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ALBERT JAVIERRE Motorsport Media & PR Manager

ALBERT JAVIERRE Motorsport Media & PR Manager. Introduction. Born in 1989 in Barcelona. BS in Advertising and Public Relations . Previous work :.

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ALBERT JAVIERRE Motorsport Media & PR Manager

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  1. ALBERT JAVIERRE Motorsport Media & PR Manager

  2. Introduction Born in 1989 in Barcelona. BS in Advertising and PublicRelations. Previouswork: WWP Weirather – Wenzel & Partner.An austrian Sports Marketing agency that handles sponsorships in the world's main platforms. Some of their clients are Audi with FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, CEPSA with Scuderia Toro Rosso F1, BMW M, Bwin in MotoGP and the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup. Outletpack.Technologicalpartnerfor e-commercethatmanagedtwo online sport shopping websites: Sportunity and Roadlet. Community ManagerforMotoGPriders Aleix and Pol Espargaró.

  3. Photography & Video

  4. Newsletters Writingnewslettersafter training sessions and races.Rights-free, high-resolutionphotos are attached and thedocumentissenttothe media, sponsors and otherrecipients. Thisprocedure has no additionalcosts. Itallowstheteamtosendfreshnewswrapped in a professional and customised look and feel. Thissystem, thegoodrelationship standing withinthePressRoom, and thegoodtrack performance, clearlymaximisesthe media impactforbothriders and sponsorsworldwide.

  5. Website Social Media profileshavenowadaysreplacedtheclassicalwebsite as themaininformationsource in the internet whenuserssearchforupdatesaboutanyorganization. Nevertheless, a clear and nicewebsiteisalsoimportantforthe global image of anybrand, teamorstructure.

  6. Design

  7. Facebook Social Network careis a mustforevery single organizationwithpresence in themedia environment. Instantinformationflowlinkedtolive sport broadcastingisthekeytoreach new audiences and tokeeptheloyalty of theexistingfollowers. Thisflowso createdcombines quantity and quality in a balanced mix. High-resolutionphotosfromtheinsideare wellacceptedbythe fans. Thedifferentpoints of viewshown, togetherwithoutstandinginformation, createtrust in theonline followers so theywillacceptmarketing actionsthroughouttheseason. AlongwithTwitter, theTeam’s Social Media Plan willraisethe online exposure of thebrandssupportingtheproject.

  8. Twitter Organizations, fans, and Media havepositionedTwitter as thefastestwaytogetfreshinformationfromlive sport events. In Motorsports, Twittercreates a higherflow of freshteamnewsthanother social network. Live twitting of theresults in everytracksessions, alongwithoutstandingphotos, willincreasetheexposure of thebrandsinvolvedwiththeteam. TheSocial Media Plan balances the individual features of Twitter and Facebook, withoutstanding final quality as theresult. Onegoodphotographiswaybetterthanlots of themthrownaround a poordesign. Thiswork standard appliestoall online work done fortheteam

  9. Ticketing & Hospitality Nowadayshospitalityprogrammes are part of themotorsport marketing. Sponsorshipactivitiesallowincludingpresence of certainpeople in theraces. Disregardingwhetherthey are VIPs, brandresponsiblesorwinners of a promotion, the ticket delivery and theiraccomodationin thecircuitisimportant.

  10. Sponsor Care Theactivation of any sponsors iskey in everymodernmotorsportproject. Marketing meanssomething more thanwinningraces. Brands are rememberedbecause of theparalleluniversecreatedforthemwiththeteam.

  11. Paperwork Paperwork and documentcreationisusefulforsendingproposalstopotential sponsors. Goodtools as Adobe Pack (whichincludesPhotoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator) withcreativity, method and anoutstandingstorytellingwillhelpturning ideas intoreality

  12. RiderCommunication Riders are sportspeople, but sport is more thanjustbeingfit and readytofight.Italsomeanstakingcare of the media at alllevels, as itisknownthat sport projectssometimesliveor die because of theexpectedmedia impact. In theMotoGPenvironment, therightmanagement of the personal communication of any top riderprovidesextra cohesiontotheoverall media plan, and thatbenefitstheteam.

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