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Connecting Through Social Media

Connecting Through Social Media. Jessica Cuthbertson CTQ Teacherpreneur, NBCT Candidate @jjcuthy. Abigail Quesinberry Media & Marketing, CTQ @abigailqberry @teachingquality. #NBPTSacademy.

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Connecting Through Social Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connecting Through Social Media Jessica Cuthbertson CTQ Teacherpreneur, NBCT Candidate @jjcuthy Abigail Quesinberry Media & Marketing, CTQ @abigailqberry @teachingquality • #NBPTSacademy

  2. #TwitterStory@JJCuthy: One candidate’s journey from skeptic to convert. (In 140 characters or less?!) • #NBPTSacademy

  3. Twitter 101: What Twitter IS NOT • Just another Facebook • A platform for sharing what you had for breakfast • Magic • Solely a self-promotional tool • How you will finally meet Justin Bieber • #NBPTSacademy

  4. Twitter 101: What Twitter IS • A powerful curation tool for interest-based learning • Peer-reviewed credibility • A virtual PLN • Access to thought leaders • A platform to export your expertise and share your leadership • #NBPTSacademy

  5. “I just completed the best hour of professional development in ages! Oh… and it was on Twitter!” • Precious Crabtree, CTQ Collab member • #NBPTSacademy

  6. The story of a hashtag: #TeachingIs • 1,354 individuals contributed their definitions & stories • 5,316 uses of the #TeachingIs hashtag • #TeachingIs messages reached more than 3.1M people • #NBPTSacademy

  7. Teacher-generated Content • #NBPTSacademy

  8. Time to Tweet! #NBPTSacademy • #NBPTSacademy • Think about the current strengths and potential of this network at a local and national level. Imagine it’s 2024, 10 years from today: • Q1: How are NBCTs leading? • Q2: How has the profession and public education evolved as a result of the National Board? • Q3: What can YOU (NBCTs) do now to achieve your vision for the future?

  9. QUESTIONS? Ask away(!) or tweet them with#NBPTSacademy • #NBPTSacademy

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