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Poison, Bites, and Sting

Poison, Bites, and Sting. Module 8. Poison, Bites, and Sting. Animal bite Snake bite Insect Sting Poisoning. Poison, Bites, and Sting. Animal Bite Bites from sharp, pointed teeth cause deep puncture wounds that can cause infection Objectives Control bleeding Minimize risk of infection.

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Poison, Bites, and Sting

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  1. Poison, Bites, and Sting Module 8

  2. Poison, Bites, and Sting • Animal bite • Snake bite • Insect Sting • Poisoning

  3. Poison, Bites, and Sting • Animal Bite • Bites from sharp, pointed teeth cause deep puncture wounds that can cause infection • Objectives • Control bleeding • Minimize risk of infection

  4. Poison, Bites, and StingAnimal Bite • Treatment • Wash the wound with soap and water to minimize the risk of infection • Pat dry with clean cloth and cover with dressing • Arrange to take to hospital if the wound is large or deep.

  5. Poison, Bites, and StingSnake Bite • Venom is a poisonous substance that one animal injects • into another in order to defend itself.

  6. Poison, Bites, and StingSnake Bite • Signs and symptoms • Swelling and Fang marks • Severe localized pain • Nausea and vomiting • Disturbed vision • Increased salivation and sweating • Labored breathing • Loss of muscle coordination • Rapid pulse

  7. Poison, Bites, and StingSnake Bite • Objectives • To prevent the spread of the venom • To transport casualty to hospital • Treatment • Reassure the victim and lay him down on the ground • Wash the wound and dry with clean cloth • Lightly compress the limb above the wound • Immobilize the affected area and keep it lower than the heart • Remove jewelry, as swelling will cause constriction • If possible, try to get the description of the snake

  8. Poison, Bites, and Sting • Insect stings • Complications • Shock • Multiple stings result in cumulative effect. • Airway obstruction caused by swelling in the throat

  9. Poison, Bites, and StingInsect Stings • Signs and symptoms • Pain, redness, and swelling at the site of sting • Nausea and vomitting • Headache

  10. Poison, Bites, and StingInsect Stings • Treatment • The stinger can be removed using a gauze wiped over the area or by scraping a fingernail over the area. • Wash the site with soap and water. • Apply a cold compress to relieve pain and minimize swelling. • Look out for allergic reaction

  11. Poison, Bites, and StingInsect Stings • Precaution • Do not use tweezers or fingers to remove the stings. It will cause more venom to go into the skin and injure the muscle.

  12. Poison, Bites, and StingPoisoning • Mode of transmission • Poisoning caused by swallowing, injecting, breath in, or otherwise being exposed to a poisonous substance

  13. Poison, Bites, and StingPoisoning • Common causes • Medicines • Detergents and cleaning products • Carbon monoxide gas • Household plants • Paints • Insecticides • Cosmetics • Illicit drug overdose • Chemical exposures • Food poisoning • Animals

  14. Poison, Bites, and StingSwallowed Poison • Signs and symptoms • Nausea vomiting • Abdominal pain • Seizure • Pulse (irregular, fast, or slow) • Unconsciousness

  15. Poison, Bites, and StingSwallowed Poison • Treatment • Reassure • Seek medical aide immediately • Obtain information on type of poison swallowed • Give frequent sips of cold milk or water for burned lips

  16. Poison, Bites, and StingSwallowed Poison • Precaution • Do not induce vomiting for corrosive poisoning • Maintain open airway if casualty is unconscious • CPR may be required

  17. Poison, Bites, and StingChemical in the Eye • Splashed in the eye • Signs and symptoms • Pain • Tearing • Blurred vision • Treatment • Wash eye • Seek medical help

  18. The end Module 8 Poison, Bites, and StingFor training purpose only Not for sale

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