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Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment

Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment. Part 3: HA Primary Server. Revised January 02, 2009

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Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment

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  1. Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment Part 3: HA Primary Server Revised January 02, 2009 Although this document discusses Service Desk the same procedures can be followed for installing CMDB either in Standalone mode or Combined with Service Desk.

  2. Agenda • This presentation details the installation of a Unicenter Service Desk (USD) Primary Server and Remote Components in an MSCS environment. It includes the following topics: • Installing non-HA eIAM without MDB • Installing HA Primary Server • Customization • Primary Server Failover Test • MDB Failover Test • Installing non-HA Secondary Server • Note that installation of HA Remote Components is covered in Part I of this presentation series

  3. Support Considerations • USD does not currently provide support for High Availability architectures, however, the following best practices demonstrate how a degree of High Availability can be achieved when implemented with assistance from your local CA Technical Services (CATS) team. • The failover process is not entirely automatic. If the MDB fails over to another cluster node, active clients will need to re-login to USD. • Additional questions regarding these guidelines can be directed to ImpCDFeedback@ca.com and every effort will be made to respond as quickly as possible.”

  4. Glossary The following terms and abbreviations are used in this presentation: • “HA” = Highly Available • “USD” = Unicenter Service Desk • “eIAM” = CA eTrust Embedded Identity and Access Management • “MSCS” = Microsoft Cluster Server • “Cluster Name” = Network name associated with the cluster group

  5. References • Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment – Part I Remote Components • This describes how to install USD r11.1 or r11.2 remote components including creating an HA MDB in a Microsoft Cluster environment • Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment – Part 4 HA eIAM

  6. Introduction

  7. Setup • HA SQL MDB is created on the same cluster • Primary Server will be installed on same cluster but in a different Cluster Resource Group • This procedure can also be adapted to install HA Primary Server and HA MDB on two different clusters

  8. HA - Primary Server and MDB Shows Primary Server and MDB active on different cluster nodes MSCS Cluster

  9. HA - Primary Server and MDB Shows Primary Server and MDB active on same cluster node MSCS Cluster

  10. HA - Primary Server and MDB Shows Primary Server and MDB active on different cluster nodes MSCS Cluster

  11. Identify Resource Group • Identify cluster group where the Primary Server will be installed • Should be different from the SQL Cluster Group in order to allow Primary Server and MDB to be active on different cluster nodes. Running Primary Server on one cluster node and the MDB on different cluster node provides additional scalability • Cluster group where USD is to be installed must have “Network Name” resource type defined

  12. Verify Shared Disk • Verify the shared disk on which the USD folder will be installed has adequate free space (approx. 2GB) • This estimate does not include the MDB since it will be installed on a different shared disk

  13. Cluster Setup • The following example shows two cluster groups: • 1 with SQL instance “SQLINSTA” installed • 1 with “Network Name” cluster resource type • So, for this setup • MDB will be installed in Group SQL • Primary Server will be installed in Group USD_r11.x

  14. MDB Resource Group

  15. Primary Server Cluster Group

  16. Install Task Summary • Install non-HA eIAM • Install HA MDB without eIAM • Make NodeA the active Node • Install Primary Server • Stop USD service • Move Group to NodeB • Install Primary Server • Define Cluster Resource • Verify Setup • Install non-HA Secondary Server • Verify Setup

  17. USD r11.2 Install Caveat • USD r11.2 install process includes a check to determine if the pm.xml and wl.xml files already exist in the CATALINA_BASE\webapps folder • If they are not detected, the install copies the epdc.jar file from the CATALINA _BASE\common\lib to the tomcat\4.1.31\common\lib directory in Shared Components. • OK for first node on cluster • On subsequent nodes, because the install detects the files, an upgrade is performed instead • Since the epdc.jar file copy step is not included in an upgrade, the following error will be generated. Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.ca.common.EncodedPwDriver‘ • To avoid this, manually copy epdc.jar to the Shared Components\tom cat\4.1.31\common\lib before starting the service on subsequent cluster nodes • This only applies to USD r11.2 - it does not affect r11.1.

  18. Walk-Through Installation of non-HA eIAM

  19. eIAM Install • Identify location of the eIAMServer.exe on USD media

  20. eTrust Services Prior to Install • Shows eTrust services before eIAM install

  21. Launch eIAM Installer In this example Ingres instance files will be created on G: drive. To install Ingres instance on C: drive simply execute eIAMServer without any arguments.

  22. Interactive Install

  23. License Agreement

  24. Destination Location

  25. eIAM Setup

  26. Setup Status

  27. eIAM Install Completed

  28. Additional Services

  29. eIAM Application Shows eIAM application created by HA Primary Server Configuration

  30. eIAM and MDB • eIAM provides option to store global users and global groups internally in the MDB • The install process described in this section does not create an MDB on the eIAM server, so this option cannot be used. If the global users must be stored in the MDB, then install USD Remote Component on the eIAM server. This will create MDB and install eIAM as well. • Option to reference global users and groups from an external directory (such as Active Directory) does not require MDB and will work fine

  31. eIAM without MDB This shows how eIAM installed without MDB works fine for External Directory

  32. Reference to External Directory This shows External Directory cached users for eIAM (without MDB install)

  33. HA eIAM • If eIAM is placed on separate server, it generates approximately 6KB of network traffic between eIAM server and Primary Server for each web client user authentication • If you wish to install eIAM on the same server as Primary Server, then review Part 4 of this presentation series

  34. eIAM Authentication This shows network traffic between Primary Server and eIAM when a web client logs in. eIAM authentication is selected in USD configuration

  35. Install HA MDB without eIAM

  36. HA MDB • Review “Best Practices for Implementing Unicenter Service Desk r11.x in an HA MSCS Environment: Part 1” • In that presentation, Remote Components are installed on all cluster nodes (which is true if the Primary Server is installed in a different server or cluster) • In this case, Primary Server is installed on the same Cluster. Thus, there is no requirement to install Remote Components without eIAM on all Cluster Nodes.

  37. Define Cluster Resource • Define Cluster Resource as described in the Part I of this presentation series

  38. Customize Primary Server Restart Set the Primary Server Name to Cluster Name. This is the “Network Name” resource type where USD is to be installed

  39. Walk-Through Installation of HA Primary Server on NodeA

  40. SQL ALIAS • Before starting the installation on nodeA, create a SQL alias as “Name:<nodeA>, Server:<virtual SQL server>” and run the USD/CMDB remote components to get the MDB in • Now delete the previously created alias and create a new alias as “Name:<clustername>, Server:<clustername\virtual SQL server>”

  41. USD Primary Server Install

  42. Install USD

  43. USD Primary Server Install

  44. USD Location • Identify shared disk for USD location • Must be shared disk defined in the cluster group!

  45. USD Location • Destination folder must be on the shared disk • Resource Group shared disk G: selected for USD folder

  46. Shared Components Location • Specify location on the local drive

  47. Select Features – Primary Server

  48. Setup

  49. Configuration

  50. General Settings Change Primary Server Node to cluster name (default is real node name)

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