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2007.5.22 重編 編輯:孫楯彥  自動播放 10 : 30 min Music

台 灣 之 美. The Beauty of Taiwan. 2007.5.22 重編 編輯:孫楯彥  自動播放 10 : 30 min Music. 台灣第一高山海拔 3952 公尺 3952 meters high from sea level, the main peak of Yushan and the highest mountain in Taiwan. 玉山主峰 Yushan main ridge. 玉山雲海 A picture of cloud sea of Yushan. 南華山奇萊南峰雲海

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2007.5.22 重編 編輯:孫楯彥  自動播放 10 : 30 min Music

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 台 灣 之 美 The Beauty of Taiwan 2007.5.22重編 編輯:孫楯彥  自動播放 10:30min Music

  2. 台灣第一高山海拔3952公尺3952 meters high from sea level, the main peak of Yushan and the highest mountain in Taiwan

  3. 玉山主峰Yushan main ridge

  4. 玉山雲海A picture of cloud sea of Yushan

  5. 南華山奇萊南峰雲海 A view of the sunrise and cloud sea in Nanhua Mt. Chilai South Peak

  6. 南華山奇萊南峰 Nanhua Mt. Chilai South Peak

  7. 南湖大山看雲海The cloud sea over Mt. Nanhu

  8. 南橫嘉明湖 Jia-Ming Lake, a meteorite lake, on the Southern Cross-Island Highway. Situated 3,000 meters Above sea level

  9. 南橫天池 A scenery of Tianchih

  10. 合歡山主峰The ridge of Hehuan Mountain

  11. 合歡山公路最高點 The highway of Hehuan Mt. Situated in 3,275 meters above sea level

  12. 清境農場青青草原 Chingjing Veterans Farm where is 1,750 meters above the sea level

  13. 清境農場遠眺Chingjing Veterans Farm

  14. 清境農場下雪了Snowing on Chingjing Veterans Farm

  15. 雪霸觀霧山莊Kuanwu Village in Shei-Pa National Park

  16. 雪霸國家公園大霸尖山 DabaJiansan of Shei-pa National Park Situated in 3,492 meters above sea level

  17. 北橫達觀山Mt. Daguan Natural Reserve

  18. 中橫燕子口鬼斧神工 Swallow Grotto -- steep cliffs on the side of Central Cross-island Highway

  19. 中橫太魯閣之美 A spectacle cliff pathway of Central Cross-island Highway in Taroko National Park

  20. 中橫布洛灣寧靜之美 Buluowan -- A small native village in the middle of Mountain

  21. 中橫沙卡礑步道Taroko National Park Nature Trail

  22. 中橫沙卡礑溪A creek in Taroko National Park Nature

  23. 武陵農場兆豐橋 Chaofeng Bridge of the Wuling Farm

  24. 阿里山入口 The entrance of Alishan National Scenic Area

  25. 阿里山登山火車 Forest Train in Alishan National Park Situated in 2,216 meters above sea level World one of three big mountaineering railroads

  26. 阿里山日出雲海 A view of the sunrise and cloud sea from Alishan National Scenic Area

  27. 阿里山觀景台A picture of Alishan National Scenic Area

  28. 日月潭景觀-1Sun Moon Lake

  29. 日月潭景觀-2Sun Moon Lake

  30. 溪頭森林遊樂區Sitou Forest Recreation Park

  31. 東北角蜜月灣 Honeymoon Bay - A place for surfing

  32. 九份遠眺 A view of sea front in Chieu Fen

  33. 宜蘭冬山河美景 Dongshan River Water Park in Yilan County

  34. 羅東冬山河親水公園 Luodong Dongshan River Chinshui Water Park

  35. 宜蘭蘇澳港 Suao Port, is situated in the northeast coast of Taiwan

  36. Gueishan Island is 10 kilometers East from Yilan County龜山島

  37. 蘇花公路南澳 Su-Hua Highway, Nan-Ao Section

  38. 蘇花公路東澳海灣 Su-Hua Highway, Dong-ao Bay Section

  39. 蘇花公路清水斷崖 Chingshuei Cliff of Coastal Mountains

  40. 花蓮鯉魚潭 Liyutan (Carp Lake) Located in Hualien County, Eastern Taiwan

  41. 花蓮秀姑巒溪泛舟 Rafting in Siouguluan River

  42. 花蓮兆豐農場 Zhou-Fun Ranch in Hualien

  43. 台東三仙台Sansiantai, Taitung

  44. 台東鹿野高台Para-Gliding in Luye Gaotai, Taitung

  45. 朝日溫泉Sunrise Hot Spring

  46. 蘭嶼拼板舟Lanyu Dugout

  47. 澎湖桶盤柱 Penghu Spectacular Land Terrains

  48. 西嶼石柱 Siyu Spectacular Land Terrains

  49. 綠島鳥瞰 Green Island is 33 kilometers East fromTaitung

  50. 綠島燈塔 Green island Lighthouse

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