration. All steps of all transactions / decisions concerning the procurement and award of contracts are taken by the Contracting Authority and referred to the EUD for approval. • Transactions / decisions related to financial and administrative management [e.g. payment to contractors, accounting] are not submitted to the EUD prior to execution

  32. DIS ex-post • Under a Decentralised system of management of EU assistance without ex-ante control, the Contracting Authority is an institution assigned to be so in the Turkish Administration. All steps of all transactions / decisions concerning the procurement and award of contracts are taken by the Contracting Authority and are not referred to the EU Delegation for approval. • Transactions / decisions related to financial and administrative management [e.g. payment to contractors, accounting] are not submitted to the EUD prior to execution. • For PHARE and ISPA, the system used to be referred to as EDIS, Extended Decentralised Implementation System • Apart from exceptions to the standard procedures given in the Practical Guide

  33. Shared Management • Shared management may be used under the cross-border co-operation component, for cross-border programmes involving Member States. That method shall apply, in principle, for joint operational programmes for cross-border cooperation implemented by a joint managing authority under the regulation establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. • Under shared management with a Member State, implementation tasks shall be delegated to Member States in accordance with Art. 53b of the Financial Regulation. In such a case, the procurement rules to be applied shall be those contemplated in the implementing rules laying down specific provisions for the implementation of the cross-border cooperation. Similarly, the IPA provides for this option under the conditions as defined in the regulatory framework of IPA Regulation n° 1638/2006 of 24.10.2006

  34. Joint Management Joint Management (with international organisations). Joint management may be used under the transition assistance and institution building component, in particular for regional and horizontal programmes, for programmes involving international organisations. Certain implementation tasks may be delegated by the EC to international organisations, in accordance with the implementing rules, in the following cases: (a) wherever the Commission and the international organisation are bound by a long-term framework agreement laying down the administrative and financial arrangements for their cooperation; (b)wherever the Commission and the international organisation elaborate a joint project or programme; (c)where the funds of several donors are pooled and are not earmarked for specific items or categories of expenditure, that is to say, in the case of multi-donor actions.

  35. DIS Management TR • LEGAL FRAMEWORK • Prime Ministerial Circular, No. 2001/41 • MoUon the Establishment of CFCU and MoU on the Establishment NF • signed on 14 February 2002, approved by the Parliament (Law No. 4802) • and published on 30 January 2003. • The MoU for NF was amended by Law No. 5167. • The MoU for CFCU was amended by Law No. 5500. • Framework Agreement (adopted by Law No. 5303), and Council of • Ministers Decree No. 2005/8636 • This system was accredited by the European Commission on 8 October • 2003 for projects other than grant schemes

  36. Management Modes / Methods of Implementation This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Potential candidate and candidate countries Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia FYROM Iceland Kosovo under UNSCR nº 1244 Serbia Montenegro Turkey DCIS (IPA 1-2) DCIS (IPA 1-2) DIS – ex-ante DIS – ex-ante DCIS (IPA 1-2)/JM DCIS (IPA 1-2) DCIS (IPA 1-2) DIS – ex-ante

  37. DIS Structure in Turkey Inter Institutional Chart

  38. Structures and authorities to be in place: • National IPA Co-ordinator [NIPAC] • Strategic co-ordinator • Competent Accrediting Officer [CAO] • National Authorising Officer [NAO] • A National Fund [NF] • An Operating Structure [OS] (for each Component/Programme) • Audit Authority [AA] • End recipients – line ministry; water, rail or road company; regional waste operator; municipality; SME; farmer

  39. Programming Framework IPA MIFF Budgetary framework National Priorities (existing strategic planning documents, JIM, JAP) MIDP Community priorities Strategic Coherence Framework (SCF)coherence, concentration and coordination among programmes and priorities Regional development component Human resources component OP HRD OP Transport OperationalProgrammeENV OP Reg Comp

  40. The project pipeline process

  41. Where are we now?

  42. Questions and answers

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