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Power Point- The King of E- Learning Tools

Power Point- The King of E- Learning Tools. It seems that everywhere we go in the Learning world , we run into PowerPoint. Most of the new authoring tools either use PPT as their backbone or offer the ability to import slides. Click on the picture!.

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Power Point- The King of E- Learning Tools

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  1. Power Point- The King of E- Learning Tools It seems that everywhere we go in theLearning world, we run into PowerPoint. Most of the new authoring tools either use PPT as their backbone or offer the ability to import slides. Click on the picture!

  2. Here are a few reasons why PPT seems to be so widely used in E- Learning: • 1. Classroom training is often converted to an online format. Every classroom course has a PPT and it’s usually the first thing that someone thinks about when they want to put the course online. Unfortunately too often the PPT is simply thrown online without having truly turned it into effective E- Learning. • 2. Everyone has PPT. It’s probably already on every training person’s computer. • 3. Everyone knows how to use it (and if they don’t it’s pretty easy to learn.) • 4. You can quickly create content and there are tons of layouts, backgrounds, and color themes.

  3. Here is the one of the samples E Learning through PowerPoint.

  4. Attitudestotechnology • Samet ÖZ / 20503411 • Pelin Yavuz/20502614

  5. Technophobe Somebodywhosuffersfromtechnophobia; in otherwords, it refersto a personwhodislikesoravoidsnewtechnology. • Digitalnative Itrefersto a personwho has grownupwithdigitaltechnologysuch as computers, the internet, mobile phonesandetc..

  6. Digitalimmigrant Digitalimmigrant is an individualwhogrewupwithouttechnology. • Technogeek Someonewhosemaininterest is electronicequipment, especiallyequipmentconnectedwithcomputersandthe internet.

  7. Hereare a few of thenegativecommentsstatedbytheteachers ! I can neverget in tothecomputerroom in class time - İt is alwaysbeingused.

  8. I’dliketousecomputersmore, but preparingmaterials is so time consuming.

  9. Whyusecomputersanyway? We’vegot a perfectlygoodcoursebook.

  10. However; • UsingEducationalTechnology in theclassroom has someimportantadvantages.. Makelearningmorefun, interestingandmemorable. Motivatestudentsforlearning.

  11. Helpstudentslearnnewtechniquesandskills. Getandholdstudents’ attention. Providestswithknowledgeandskillsthattheywillneedthe rest of theirlives.

  12. Hereare a few of thepossitivecommentsaboutusingtechnology in theclassroom. technology is veryimportante in classes!! I´ve beenusing it withmystudentsandtheyjustlove it! Theclassesaremuchmoreinteresting!!

  13. I findtheuse of technology in theclassroomamazing. Itoffersgreatvisualaids as well as listeningandreadinginputsthroughpowerpointpresentations, forinstance. Forsmallgroups, I thinkusing a laptop is a greatresource. Itoffersyouthepossibility of playingaudioand video files, showingimages, recordingvoiceforpronunciationpracticeand internet site contentstoaddrelevancetotheclass. Forlargergroups, theinteractivewhiteboard is ideal.

  14. I'malso a fan of usingtechnology in classandgettingstudentstouse it outsidetheclassroomtoo. I'vespentquite a whilebuildingupactivitiesthat I hopestudentswill be abletouseautonomouslytopracticeanddeveloptheirEnglish.

  15. Digital native Digital immigrants

  16. Sources: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/blogs/carladelia/using-technology-classroom http://ascilite.org.au/ajet/ijet/v1n2/czerniak/

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