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Gods and Goddesses

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Gods and Goddesses

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  1. The ancient Greeks believed there were a great number of gods and goddesses. These gods had control over many different aspects of life on earth. In many ways they were very human. They could be kind or mean, angry or pleasant, cruel or loving. They fell in love with each other, argued with each other and even stole from each other. Gods and Goddesses

  2. The ancient Greeks built great temples and sanctuaries to their gods. They held festivals in their honour, with processions, sports, sacrifices and competitions. Stories of the gods' exploits were told to children by their mothers and to large audiences by professional bards and storytellers. People today still enjoy hearing stories about the Greek gods.

  3. Zeus was the king of the gods. He could control the weather. The ancient Greek poet, Hesiod, called him the 'cloud-gatherer' and the 'thunderer'. His most powerful weapon was the thunderbolt. The ancient Greeks believed that when lightning struck earth, it was a sign of Zeus being present. Zeus was also concerned with hospitality. If you treated a guest or stranger badly you could outrage Zeus. Zeus

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  5. Hera was the wife of Zeus and the queen of the gods. She is the goddess of weddings and marriage. She was extremely jealous of the many affairs of her husband Zeus. She took terrible revenge on the girlfriends and illegitimate children of her husband. Hera

  6. Zeus fell in love with the mortal woman Alkmene. She had Zeus' child and he was called Herakles. Hera was so jealous of the child, she stopped him becoming a king by delaying the day of his birth so that a different woman's child became king. She also placed two snakes in the baby Herakles' cot. Herakles survived by strangling the two serpents. Even at such a young age Herakles had superhuman strength. Herakles (Hercules)‏

  7. Athena is the goddess of war and cunning wisdom. She is also the goddess of pot-making and wool-working. She is associated with the city, and almost every town in Greece had a sanctuary dedicated to Athena. She invented the chariot, the bridle and built the first ship. The olive tree is sacred to her. Athena

  8. Shown in full armour and helmet. Aegis - a goat skin cloak fringed with snakes. Associated with the owl.

  9. Zeus was the father of Athena and her mother was Metis, which means wisdom. Zeus was told before Athena was born, that any child born to Metis would be more powerful than its father. Zeus was very worried by this and decided to swallow Metis before she could give birth to the child.

  10. Some time later Zeus began to have terrible headaches. The pain grew so unbearable that Zeus asked Hephaistos to cut his head open to see what was wrong. When Hephaistos opened his head, Athena emerged from Zeus' skull, fully grown and dressed for battle.

  11. Apollo was the god of the sun, truth, music, poetry, dance and healing. Poets and bards put themselves under his protection. Apollo

  12. Apollo had made one too many jokes at Eros' expense. To punish him, Eros shot Apollo with one of his golden arrows, which made Apollo fall madly in love with the nymph Daphne. Unfortunately for Apollo, Eros had shot Daphne with a lead arrow, which made her reject the god. Apollo and Daphne

  13. Apollo pursued Daphne and she tried to run away to escape him. Daphne called out to her father, the river god, for help. He changed her into a laurel tree just as Apollo was about to catch her. Apollo was heartbroken. Even as a tree Daphne shuddered at Apollo's touch.

  14. Demeter was the goddess of fertility and agriculture. She was an important goddess for farmers and women. Demeter was also associated with the underworld. Demeter

  15. Poseidon was the god of the sea and horses. He was the brother of Zeus. He was known for his bad temper and was greatly feared because of his ability to cause earthquakes. He was believed to be able to make fresh water gush forth from the earth. Poseidon

  16. Aphrodite Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She was the wife of Hephaistos but was in love with the war god Ares.

  17. Eris the goddess of strife was offended that she had not been invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. In revenge, she threw down a golden apple inscribed with the words 'to the fairest', knowing that this would cause an argument amongst the other goddesses. Aphrodite, Hera and Athena all asked Zeus to decide to whom the apple belonged. Zeus did not want to cause any more trouble. He knew that by choosing one of the goddesses he would incur the resentment of the other two. Instead he decided that the mortal Paris should decide. Judgement of Paris

  18. All three goddesses appeared before Paris. All three goddesses promised Paris different prizes if he picked them. Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman in the world. This woman was Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta. Aphrodite made Helen fall in love with Paris. The couple ran off together. Menelaus called together his allies in Greece. They set off to recapture Helen. The resulting war lasted for ten years. Judgement of Paris

  19. Hermes was the god of travel, business, weights and measures and sports. He was the messenger of the gods and guided the souls of the dead to the underworld. He was also the patron of herdsmen, thieves, graves and messengers. His staff caused men to fall asleep instantly. Hermes

  20. Artemis was the goddess of hunting, archery and childbirth. She was also the goddess of wild animals and was normally portrayed as living in the countryside. She had the ability to send plagues or sudden death to mortals, but she could also heal them. She was the twin sister of the god Apollo. Artemis

  21. Ares was the god of war. However, unlike Athena, he was not very cunning in battle. He was not a popular god. In 'The Iliad' Zeus complained that Ares was the most hated of all his children Ares

  22. Hephaistos was the god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmiths and craftworkers. He was lame and this led to him being thrown out of Mount Olympus. He was married to the goddess Aphrodite. He was the father of Erechtheus the legendary king of Athens. Hephaistos

  23. Dionysos was the fun loving god of high spirits, strong emotions and wine. He is also closely associated with drama and the theatre. Dionysos

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