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Legislative Budget Basics

Legislative Budget Basics. Finding budget solutions through our shared values. Mission:. To promote responsible and equitable fiscal policies through research and education. Joy Smolnisky, Director 808 N. West Ave., Sioux Falls, SD

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Legislative Budget Basics

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  1. Legislative Budget Basics Finding budget solutions through our shared values

  2. Mission: To promote responsible and equitable fiscal policies through research and education Joy Smolnisky, Director 808 N. West Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 605-367-9667 joys@sdbudgetandpolicyproject.org http://sdbpp.org Funded through a grant from the Northwest Area Foundation

  3. Becoming fluent in budget basics You might say government budgets are the ultimate policy documents…

  4. …. a guide to understanding • the components of the state budget, • how it is created, and • the priorities and choices it reflects. download from sdbpp.org

  5. In a balanced budget: expenses = revenues

  6. Balancing the Budget • increase revenue • decrease expenditures • combination of both

  7. A budget is born Page 6, SD Budget Primer

  8. Final budget

  9. Challenges in our process • Part time citizen Legislature • Short legislative session • Final budget amendments are often not introduced until the last days of session

  10. Information to support decision-making • Governor’s budget and budget address http://bfm.sd.gov/budget/rec12/index.htm • Fiscal notes on legislation • Revenue estimates for upcoming year • LRC briefings on agency budget requests and other documentation available at legis.state.sd.us

  11. LRC Website: legis.state.sd.us

  12. Office of Fiscal Analysis

  13. Appropriations Notebook

  14. Revenue Estimates

  15. Revenue estimatesmethodology

  16. Amendments to general appropriations bill

  17. Appropriations Notebook agency information

  18. Fiscal tools used by other states that could help inform South Dakota budget decisions • Current services budget • Revenue review • Tax incidence analysis • Tax expenditure report

  19. Current services budget

  20. Tax incidence analysis

  21. Tax expenditure report $500 million. SD sales tax exemptions alone lower total state revenue by $500 million.

  22. Getting Involved • Inform yourself and your community • Influence your legislators • Make a difference

  23. Where do the $ come from? South Dakota - a low tax state not a low income state

  24. South Dakota Per Capita Income

  25. Dependency on consumption taxes is growing

  26. The fundamental purpose of taxation is to raise the money needed to fund public services

  27. Where does the money go?

  28. SPENDING: 1. General funds2. Federal funds3. Other funds

  29. General fund expenditures

  30. South Dakota spends less per-capita than other regional states

  31. Two expenditure examples: • K-12 Education • Medicaid

  32. K-12 Education Funding Concepts to understand: • School Funding Formula • Per Student Allocation (PSA)

  33. School Funding Formulapage 19 of Budget Primer

  34. SD State Aid to K-12 Education

  35. Think of SD as one big school district… • Total Students X PSA = $ for education • 53% comes from state general fund (includes video lottery $) • 47% comes from local property tax • (set mil levy by dividing statewide property wealth by 47% of dollars needed)

  36. How big is your districts Funding Formula Cup?(# students times PSA) small large medium

  37. How much local property wealth do you have?(assessed value times mil levy) Property-wealth average district Property-wealth poor district Property-wealth rich district

  38. How much will the state provide?(enough to fill your “cup”) Property-wealth average district Property-wealth poor district Property-wealth rich district

  39. K-12 % of state general fund dropped by 25%

  40. K-12 general fund spending as % of total personal income dropped by 25%

  41. SDMedicaid enrollment changes

  42. The vast majority of South Dakotans on Medicaid are low income children Average cost per Medicaid enrollee varies significantly between children, adults, elderly and disabled

  43. SD share of Medicaid costs

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