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Probing inelastic states with elastic ep scattering via QED loops

This talk discusses the measurement of proton form factors, the two-photon exchange problem, and the anomalous behavior of Mott asymmetry at high energies. It also explores the use of Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) in calculations and the effects of radiative corrections on elastic electron scattering and nucleon structure.

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Probing inelastic states with elastic ep scattering via QED loops

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  1. Probing inelastic states with elastic ep scattering via QED loops Andrei Afanasev Jefferson Lab DIS 2005 Madison, WI 4/29/05

  2. Plan of talk • Proton form factor measuments • Two-photon exchange problem • New things learned: VCS with two space-like photons • GPD-framework calculation • Anomalous behavior of Mott asymmetry at high energies

  3. Elastic electron scattering and nucleon structure • Study Form Factors at high Q2: • QCD, GPDs; Helicity Flip; OAM; Ji’s sum rule • Status of nucleon form factor measurements : • See review C.Hyde-Wright, K. de Jager, Annu.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci. 54, 217 (2004)

  4. Elastic Nucleon Form Factors • Based on one-photon exchange approximation • Two techniques to measure

  5. Do the techniques agree? • Both early SLAC and Recent JLab experiments on (super)Rosenbluth separations followed Ge/Gm~const • JLab measurements using polarization transfer technique give different results (Jones’00, Gayou’02) Radiative corrections, in particular, a short-range part of 2-photon exchange is a likely origin of the discrepancy SLAC/Rosenbluth ~5% difference in cross-section ~500% difference in polarization JLab/Polarization

  6. Radiative Corrections for Elastic (eP) Scattering • Radiative Corrections: • Electron vertex correction (a) • Vacuum polarization (b) • Electron bremsstrahlung (c,d) • Two-photon exchange (e,f) • Proton vertex and VCS (g,h) • Corrections (e-h) depend on the nucleon structure Main issue: Corrections dependent on nucleon structure; Model calculations by Blunden, Melnitchuk,Tjon, Phys.Rev.Lett.91:142304,2003 Chen, AA, Brodsky, Carlson, Vanderhaeghen, Phys.Rev.Lett.93:122301,2004

  7. Lorentz Structure of 2-γ amplitude

  8. New Expressions for Observables We can formally define ep-scattering observables in terms of the new form factors: For the target asymmetries: Ax=Px, Ay=Py, Az=-Pz

  9. Calculations using Generalized Parton Distributions • Model schematics: • Hard eq-interaction • GPDs describe quark emission/absorption • Soft/hard separation • Use Grammer-Yennie prescription Hard interaction with a quark

  10. Separating soft photon exchange • Tsai; Maximon & Tjon • We used Grammer &Yennie prescription PRD 8, 4332 (1973) (also applied in QCD calculations) • Shown is the resulting (soft) QED correction to cross section • NB: Corresponding effect to polarization transfer is zero ε δSoft Q2= 6 GeV2

  11. Short-range effects(AA, Brodsky, Carlson, Chen,Vanderhaeghen) Two-photon probe directly interacts with a (massless) quark Emission/reabsorption of the quark is described by GPDs

  12. `Hard’ contributions to generalizedform factors GPD integrals Two-photon-exchange form factors from GPDs

  13. Two-Photon Effect for Rosenbluth Cross Sections • Data shown are from Andivahis et al, PRD 50, 5491 (1994) • Included GPD calculation of two-photon-exchange effect • Qualitative agreement with data: • Discrepancy likely reconciled

  14. Updated Ge/Gm plot

  15. Polarization transfer (ibid.) • Also corrected by two-photon exchange, but with little impact on Gep/Gmp extracted ratio

  16. Charge asymmetry • Cross sections of electron-proton scattering and positron-proton scattering are equal in one-photon exchange approximation • Different for two- or more photon exchange • Parity-violating measurements of strange-quark content of the nucleon are also affected: AA, Carlson, Δs may shift by ~10%, to appear PRL(2005)

  17. Loop integration limits • Infinite limits for the real (dispersive) amplitude, both intermediate photons are space-like, 4-dimensional integration => enters cross section, double-spin asymmetries, charge asymmetry • One (two) constraints are set for the inelastic (elastic) absorptive amplitude through Cutkosky cuts: example E=5 GeV, inelastic at Q2=4 GeV2, (left), elastic at varied Q2 (right) => enters beam and target single-spin asymmetries

  18. Phase Space Contributing to An (or Pn) • 2-dimensional integration (Q12, Q22) for the elastic intermediate state • 3-dimensional integration (Q12, Q22,W2) for inelastic excitations W2 Q22 Q12

  19. Quark+Nucleon Contributions to An • Single-spin asymmetry or polarization normal to the scattering plane • Handbag mechanism prediction for single-spin asymmetry/polarization of elastic ep-scattering on a polarized proton target

  20. Proton Mott Asymmetry at Higher Energies Spin-orbit interaction of electron moving in a Coulomb field N.F. Mott, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Set. A 135, 429 (1932). • Due to absorptive part of two-photon exchange amplitude (elastic contribution: dotted, elastic+inelastic: solid curve for target case) • Nonzero effect observed by SAMPLE Collab for beam asymmetry (S.Wells et al., PRC63:064001,2001) for 200 MeV electrons Transverse beam SSA, note (αme/Ebeam) suppression, units are parts per million calculation by AA et al, hep-ph/0208260

  21. MAMI data on Mott Asymmetry • F. Maas et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.94:082001,2005 • Pasquini, Vanderhaeghen: Surprising result: Dominance of inelastic intermediate excitations Elastic intermediate state Inelastic excitations dominate

  22. Beam Normal Asymmetry(AA, Merenkov) Cancellation of infra-red singularity: Feature of the normal beam asymmetry: After me is factored out, the remaining expression is singular when virtuality of the photons reach zero in the loop integral! Also available calculations by Gorshtein, Guichon, Vanderhaeghen, Pasquini; Confirm quasi-real photon exchange enhancement in the nucleon resonance region

  23. Special property of normal beam asymmetry AA, Merenkov, Phys.Lett.B599:48,2004, Phys.Rev.D70:073002,2004 • Reason for the unexpected behavior: hard collinear quasi-real photons • Intermediate photon is collinear to the parent electron • It generates a dynamical pole and logarithmic enhancement of inelastic excitations of the intermediate hadronic state • For s>>-t and above the resonance region, the asymmetry is given by: Also suppressed by a standard diffractive factor exp(-BQ2), where B=3.5-4 GeV-2Compare with no-structure asymmetry at small θ:

  24. No suppression for beam asymmetry with energyat fixed Q2 x10-9 x10-6 SLAC E158 kinematics Parts-per-milllion vs. parts-per billion scales: a consequence of Nucleon structure and soft Pomeron exchange

  25. Mott Asymmetry Promoted to High Energies • Excitation of inelastic hadronic intermediate states by the consecutive exchange of two photons leads to logarithmic and double-logarithmic enhancement due to contributions of hard collinear quasi-real photons for the beam normal asymmetry • The strongest enhancement has a form: log2(Q2/me2) => two orders of magnitude+unsuppressed angular dependence. • Beam asymmetry at high energies is strongly affected by effects beyond pure Coulomb distortion • What else can we learn from elastic beam SSA? • Two-Photon Pomeron coupling non-diagonal in photon helicity • Check implications of elastic hadron scattering in QCD (Can large AN in pp elastic be due to onset of collinear multi-gluon exchange + inelastic excitations?)

  26. Two-photon exchange for electron-proton scattering • Quark-level short-range contributions are substantial (3-4%) ; correspond to J=0 fixed pole (Brodsky-Close-Gunion, PRD 5, 1384 (1972)). • Structure-dependent radiative corrections calculated using Generalized Parton Distributions bring into agreement the results of polarization transfer and Rosenbluth techniques for Gep measurements • Collinear photon exchange dominance for beam asymmetry • Experimental tests of multi-photon exchange • Comparison between electron and positron elastic scattering • Measurement of nonlinearity of Rosenbluth plot • Search for deviation of angular dependence of polarization and/or asymmetries from Born behavior at fixed Q2 • Elastic single-spin asymmetry or induced polarization • All above tests are now approved JLab experiments => a program of double-virtual VCS studies with two spacelike photons

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