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CBSE Exam 2022_ Best Time Management Tips for Students

Time management is one of the must important thing for students for preparing of examination and must of the students will fail to manage it due to the busy life schedule. Here in this pdf you will find the best tips that help you to prepare for your board exams. https://www.pw.live/ncert-solutions-class-10

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CBSE Exam 2022_ Best Time Management Tips for Students

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  1. CBSE Exam 2022: Best Time Management Tips for Students This year, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct exams for Classes 10 and 12 from May 4 to June 10. Results will be announced on July 15. Previously Board exams were scheduled for February to May. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, 2021 has a delayed academic year. A delayed schedule is a cause for concern for many students. Still, the extra time that students are getting can be beneficial for their preparation if they can adequately utilize time. Time management is a cornerstone of any exam preparation, and the CBSE exam is no exception. Effective time management during preparation and in the exam hall is just as important as a piece of last-minute advice. Practical time management skills play an essential role in helping students complete the curriculum and comfortably complete tasks within the three hours allotted for each theory exam. Before going further, check the CBSE Class 10 Syllabus. Knowing the syllabus will help you to plan your study. Best 7 Time Management Tips for Students 1. Create a Daily Routine Most students end up burning oil at midnight while preparing for board exams. But you do not need to if you are planning your day and sticking to it. Religiously. You can start

  2. by creating a 7-day schedule. Your daily routine should include the topics and chapters for each topic you plan to cover on a particular day, time, and break. When assigning a specific topic or topic, please indicate your level of effectiveness in it. Topics or subjects that you find difficult will take longer than you did. Therefore, you need to give them a long time. 2. Define and Prioritize Your Study Prioritizing your study is an essential part of achieving your goal. As a student, you should study chapters or important topics with high weightage. This is a crucial step in your preparation for the CBSE Board Examination. You should also prioritize your study material as you prioritize what to learn. NCERT Books with NCERT Solutions is enough for board exam preparation. 3. Keep Your Answers Short and Crisp Students are often impressed when they answer questions they like. This is the main reason they cannot finish the paper on time. Therefore, make sure that your answers are brief and to the point. Touch in all the required directions without elaborating. While solving a maths problem, write a Maths Formula and apply it to your answer. If you spend a lot of time explaining one solution in detail, you may need to cut back on some critical aspects. 4. Adopt Time Saving Study Techniques Various strategies will help you memorize better and faster. One of them is known as the 'Pomodoro,' a method that has been scientifically proven to be effective in developing cognitive abilities. This process involves 25 minutes of stretching, followed by a short break and then going back to another 25-minute session. Another way to help you remember things easily is a mind map. It is a visual tool that includes precise representations of ideas and concepts. Applying this technique to topics that you find difficult to remember can work wonders as our visual memory becomes more powerful. Study time is important but in your study schedule, give some time to practice Sample Paper for Class 10. 5. Improve your writing speed Despite being well prepared, many students find it very difficult to finish their papers on time. Therefore, taking mock tests at home is essential to speed up. While preparing for the board exam, take-home three-hour homework tests at least once a week. This will improve your speed and help you adapt to a high-pressure, timed environment. Your handwriting will also improve, which is essential for keeping your copy clean. Remember, your writing is the first sign your examiner has about you.

  3. 6. Utilize 15 Minutes to read the question paper Now, students are assigned another 15-minute study session in the auditorium. Make good use of this time to correctly research and understand the questions and decide which ones you will try. Additionally, find out how you want to answer each question. It is recommended that you start with the simplest and the shortest. You will feel confident as you wrap them up quickly. 7. Always Keep an Eye on the Watch As you read the questions, give the time you want to give to each question. Time allocation should be based on the marks allocated to a particular question. The higher the marks, the longer. Having 180 minutes off 100 marks means you can spend one and a half minutes on all marks. However, one mark will take a short time for MCQs. Give yourself time for each question, remember all the factors, and stick to your deadline. Check the time after completing each question if possible. This will allow you to adjust the time intervals if needed. Conclusion One has to be careful about the actual use of available time and the busy schedule and schedule. A student can achieve an effective way of studying by managing time well. The smartest and best students are those who use their time effectively. The ability to manage time can be a bit frustrating, but once you know the same things, you can reap the benefits of living. By following the time management tips mentioned above for the CBSE Class 10 Board Examination, students will be able to achieve their study goals. Physics wallah Original source Good Reads: How to study chemistry for CBSE Class 12 Board Examination? Are NCERT Books sufficient for CBSE Class 12 Board Examination? JEE Main 2022 High Weightage Topics for Maths section How do I get Class 10th Book in Pdf Form Thank You!!!

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