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Chapter 9 The Cultural Geography of Latin America

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Chapter 9 The Cultural Geography of Latin America

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    1. Chapter 9 The Cultural Geography of Latin America

    2. I. The People A. Human Characteristics Over 500 million people 1. Ethnic Diversity Natives Aztec, Maya, and Inca Europeans Spanish and Portuguese Africans Brought as slaves Asians Arrived in the 1800s for work

    3. The People cont. 2. A Blending of Peoples Mestizos: mix of European and Native Mulattoes: mix of European and African 3. Language Most adopted languages from their European parent countries Spanish: most common Portuguese: Brazil Also some English, French Native languages and regional dialects Quechua, Maya, Guarani

    4. B. Population Distribution and Density 1. Distribution Most live in central Mexico, Central Am., the Caribbean, and the coasts of South Am. The population rim of South Am. 2/3 live in South Am. Sparse areas Amazon, Andes, deserts, and Patagonia

    5. Population Distribution and Density cont. 2. Density Mexico: over 100 million Largest Spanish-speaking country 132 people per sq. mile Brazil: 50 per sq. mile Deceiving, most crowded along the coast Densely populated in the Caribbean Barbados: 1,596 per sq. mile

    6. C. Urbanization 1. One-Way Migration Rural poor move to cities No jobs, no housing, no sanitation, no way to leave, no skills Live in slums 2. The Cities Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro among the top 15 biggest cities Primate Cities Cities that are a countries cultural, economic, and govt. center Issues for the future

    7. II. History and Government A. Native American Empires 1. The Maya Central Am. And Mexico Tikal and Chichen Itza Built pyramids Skilled in math, number system based on 20, concept of zero Had a 365 day calendar 2. The Aztec Capital at Tenochtitlan Chinampas: floating islands for crops Built an empire using slavery Also built pyramids

    8. History and Government cont. Natives 3. The Inca Empire in the Andes Capital: Cuzco Also Machu Picchu Terraces Domesticated the alpaca and llama Used quipu to communicate Knotted and colored ropes

    9. B. European Empires Columbus, 1492 Spain and Portugal settled most of Latin Am. Line of Demarcation 1. Spanish Conquests Conquistadors took over the Aztecs and Inca Guns, Horse, Allies, Disease Est. colonies, used Natives as slaves in mines and plantations Appointed viceroys to run colonies 2. Portugal and Brazil Great agriculture Plantations: fazendas Used slaves

    10. European Empires cont. 3. Independence Late 1700s, start to resent European rule Haiti revolted in 1794 under Toussaint-Louverture Mexico won independence in 1824 Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martine helped many in S. Am. Break away Brazil broke away w/o violence in 1822 Cuba didn’t until 1898

    11. C. Dictatorships and Democracies Independence led to economic confusion Political control in hands of a small group of wealthy men No industries 1. Power of the Strong Caudillos promised change, led the army in coups Ruled as dictators 2. Desire for Change Industrialization 1940-70s Rich got richer Military govts. Fought reform with violence Democracy a goal Communism often attractive Democracies increasingly in place

    12. III. Cultures and Lifestyles A. Religion Predominately Roman Catholic Colonial era, sided with the rich, now helps the poor Protestantism is growing B. Health Care and Education Areas of concern, lacks funding 1. Health Care Malnutrition still an issue 2. Education Literacy rate is low More than half the teachers have no teaching degree More opportunities than ever now Colleges and universities too

    13. C. The Arts and Literature 1. Traditional Native forms the earliest Mosaics Mix of cultures Music, architecture 2. Art and Literature Diego Rivera used murals to educate Oscar Niemeyer designed much of Brasilia Writers recognized globally too

    14. D. Life and Leisure 1. Way of Life Extended families Quality of life depends on social class, nationality, residence Large rich/poor gap 2. Leisure Time Love futbol, baseball, basketball, and volleyball Jai alai Celebrations: carnival, Christmas, and Easter

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