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Patterns of Irregular Verbs

Patterns of Irregular Verbs. 不規則動詞的規則. 伍德基 T.K.Ng. (I) AAA Type. Infinitive 不定式. Past Tense 過去式. Past Participle 過去分詞. Meaning 解釋. 打賭. bet. bet. bet. 出價 / 競投. bid. bid. bid. 廣播. broadcast. broadcast. broadcast. 爆破. burst. burst. burst. 投擲. cast. cast. cast. 花費.

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Patterns of Irregular Verbs

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  1. Patterns of Irregular Verbs 不規則動詞的規則 伍德基 T.K.Ng

  2. (I) AAA Type Infinitive 不定式 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 Meaning 解釋 打賭 bet bet bet 出價 / 競投 bid bid bid 廣播 broadcast broadcast broadcast 爆破 burst burst burst 投擲 cast cast cast 花費 cost cost cost 切割 cut cut cut

  3. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 預測 forecast forecast forecast 打擊 hit hit hit 損傷 hurt hurt hurt 容讓 let let let 安放 put put put 閱讀 read read read 放置 set set set

  4. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 關閉 shut shut shut 扯裂 slit slit slit 割裂 split split split 伸展 spread spread spread 流汗 sweat sweat sweat 推逼 thrust thrust thrust

  5. (II) ABA Type Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 變為 become became become 到來 come came come 奔跑 run ran run

  6. (III) ABB Type • A change in a vowel letter • 詞中一個元音字母變成另一個元音字母 Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 喚醒 awake awoke awoke 挖掘 dig dug dug 得到 get got got 懸掛 hang hung hung 握拿 hold held held

  7. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 照耀 shine shone shone 坐下 sit sat sat 黏貼 stick stuck stuck 戰勝 win won won

  8. 2) One of the duplicated vowel letters is missed 詞中兩個重覆的元音字母只剩下一個 Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 流血 bleed bled bled 產子 breed bred bred 餵食 feed fed fed 遇見 meet met met 射擊 shoot shot shot 催促 speed sped sped

  9. 3) A duplicated letter is missed, ended with -t 詞中兩個重疊的字母剩下一個,字尾添 -t Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 爬行 creep crept crept 居住 dwelt dwelt dwell 感覺 felt felt feel 保持 kept kept keep 跪下 knelt knelt kneel

  10. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 睡眠 sleep slept slept 嗅聞 smell smelt smelt 拼字 spell spelt spelt 打掃 sweep swept swept 哭泣 weep wept wept

  11. 4) Ended with -t 詞尾字母變成 -t Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 扭曲 bend bent bent 叮咬 bit bit bite 建造 build built built 對付 deal dealt dealt 借給 lend lent lent

  12. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 丟失 lose lost lost 發送 send sent sent 花費 spent spent spend

  13. 5) An addiditional –d or –t ending 詞尾添加 -d 或 -t Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 燃燒 burn burnt burnt 夢想 dream dreamt dreamt 聽到 hear heard heard 學習 learn learnt learnt 意指 mean meant meant 破壞 spoil spoilt spoilt

  14. 6) Ended with -ought or -aught 詞尾變成 -ought 或 -aught Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 攜帶 bring brought brought 購買 buy bought bought 捕捉 catch caught caught 打鬥 fight fought fought 尋求 seek sought sought 教導 teach taught taught 認為、想 think thought thought

  15. 7) -ay → -aid Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 放置、產卵 lay laid laid 付出 pay paid paid 說出 say said said

  16. 8) -ind → -ound Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 捆綁 bind bound bound 找尋 find found found 碾磨 grind ground ground 纏繞,上鍊 wind wound wound

  17. 9) Others 其他 Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 逃走 flee fled fled 有 have/has had had 引導 lead led led 離開 leave left left 製造 make made made 售賣 sell sold sold 站立 stand stood stood 告訴 tell told told 明白 understand understood understood

  18. (IV) ABC Type • i - a - u pattern Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 開始 begin began begun 喝飲 drink drank drunk 搖響 ring rang rung 歌唱 sing sang sung

  19. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 沉沒 sink sank sunk 旋轉 spin span spun 彈跳 sprang sprung spring 游泳 swam swum swim

  20. 2) Past participle ended with -en Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 引起 arise arose arisen 是 be / am, is /are was / were been 打敗 beat beat beaten 打碎 break broke broken 選擇 choose chose chosen 駕駛 drive drove driven 吃下 eat ate eaten

  21. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 落下 fall fell fallen 預測 forget forgot forgotten 原諒 forgive forgave forgiven 凍結 freeze froze frozen 給予 give gave given 躲藏 hide hid hidden 乘騎 ride rode ridden

  22. Infinitive 不定式 Meaning 解釋 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 升起 rise rose risen 看見 see saw seen 搖動 shake shook shaken 演說 speak spoke spoken 偷竊 steal stole stolen 拿取 take took taken wake woke woken 弄醒 寫作 write wrote written

  23. 3) Past participle ended with -wn Meaning 解釋 Infinitive 不定式 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 吹出 blow blew blown 畫下 / 拉拖 draw drew drawn 飛走 fly flew flown 生長 grow grew grown 知道 know knew known 出示 show showed shown throw threw thrown 投擲

  24. 4) Others Meaning 解釋 Infinitive 不定式 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 出世 bear bore born 做 do did done 去 go went gone 躺下 lie lay lain 撕裂 tear tore torn 穿上 wear wore worn

  25. (V) Others Infinitive 不定式 Past Tense 過去式 Past Participle 過去分詞 Meaning 解釋 能 can could - 可以 may might - 應該 must must - 將 shall should - 將 will would -

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