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Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums, and it commonly occurs because of a sticky plaque on which bacteria multiply accumulates on the teeth.

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  1. DO YOU ALSO SUFFER FROM BLEEDING GUMS? Bleeding gums are one of the most common problems and most common symptoms of gum disease. One of the common causes of bleeding gums is Gingivitis. GINGIVITIS Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums, and it commonly occurs because of a sticky plaque on which bacteria multiply accumulates on the teeth. Brushing your teeth removes plaque and can prevent you from developing dental caries. But plaque may stay on your gum line if you don’t brush and floss properly. If plaque isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar (calculus), which will increase bleeding. The accumulation of plaque near your gums can also cause Gingivitis. The tartar (calculus) takes up the space between the teeth and gums and causes inflammation, sensitivity, and it is a breeding ground for pathogenic (disease-causing bacteria). Other causes and risk factors include: •Hormonal changes: The gingiva might become more sensitive, raising the risk of inflammation. •Diseases like cancer, diabetes, and HIV are linked to a higher risk of Gingivitis. •Medications: Some medicines may affect oral health significantly if saliva flow is reduced. Anticonvulsants and some anti-angina medications can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue. •Smoking: Regular smokers more commonly develop Gingivitis compared with non- smokers. •Age: The risk of Gingivitis increases with age. •Poor diet: A vitamin-C deficiency, for example, is linked to gum disease. •Family history: Those whose parents have had Gingivitis have a higher risk of developing it. This is thought to be due to the type of bacteria we acquire during our early life. Signs and Symptoms include: •Bright red or purple gums •Tender gums that may be painful to the touch •Bleeding from the gums when brushing or flossing •Halitosis or bad breath •Inflammation or swollen gums •Receding gums •Soft gums Treatment If diagnosis happens early and treatment is prompt and proper, Gingivitis can be successfully reversed.Treatment involves care by a dental professional and follow-up procedures carried out by the patient at home.

  2. Professional Dental Care Visit your dentist twice per year for professional cleaning. Plaque and tartar are removed using an Ultrasonic Scaler. This is known as Scaling. Ultrasonic Scaler and tips are used to remove calculus rapidly from the tooth surface. The information vibrates a high frequency and removes the calculus surface of teeth and the gums and teeth. The Ultrasonic Scalers also create shock waves that disrupt biofilm on your teeth. The plaque, bacteria, and calculus can be therapeutically flushed from the teeth by a small jet of water or antibacterial mouthwash emitted from near the top of the Scaler. Scaling removes the sub-gingival calculus, meaning they can remove calculus deposits from just below the gum line, cleaning the surfaces of tooth roots without damaging them. Follow-up appointments may be recommended, with more frequent cleanings if necessary. Some dental problems, such as crooked teeth, poorly fitted crowns, or bridges, may make it harder to remove plaque and tartar properly. They may also irritate the gums. Care at home People are advised to: •Brush teeth at least twice a day with soft bristles toothbrush. •Floss teeth at least once a day before you brush your teeth •Regularly rinse mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash, which is also alcohol-free.

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