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Main ami/use of a SN?

TEACHERS’ QUESTIONNAIRE Italy-Turkey-Bulgaria-Germany between 30 and 59 years old with older respondents from Germany - in the majority women in all partners’ countries - at the question: “Do you know what is a SN in the majority of the cases the answer is “YES” . Main ami/use of a SN?.

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Main ami/use of a SN?

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  1. TEACHERS’ QUESTIONNAIREItaly-Turkey-Bulgaria-Germanybetween 30 and 59 years oldwith older respondents from Germany- in the majority women in all partners’ countries- at the question: “Do you know what is a SN in the majority of the cases the answer is “YES”

  2. Main ami/use of a SN? The main answer of teachers in all partners’ countries is “research/share information” followed by “find new friends” and “entertainment”, While among students the main answer was “find new friends” and “entertainment”.

  3. Which SN do you know?

  4. Which SN do you use/prefer? • In Italy there are no most used or favourite SN, while in the other partners’ countries, the most used and favourite SN is Facebook • In all the partners’ countries the more favourite SN correspond with those more well known, except for Germany where there is Shuler NB: In Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria are defined as SN those tools that SN are not like i.e. Messenger

  5. In all the 4 partners’ countries, the majority of respondents do not have problems in using SN • In all the 4 partners’ countries, the majority of teachers stay connected with a SN between 0 and 2 hours while students stay connected longer

  6. Do you think that SN might be useful as educative tools in school?

  7. How could be SN useful in school? • “To exchange information” - Germany • “ to exchange information among youngsters who love these tools” - Bulgaria • “for education”- Turkey • “I do not know/ in order to stimulate the discussion” – Italy Nevertheless SN are not used yet in all partners’ countries for educational aims

  8. Do you think that SN are changing the communication way of youngsters? • All the partners’ countries provided majority of positive answers. • All the partners countries quoted among the answers the fact that youngsters spend more time in front of a PC than to build social relationship, becoming in this way more asocial • All the partners’ countries quoted the “regression of communication” since it becomes less grammatically correct, le frequent face-to-face and more equivocal

  9. Which is your preferred communication tool?

  10. Which is the communication channel preferred by youngsters?

  11. About dangers of SN? • Teh majority of answers in all the partners’ countries present some dangers about SN • In the majority of cases danger about SN is attached to: • the possibility to meet dangerous people with bad intentions • the excessive use of SN which could lead to dependence and to the lost of contact with reality which is instead a key element of the face-to-face relationships • Abuse of our data from other people (ex online Bullism)

  12. With which aim do you think that youngsters use SN? • In the majority of partners’ countries the aswers were the following: • for looking for friends • for chatting with friends • for entertainment, game, free time • for seeking and exchange information (Bulgaria e Germany) Furthermore, all the teachers interviewed in all the partners’ countries declared that the access to a SN is from very easy/easy to medium

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