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Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon. New Moon. Waxing Crescent. First Quarter. Waxing Gibbous. Full Moon. Waning Gibbous. Last Quarter. Waning Crescent. Most importantly of all!!!!. It takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the Earth. So, what is the moon really made of?. Rocks??. Cheese??.

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Phases of the Moon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Phases of the Moon

  2. New Moon

  3. Waxing Crescent

  4. First Quarter

  5. Waxing Gibbous

  6. Full Moon

  7. Waning Gibbous

  8. Last Quarter

  9. Waning Crescent

  10. Most importantly of all!!!! • It takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the Earth

  11. So, what is the moon really made of? Rocks?? Cheese??

  12. Here is what the moon is REALLY made of: The moon is really a BIG rock filled with craters, valleys and flatlands The dark spots that you see that may resemble a face are actually flat areas of dark rock The large and very wide dark areas of the moon are actually called maria, which means “seas”: these were originally thought to be filled with liquid, but later on, we found out they were seas of dark rocks scattered across the moon’s surface! The moon is made up of many of the minerals that we need and use here on Earth! http://letrc.lpb.org/MoonMania/facts.htm

  13. The moon is a punching bag?? A little factoid: • The Moon's heavily cratered surface is the result of space rocks crashing into the surface between 4.1 billion and 3.8 billion years ago. • These scars have not eroded, or gone away, for two main reasons: The Moon is not geologically very active, so earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain-building don't destroy the landscape as they do on Earth; and with no wind or rain, so very little changes occur! http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/top_10_cool_moon_facts-7.html

  14. How does an EGG relate to the moon? Simple! The moon is a giant egghead! • The Moon is not round (or spherical). Instead, it's shaped like an egg. If you go outside and look up, one of the small ends is pointing right at you. And the Moon's center of mass is not at the geometric center of the satellite; it's about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) off-center. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/top_10_cool_moon_facts-5.html

  15. …and more Moon Mania! Some of the craters on the moon are MILES deep! One of the largest craters called “Crater Tycho” has a depth of more than 2 miles and spans 53 miles of the moon’s surface in depth! WOW!! That’s pretty big! That’s about the length about 900 football fields! A crater in Arizona that is 1.2km wide!

  16. How does the ocean relate to our moon? We’re so glad you asked! • Tides on Earth are caused mostly by the Moon (the Sun has a smaller effect). Here's how it works: • The Moon's gravity pulls on Earth's oceans. High tide aligns with the Moon as Earth spins underneath. Another high tide occurs on the opposite side of the planet because gravity pulls Earth toward the Moon more than it pulls the water. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/top_10_cool_moon_facts-2.html

  17. Moon-Catchin’ Net I’ve made me a moon-catchin’ net, And I’m goin’ huntin’ tonight, I’ll run along swingin’ it over my head, And grab for that big ball of light. So tomorrow just look at the sky, And if there’s no moon you can bet I’ve found what I sought and I finally caught The moon in my moon-catchin’ net. But if the moon’s still shinin’ there, Look close underneath and you’ll get A clear look at me in the sky swingin’ free With a star in my moon-catchin’ net. -From Shel Silverstein’s A Light in the Attic

  18. Lunar Eclipse

  19. Red Moon 21 January 2000

  20. 16/7/1969

  21. Planet Earth 19/7/1969

  22. The Earth rising 20/7/1969

  23. “…one small step for man…”

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