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NYC and State Disability Pensions

When your job puts you at risk or you're too ill to work, disability pensions can help you make ends meet. To know more about it watch this presentation and contact our NYC and State Disability Pensions attorneys or call us today at 516-496-0400.

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NYC and State Disability Pensions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Worker’s Compensation, Social Security Disability Claims, Social Security Disability Appeals, Union Long-Term Disability Claims NYC & State DisabilityPensions

  2. NYC & State Disability Pensions When your job puts you at risk or you're too ill to work, disability pensions can help you make ends meet.

  3. DoyouworkfortheStateofNewYork,or areyouemployedbyacounty,town,or villagegovernment?

  4. Anyworkercan unexpectedlybecome disabledbyanaccident orsuddenorchronic illness. Oneofthe benefitsofCivilService Employmentisthe availabilityofdisability pensionsforworkers whobecomedisabled fromworkduetoeither aninjuryorsickness.

  5. Theagenciesthatadminister theseplansdon'tmakeit easy. Therearevarioustypes ofdisabilitypensions availabletodisabledworkers, dependinguponan employee'slengthofservice (Tier),themannerinwhich thedisabilityoccurred,and thetypeofemployment StateofNew York engagedin.

  6. ContactUs 180 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury, New York, 11797, USA 516-496-0400 info@fbrlaw.com www.fbrlaw.com/locations/Woodbury

  7. Thank-You

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