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Science for the MDGs: The need for new policy development tools and methods

Science for the MDGs: The need for new policy development tools and methods. Hans R. Herren www.millennium-institute.org hh@millennium-institute.org AAAS Symposium, February 2008. You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein. Who are we?.

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Science for the MDGs: The need for new policy development tools and methods

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  1. Science for the MDGs: The need for new policy development tools and methods Hans R. Herrenwww.millennium-institute.orghh@millennium-institute.orgAAAS Symposium, February 2008 You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  2. Who are we? • The Millennium Institute is a not for profit organization based in Arlington VA, USA. • Established in 1983 to promote system thinking and long-term integrated approaches to decision making in national governments, civil society, universities, foundations and the public. • MI has assisted many countries analyze strategic options to achieve sustainable development goals; trained staff of governments, agencies, and NGOs in the application of systemic analysis; and helped General Motors design its program in many emerging markets You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  3. Call for new development planning support tools/methods: Why? • Formulation and general agreement on MDGs in 2000 • Comprehensive Development Framework and PRSP • Response to global warming, energy and environmental degradation issues, good governance, Commission for Africa report, Paris Declaration on harmonization… • So far mixed results in meeting medium term MDGs targets • Difficulties in developing realistic PRSPs • Lacking dialogue among the development stakeholder • Missing input regarding value for sustainable development of S & T investments You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  4. Call for new development planning support tools/methods: Why? The Paris Declaration, calling: • for “Changed Behavior” of donors and governments i.e., • Change in behavior & operations • Change in policies & procedures • Change in processes & systems • to build a new form of Development Partnership - by changing deeply rooted patterns of Institutional behavior • To change donor behavior from Disbursement Imperative to “Aid Effectiveness Imperative” • For Government to have Leadership on external assistance You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  5. Call for new development planning support tools/methods: Why? • Formulation and general agreement on MDGs in 2000 • Comprehensive Development Framework and PRSP • Response to global warming, energy and environmental degradation issues, good governance, Commission for Africa report, Paris Declaration on harmonization… • So far mixed results in meeting medium term MDGs targets • Difficulties in developing realistic PRSPs • Difficulties in integrating the economy, society and the environment into a self reinforcing, single framework • Lacking dialogue among the development stakeholder • Missing input regarding value for sustainable development of S & T investments You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  6. Call for new development planning support tools/methods: Why? • Also a need to address and cater for: • Long term holistic vision (Economy+Society+Environment • Country ownership (public/private and civil society) • Country led partnership • Country led sustainable development agenda • Focus on results (impact & consequences of policy choices) • Monitoring and evaluation of progress and impact You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  7. Call for new development planning support tools/methods: For what? • Getting the System right (capacity & accountability /governance issues) • Peace and Security (prevention / management of conflicts and post conflicts negotiations • Leaving no One Out ( T21 for dialogue; rebuilding countries) • Going for Growth (& development / poverty reduction) • Leveraging Key scientific and technological advances • Applying Aid to create system-wide synergies (finding the entry points) • Identify and Avoid key unintended consequences of development projects • More Trade & Fairer Trade (analyses of opportunities and costs…..) • ….and How?…. And with What means? You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  8. Call for new development planning support tools/methods: How? • Development and dissemination of advanced analytical tools and methods in support of prospective planning dialogues and M&E at community, national, global, agency levels; • Crafting and implementing capacity development for a broad cross-section of partners in sustainable development (system thinking & handling) using all modern communication means; • Building a network of supporters and partners across the globe to inspire, promote, endow and implement rational, integrated and holistic planning; • Applying the lessons learned towards better efficiency of our activities to serve You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  9. Understanding Systems… ..removing a problem, You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  10. Understanding Systems… ..may create feedbacks & You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  11. Understanding Systems… unintended consequence You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  12. Understanding Systems… unintended consequence You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  13. Why use models ? • Help understand how things work in the real world • Help understand why certain results occur • Help see what is likely to happen in the future under different development policies • Help inform strategic and other decisions • Help our limited mental ability to deal with more than 3 or 4 variables simultaneously You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  14. The Three Areas of Integration Threshold 21 You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  15. Population Births Population Technology Deaths Health Government Households Labor Society Economy Revenue Infrastructure Education Investment ROW Expenditure Financing Poverty Production Debt Primary Education Agriculture Industry Secondary Education Land Services Energy Water Environment Energy Demand Water Demand Minerals Emissions Energy Supply Water Supply Sustainability T21 Architecture You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  16. The Key Connections in T21 You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  17. T 21 Broader Systemic Model: • Addresses the WHOLE system, including, economic, social and environmental factors • Takes account of interactions across the WHOLE system • Generates long-term scenarios to show effects over time • Helps users analyze and understand how national systems function You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  18. Threshold 21 approach • System dynamics methodology • Built to reflect observed real world relations in country of application • Analyzes cross-sector links and feedback loops • Based on wide range of existing sector models and analyses • Composed of three main areas • Economic -- based on SAM, key market balances, and production over time • Social -- based on current dynamics in population, health, HIV/AIDS, education • Environmental -- based on country specific issues and information • Adapted to country specific data, issues, objectives, actual relations • Calibrated against history and reality checks • Easy to use interface to simulate hundreds of options, based on 12,000 equations and variables on a laptop in less than 15 seconds • Easy to compare results of different options on the roadmaps generated • Builds local capacity to integrate T21 into national planning You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  19. For Example: The MDG Challenges • Success within the target sectors • Interaction among the target sectors • Impacts beyond the target sectors • Impacts over time • Sustaining and building on success so the programs continue beyond 2015 • Increasing capacity for self-sustaining programs You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  20. T21 Shows results of feedback Results compared under five population 4 M 3 M 2 M 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Time (Year) under five population : Base Person under five population : Health Person You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  21. T21 Shows cross-sector feedback Broader systemic results under five population 4 M 3 M 2 M 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Time (Year) under five population : Base Person under five population : Health and Education Person You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  22. T21 Fully integrated results Broader systemic results gdp in usd2000 20 B 10 B 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Time (Year) gdp in usd2000 : Base USD2000/Year gdp in usd2000 : All USD2000/Year You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  23. T21’s Strategic Capacity • Generates continuous long-term scenarios that provide a better framework for strategic planning • Demonstrates full range of effects and impacts of different policies and assumptions on overall sustainability • Compares the results of different policy options graphically or in tables for economic, social, and environmental results • Helps identify ways to mitigate possible negative side-effects • Can help identify risks stemming from potential crises • Monitors the MDGs and other indicators • It can show the costs and benefits of different approaches over time You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  24. MI’s Suggestions for T21 Country X implementation Partners: Government, Universities, Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector • Capacity Development for SD and Modeling: • Development Executive course: SD, case studies, T21. Five days, 15 to 30 participants from Gov, Private and Public sectors. • Core modeling team course. Three modules 6 weeks (SD theory, T21 model, sub-sector building). • Building of full T21 Country X with sub-sectors of special interest (customization) You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  25. MI around the World T 21 Countries MI Partner MI Head Office M 3 Countries MEG Countries You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  26. What our partners andclients are saying… • “MI’s integrated dynamic models have been vital for GM’s sales forecasts” Paul Ballew, GM • “MI’s long-term, integrated perspective is essential” Pablo Guerrero, World Bank • “MI’s T21 analytical tool is essential for effective national development strategies” Ed Cain, Carter Center • Fascinating! David Cohen, Counterparts International • If only we had known such a tool existed…. Chorus of planning experts from 11 countries in Southern Africa • We need to use this tool at the Headquarters, in our embassies and help our country partner acquire it… • Dutch Ambassador Ton Boon von Ochsen • I want that T 21 planning team in my office… Président Amadou T Touré, Mali • It has been my dream since ten years to get the the POIJ departments to work together…now its happening with T21; With T21 I can see team building and networking across the ministries and government agencies and effective communication Wesley Hugh, Director Planning office Jamaica You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

  27. Thank You for Your Attention Questions and comments are welcome www.millennium-institute.orghh@millennium-institute.org You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. A. Einstein

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