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Innovations at UCCS

"Research is the transformation of money into knowledge — Innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money!" Ray Mears, 3M, "Protect and Survive" Design Council Business Network Surgery, 4/2001. Innovations at UCCS. T. Boult www.vast.uccs.edu/~tboult/COI/BI.html

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Innovations at UCCS

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  1. "Research is the transformation of money into knowledge — Innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money!" Ray Mears, 3M, "Protect and Survive" Design Council Business Network Surgery, 4/2001 Innovations at UCCS T. Boult www.vast.uccs.edu/~tboult/COI/BI.html www.vast.uccs.edu/~tboult/COI/COI.html

  2. Review: Current Degree Programs • Undergraduate programs solid but nothing unique or innovative to really attract to UCCS. • Masters & Ph.D. are not nationally competitive. • Not sufficiently ranked to effectively produce “academic/research oriented” graduates (at any level). So who do we attract? (Industry/career oriented!) • How to draw to CS, not just fromCS. • Not really training students for “innovation” nor (modern interaction in industry) • Local companies/organization have few opportunities for in depth interaction

  3. Context • March 2004: Chancellor predicts $6 million shortfall; $2 million structural deficit; $4 million reduction • May 2004: Campus Executive Team initiates ‘Invent the Future’ strategic approach to $6 million shortfall • July 2004: VCAA and EAS Dean target EAS Phoenix team as part of Invent the Future

  4. Marketing questions for UCCS • What is it that our current clients (students/funding agents) have in common? • What market segment are we targeting for growth? • How do we set ourselves apart from the competition? • What is different about services or products that we offer? • What are the "extras" that we bring to the market?

  5. Review: Community Expectations • 2 economic development roles: • Support economic health and growth of community – regional and global competitiveness via innovation, research & development, productivity – “applied interdisciplinary innovation” • Supply a technology workforce – lifelong learning.

  6. Review: Position University/College to meet those expectations • Do environmental scan: • What is the real demand? • What is the campus actually able to do? • What are the partnerships needed? • Develop model of innovation: reorganize more functionally – bring eng, sci, bus together …. College of Innovation – radically different curricula.

  7. Innovation is more than invention or research Innovation is the sequence of activities by which a new element is introduced into a social unit, with the intention of benefiting the unit, some part of it, or the wider society. "Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas and is a vital ingredient for competitiveness, productivity and social gain within businesses and organizations"

  8. What is involved in innovation "The innovation process is the combination of activities - such as design, research, market investigation, process development, organizational restructuring, employee development and so on - which are necessary to develop and support an innovative product or production process." CBI Innovation and Trends Survey

  9. Why Teach Innovation "Once you've worked on a truly innovative project you realize how important transformation is to the success or failure of a project. Your way of thinking changes, you priorities change, your company changes and your way or working changes forever. True innovation is not just about changing a product, a service or even a marketplace it's also about recognizing and relishing the need to change yourself." Ralph Ardill, Marketing & Strategic Planning Director, Imagination - London Innovation Conference, 2003

  10. College of Innovation - Overview • New Bachelor of InnovationTM and Master of InnovationTM degrees in Business, Engineering and Science disciplines • Existing BS/BA programs retained • College of Innovation combining EAS and Business and some Sciences within new college structure. • Market/branding of degrees and the new structure. • Reorganization helps make it clear this is a serious change and that we are focused on innovation.

  11. College of Innovation:Internal structure • Possible divisions or schools: • the school of business and entrepreneurship, • the school of engineering and science, • the school of applied inter-disciplinary innovation and research, and • (possibly) the school of international issues in innovation • Balanced Matrix organization, with committee (not dean) allocation policies

  12. College of Innovation: Long Term Goals • Increase enrollments • Better prepared “innovative” graduates • Increase fund-raising, sponsored program, and for-profit opportunities • Increase Research Funding & Graduate Programs • Funding of more students • Focused program to compete and attract • Increase “innovation” and Tech.Transfer • Strong teaming with community/Research • Be a national leader in University “reform”

  13. Matrix Structure College Fac. College/$Dean + 2 Adean C Com • Vast majority of resources by Committee • Yearly Direct program control of resources. • Resources may be split across programs C Com $Resource Committee C Com C Com C Com C Com ZZZZZ R&D Contract G Program C U Program B U Program A Faculty Instr TA Staff Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class

  14. College of Innovation: Merging and financial implications • Merge EAS and Business as schools within new COI. • Other faculty and departments could be included; e.g., biology has expressed interest • Three areas of financial impact: • New revenue from new student tuition – marketing survey • Streamlining and cost reductions • New opportunities for fund-raising, for-profit activities (incentives), grant and development

  15. College of Innovation: New degrees • Increase resources by offering new “innovative” programs while also reducing costs. • Added programs are Bachlors of Innovation in X where X=science engineering or business fields (Keep accredited degrees for now). Masters of Innovation program as well. • These program draws from existing courses with only a few “new” courses. • Replaces unspecified “humanities” with focused electives in economics, law and other HU/SS that tie directly to innovation. • Add Business core (either increasing total credits or reducing speciality a little) to Eng/Sci majors and add Eng/Sci core to Business majors. • Focus on learning and self-learning, with “testing out” for credit! • Required “multi-term, multi-disciplinary” innovation project with local company (Masters through freshman teams

  16. College of Innovation: Revenue from new students • Novel and innovative program to attract students, especially non-resident • Survey going out for industry and students • Market uniqueness and ‘elitism’ of program to bring non-resident students • Challenge out of courses to incentivize experiential and self-learning -- attract entrepreneurial students key for innovation • Branding program (including trademarking)

  17. College of Innovation: Streamlining and cost reductions Streamlining: • 1 dean, 2 associate deans • No departments, no extra pay for chairs (EAS) • Staff to be distributed probably reduced. • More efficient allocation of teaching so retirements or other attrition shared overall not in a single department. • Possibly reducing lecturers/honoraria • Removing colleges may allow “program discontinuation” clauses if that is needed to balance the budget, but doing it with a mission focus.

  18. College of Innovation: Cost reductions • Use early retirements to make a reduction in direct costs. Matrix help cover teaching across areas. • Estimate $800K to $1.5K cost reductions are possible from reduced positions.

  19. College of Innovation: New opportunities for fund-raising, for-profit, and grants • Some of the foundations that are interested in Business and Engineering programs: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Pew Charitable Trust, Apple, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, IBM, Atmel, 3M, Henry Luce Foundation, The Altus One Fund, American Express, The Joyce Foundation, AT&T Foundation, Bechtel Foundation, Coors, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Intel, Hewlett Packard, Packard Foundation, American Honda Foundation, Deloitte Foundation • Campaign: endowed professorships, endowed fellowships

  20. COI: Faculty issues • Faculty in COI should be able to teach just about any freshman-junior level course of college's BOI program. (If not they are not good role models for innovation, and need to update their skills). • Faculty in COI responsible for more than just their speciality area, e.g. A “EE” faculty may end up teaching calculus, or a “Marketing” faculty teaching writing, or a “CS” faculty teaching statistics. • As student population grows or faculty leave, faculty are added to support innovation focus areas, not “service” areas. Even in short term it may help save$

  21. COI: Relation to Short/Long term issues • Can quickly be the leading (only) program of its kind. • New BI/MI programs provides potential for competitive edge improving both ugrad and graduate draw TO UCCS which may increase income (growing enrolments faster than without them). • COI provides potential short/long term cost savings • Improved interaction with community by increasing focus on innovation and partnering with them for projects. • Better preparing students for the future where innovation experience and team skills will be as important than as technical skills.

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