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Unit Three

Table of Contents. Unit Three. Personal Finance. Financial Matters 理财问题. Focus. S: A questionnaire about money matters at college. L: I’m broke. L: No risk, no gain. S: Enquiring about loans. R: How the stock market works. W: Writing a spending survey report.

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Unit Three

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  1. Table of Contents Unit Three Personal Finance

  2. Financial Matters理财问题 Focus • S: A questionnaire about money matters at college • L: I’m broke • L: No risk, no gain • S: Enquiring about loans • R: How the stock market works • W: Writing a spending survey report

  3. 1. Starter--A questionnaire about money matters at college Notes 1. personal finance个人理财 ☆financen. 财务管理,财政;金融;资金 e.g. My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car. Unless we can get more finance, we’ll have to close the hotel. finance当动词用时意思是“供给,负担经费”。 e.g. His parents financed his college education. The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects. finance的形容词形式为financial,意思是“财政的,金融的”, 如:financial affairs 财务问题; a grave financial crisis 严重的金融危机。

  4. 2. ☆loann. 贷款;出借 e.g. They found it impossible to get a bank loan. We wish to take a loan of your car for an afternoon. loan当动词用时,意思是“借出,贷与”。 e.g. These works of art are too precious to be loaned out for exhibition.

  5. 3. Do you think a part-time job would affect your studies? 你认为做兼职会影响你的学习吗? *affect vt.影响,对……起作用 e.g. This area was affected by the flood. Recently, the financial crisis in the U.S.A has affected the job market to a large extent.

  6. 4. Can you make ends meet every month? 你能每个月做到收支平衡吗? make ends meet达到收支平衡 e.g. He found it hard to make ends meet on his low income. Mary has spent so much money on new clothes that she finds it hard to make ends meet again this month.

  7. 2. I’m broke Notes 1. Jenny, could you lend me a few dollars? 珍妮,能不能借我点钱? lend的意思是“借出”,其反义词是borrow,意思是“借入”。 e.g. I borrowed a book from him.= He lent a book to me. 2. I’m a little broke. 我快没钱花了。 △broke a. 没钱,囊中羞涩;破产的 e.g. Jim had to take the job as a waiter in a small restaurant because he was broke. The paper was going broke and would cease publication.

  8. 3. I’m short of money myself… 我自己也缺钱…… be short of 缺少 e.g. The family is badly short of money due to the child’s disease. We’re short of time. Let’s hurry up. 4. …but I buy a lot of things and pay by credit card. 但我最近用信用卡买了很多东西。 ☆creditn. 信用贷款;赊购 e.g. If you are very rich, you can probably get unlimited credit. In stores where once he had been able to obtain credit he was forced to pay cash.

  9. 5. Yes, so do I. 是的,我就是这样。 so do I的意思是“我也是”或“我也这么认为”。so放在句首有 替代功能,一般后面的句子要用部分倒装句型。 e.g. Jim thinks Yao Ming is a world-famous basketball player. So do I.

  10. 2. I’m broke 6. But people spend too much with their credit cards and go over their budget. 人们过度使用信用卡,消费超过了预算。 go over超过 e.g. Your spending should not go over your income. Tom went over John and became his boss. ☆budgetn. 预算 e.g. It is important to balance one’s budget. We simply can’t stretch the budget enough to buy a car.

  11. 3. No risk, no gain Notes 1. Jessica has decided to invest all her money in stocks. 杰茜卡决定把钱全部投到股票上。 *investv. 投资,投入 e.g. I’ve invested a lot of time and effort in this plan. She invested in a painting by a famous young artist. invest的名词形式为investment, 如:a big investment in land 。

  12. 2. So, any luck finding a new job? 是吗?运气如何?找到新工作了 吗? 这是一个省略句,any luck在口语中很常见,可单独使用,也可 接介词如with和in,或直接接动词。 e.g. Any luck with your hunting? Any luck in your dating? 3. None.没找到。 none表示“一点也没有”,此处指没啥运气,也就是说没有找到 新工作。 e.g. — How many birds are there in the tree? — None.

  13. 4. You’ll be up to your ears in debt if you keep spending like this. 如果你还这样花钱的话,你会债台高筑的。 up to one’s ears in debt 债台高筑 e.g. You’ll soon be up to your ears in debt if you don’t stop gambling. *debt n. 债务,欠债 e.g. He is in debt for his house and his car. He spent more and more money, getting deeper and deeper into debt. 5. I’ve decided to buy stocks. 我决定去买股票。 *stock n. 股票 e.g. Father owns some stocks in that railroad. Stocks are generally lower in value because of the financial crisis.

  14. 6. Yeah, but no risk, no gain! 是的,但是没有风险,何来回报! no risk, no gain的字面意思是“没有风险就没有收获”,在特定 语境下可以引申为“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”。 e.g. I spent all my pocket money buying lottery tickets. No risk, no gain! 7. I’ll bet all my savings on them! 我要把所有的积蓄都押在上面! bet…on… 把……赌押在…… e.g. I’ll bet my life on his success. He bet all my savings on stocks!

  15. 8. As the old saying goes… 俗话说得好…… as the old saying goes正如老话所说,古语有云 e.g. As the old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

  16. 4. Enquiring about loans Notes 1. When do I start paying back the loan? 我从什么时候开始偿还贷款? pay back 偿还(借款等) e.g. Lend me $100, will you? I’ll pay it back at the end of the month. I must remember to pay you back for the concert ticket.

  17. 2. Start by filling out our form online, and it can be approved in a few days. 先网上填表,几天之后便会得到批准。 fill out填写 e.g. The policeman filled out a report of the accident. *approvev. 批准,认可 e.g. The firm’s directors quickly approved the new deal. The government sector initially approved the proposal in 1974. approve还可表示“赞成,赞许”,常与of 搭配使用。 e.g. I do not quite approve of his moral character. Everybody approves of the plans for a new school building. approve的名词形式为approval,如:gain/obtain/win the approval of 得到……的赞同。

  18. 5. How the Stock Market Works Back Next Translation If asked “What’s one of the fastest ways to lose money?” your answer might be: “Invest in the stock market and follow the investment company’s advice.” There may be some truth to this answer. The following story tells you how the stock market works. ☆investment n. 投资 e.g. The firm has made a huge investment in new equipment. His investments amount to millions of dollars. 股票市场是如何运作的 如果有人问“最快的亏钱方式之一是什么?”您可能会这样回答:“投资股票市场,采纳投资公司的建议”。这个回答也许有点道理。下面的故事将告诉您股票市场究竟是如何运作的。 some truth to sth.在某方面有点道理 e.g. I decided to take his advice because I found some truth to it. You are talking nonsense. I can’t find any truth to your words. If asked…是省略形式,完整形式应该是If you were asked…

  19. Back Next Translation ﹡purchase vt. 买,购买 e.g. He purchased a ticket and was about to get on the train. Last week I purchased a lot of things that I didn’t need. purchase还可用作名词,表示“购买物;购买行为”,如:make seasonal purchases购买时令商品;cash purchase 现金采购。 ﹡announce v. 宣布 e.g. It has been announced that he will sail for England. I hope to announce the winner shortly. announce的名词形式为announcement,如: issue / make an announcement 发表公告;formal announcement 正式通知。 Years ago in a village, a man turned up and announced to the villagers that he would purchase monkeys for 10 dollars each. The villagers went out to the forest and began catching monkeys. 几年前,某个村庄里来了一名男子,他向村民宣布说他要以每只10美元的价格购买猴子。 村民们便走出村子到森林里捕捉猴子。 years ago几年前 e.g. Years ago, I was a student at the Shanghai Institute of Tourism. turn up出现 e.g. We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to turn up. He didn’t turn up at the meeting yesterday.

  20. Back Next Translation The man bought thousands at 10 dollars and as supply started to decrease, the villagers stopped their effort. The man further announced that he would now buy at 20 dollars. The villagers renewed their efforts and started catching monkeys again. *supply n. 供应,供给;提供 e.g. Drinking water is in short supply in this area. The electricity supply was cut off because of the flood. supply还可以作动词使用,意思是“提供,供应”,常用于supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb.的结构。 e.g. Cows supply us with milk. The dairy company supplies milk in bottles to each house every morning. *effort n. 努力 该词表示一般性的努力(即表泛指意义)时,通常用作不可数名词。如用作可数名词则强调一次一次具体的努力。 e.g. With great efforts, the frog jumped out of the well. (指一次一次具体的努力) His success depends upon his effort and ability. (泛指努力) *decrease v. 减少,下降 e.g. We can see that his interest in this subject is gradually decreasing. We should decrease the use of water. decrease的反义词是increase,意思是“增加”。 as表示原因。 e.g. As it is raining, the sports meeting is cancelled. 该男子以10美元的单价购买了几千只猴子后,猴子的数量减少了,村民们也因此停止了捕捉。这名男子又宣布说,现在以每只20美元的价格购买猴子。村民们又燃起了热情,开始去抓猴子了。 further在本句中是个副词,表示程度“更进一步地”。 e.g. Let’s consider the point further. *renew v. (使)恢复,(使)复原 e.g. Do you want to renew the contract we signed two years ago? The traffic accident prompted her to renew her insurance.

  21. 5. How the Stock Market Works Back Next 注意as, because和since的区别: as,because,since都可以用于原因状语从句,表示因果关系,含义是“因为,由于”,但它们的用法有区别。as一般放在句首,语气较弱,比较口语化;since常常用在书面语中,语气比because弱,表示的原因是对方已知的,或是稍加分析便可得知的原因,在句中是附带信息,因此引导的从句不是句子的焦点,不能回答why的提问,也不能用在强调句型中作为被强调的内容,有时可译作“既然”;because表示的语气最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,可用来回答why的提问。 e.g. As you’re an adult, you should be responsible for your own decisions. Since we are young, we shouldn’t be too afraid of making mistakes. You can trust these products because the quality never changes.

  22. Back Next Translation Soon there were few monkeys and people started going back to their farms. The offer price increased to 25 dollars and the supply of monkeys became so small that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it! so…that… 如此……以至于…… 该词组当中使用形容词或副词,引导结果状语从句。 e.g. The speech was so dull that I almost fell asleep. It rained so heavily that we had to stay at home. so…that… 如此……以至于…… 该词组当中使用形容词或副词,引导结果状语从句。 e.g. The speech was so dull that I almost fell asleep. It rained so heavily that we had to stay at home. 很快,猴子的数量变得非常稀少,村人们便开始恢复以往的劳作。这时,求购猴子的单价上升到了每只25美元,猴子的数量变得更少了,要见到一只猴子都很难,更不用说捉到猴子了! offer price卖价;卖方报价 与price相关的短语还有:market price市场价格,市价;wholesale price批发价; price index 物价指数; factory price 出厂价; price level 物价水平。 let alone 更不用说 e.g. We can’t afford a bicycle, let alone a car. 此外,let sb. alone表示“别理,别管,别烦扰,别干涉某人”。 e.g. Let me alone!

  23. Back Next Translation The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at 50 dollars! However, since he had to go to the city on business, his assistant would now buy on his behalf. 此时,该男子宣称他将以50美元的单价求购猴子!但由于他本人要去城里处理一些事情,所以他的助手将代他进行买卖。 since为连词,意思是“因为,由于”。 on one’s behalf 代表……;为了……的利益 e.g. The President can’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on his behalf.

  24. Back Next Translation When the man was away, the assistant told the villagers, “Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you for 35 dollars each and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for 50 dollars each.” 男子不在村里了,助手就跟村民说:“瞧瞧这些大笼子里他收集到的猴子。我现在愿意以每只35美元的价格卖给你们。等他从城里回来,你们可以再以每只50美元的好价卖给他。”

  25. Back Next Translation 村民们个个倾其所有,买下了所有的猴子。 但他们却再也没见着这名男子,也没见着他的助手,放眼所见只有猴子! The villagers spent all their savings buying all the monkeys. Then they never saw the man nor his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!

  26. SuccessfulFinance 成功理财 Focus • S: Proverbs on money matters • L: He is really something • L: A good budget will work • S: How to spend lifetime income • R: Nature of spending • W: Expressing opinions on spending • R: Not for naught

  27. 2. He is really something Notes 1. Make a sound budget…制定合理的预算 此处sound的意思是“合理的,正确的”,如:give a sound explanation 作出合理的解释。 e.g. I believe that it’s sound for boys and girls to have basically the same education. 2. He always seems to have money to burn. 他看上去总是有花不完的钱。 have sth. to do表示有某事可做,其中to do是不定式作名词后 置定语。 e.g. I have some books to read.

  28. 3. But he deserves it. 但是这是他应得的。 ☆deservev. 值得,应得;应受 e.g. He has been so awful that he really deserves whatever he gets. If you do wrong, you deserve to be punished. deserve well from sb. 应该受到某人好的待遇 e.g. She deserves well from her employer. 4. He’s really something! 他真是个了不起的人物! 此处something指“出色的或重要的人或物”。 e.g. There’s something in what you said. Theory is something, but practice is everything.

  29. 3. A good budget will work Notes 1. A good budget will work! 一项好的预算很有用! 此处work的意思是“起作用,有效果”。 e.g. The medicine worked soon. work同样可作及物动词,表示“产生……效果”。 e.g. We can see that the plan worked badly.

  30. 2. How do you manage to make ends meet, man? 你是如何做 到收支平衡的,朋友? *managev. 设法做到,设法维持 e.g. In spite of these insults, she managed not to get angry. Believe me, we can manage without you! manage还可表示“管理,经营”等含义。 e.g. Still an active woman, she was managing the household ably. I don’t think it’s her shop. I think she just manages it. man此处为一种称呼,比较亲密。 另外还可用buddy,mate,chap,guys(人数为复数)等。

  31. 3. Uh, I pay a monthly rent of $900, including gas, water, electricity and TV. 呃,我每月房租900美元,包括煤气、水、电和电视 费。 *gas n.煤气,天然气;气体;汽油 e.g. I smell gas; there must be a leak. Is there a gas station nearby? gas表示“汽油”是美式英语用法,即gasoline的缩略语。英式 英语中汽油是petrol。 与gas搭配的短语:gas burner 煤气炉;gas explosion 瓦斯爆 炸;gas mask防毒面罩;gas mixture气体混合物;step on the gas 踩油门,加油

  32. 4. I often dine out, so those expenses add up.我经常外出就餐, 那些费用是合理的。 *dine vi.吃饭,进餐 e.g. When do you dine? dine out 表示“下馆子,外出吃饭”,其反义词组为dine in(在 家吃饭)。 注意:diner表示“食客,吃饭的人”,而dinner的意思是“正餐”。 add up是合理的;是对的 e.g. His words about the theft simply did not add up. These figures don’t add up right. Do it again. add up还可表示“把……合计”。 e.g. He weighed each stone and then added up all the weights. add up to的意思是“合计为……”。 e.g. The bills add up to exactly $100.

  33. 5. Movie tickets and a concert or two. $600 or so. 电影票和一场或两场音乐会的票,大约600美元。 or so大约 e.g. It was about an hour or so after he lay down. He must be thirty or so.

  34. 5. Nature of Spending Back Next Translation Everyone has their own beliefs about of how to manage their finances. As part of our value system, it affects the way we look after our money. According to our different values, we are put in three groups. They are: the ant, the cricket and the snail. somebody, someone, everybody, everyone, no one等不定代词均为单数。根据语法规则,后面应用其他单数代词(he, she, his, her)。但现在很多人认为这种用法有性别偏见之嫌,因而较为可取的是they, them或their。 e.g. Everybody said they would help. 此处part意思是“部分”,但作为单数时常不加冠词a。用于表示“角色,作用”的意思,且作单数时加冠词a。 e.g. We spent part of our holiday in France. It plays an important part in economic development. *valuen. 价值观;价值 e.g. The young have a completely different set of values and expectations. The market value of this property has declined. 消费的本质 关于如何理财,每个人都有自己的想法。这种想法是我们价值体系的一部分,它对理财方式有很大影响。 根据不同的价值观,可以分为三类人,分别是:蚂蚁型、蟋蟀型和蜗牛型。 在the way we look after our money中,the way之后的定语从句除了可省略关系代词之外,还可用that或in which引导。 e.g. I don’t like the way (that) she walks. *nature n. 本质;天性 e.g. He is very honest by nature. She holds a strong belief in the goodness of human nature. *belief n. 信念;信仰 e.g. The judge shares my belief that he is innocent. She could not accept the religious beliefs of her parents. 此处finance用作可数名词,意思是“财源;财务”。 e.g. Do we have the finances to support each other? Are the firm’s finances sound?

  35. Back Next Translation just like… 正如…… like在这里是介词,后接名词或代词,表示“像……(在行为或动作上像,而实际上不是)”。 e.g. He speaks English just like an Englishman. He walks just like his father. • The ant — work first • Just like ants, who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people don’t care about enjoying the moment. They work very hard and save the money they earn to enjoy life when they get old. The ant loves to save, but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some low-risk funds and stocks. ◆蚂蚁型——工作第一 正如实心实意干活的蚂蚁,在夏季工作为冬季储备粮食一样,这些人不在意享受当前时光。他们辛苦工作、节约用钱,为的是能在年老退休时享受生活。“蚂蚁们”喜欢存钱,但如果他们愿意投资一些低风险的基金和股票的话,回报会更多。 此处who为关系代词,修饰先行词ants,在从句中做主语,故不能省略。who在限定性定语从句中如果作宾语相当于whom或that,可省略,在非限定性定语从句中不可省略。 e.g. The girl who is great at football has just walked in. The couple (who) we met on holiday sent us a card. in order to 为了 e.g. In order to successfully use it, users must understand how the software works. He wore gloves in order not to dirty his hands. care about 在意,关心;担心 e.g. Don’t you careabout this country’s future?  I really careabout what happens to her.  make… out of… 从……中获得,用……做成…… e.g. Newspapers make a profit out of the advertisements they carry. She made a fortune out of a business. make… out of… 从……中获得,用……做成…… e.g. Newspapers make a profit out of the advertisements they carry. She made a fortune out of a business. 此处if they were willing to...用了虚拟语气,表不(太)可能发生的事情。 e.g. If I were you, I could eat a horse right now.

  36. Back Next Translation ◆ The cricket — fun first The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesn’t think too much about the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save. ◆蟋蟀型——享乐第一 蟋蟀喜欢今朝有酒今朝醉,对未来考虑不多。如果非常想要什么东西,他们甚至还会借钱购买。这些人几乎没什么储蓄。因此,当他们年老时,可能会遇到麻烦。这类人应该学会如何存钱。

  37. Back Next Translation △luxuryn. 奢华,豪华;奢侈品 e.g.We lived for a time in great luxury. We can’t afford many luxuries. luxury的形容词形式是luxurious,意思是“奢侈的,豪华的”。 e.g. Hilton Hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. The millionaire leads a luxurious life. 本句中使用了“make +名词/代词+形容词”的结构。该结构中make是“使变得,使成为”的意思,这个结构表示“使(某物/人)变得(怎么样)”。 e.g. The news that he had passed the final examination made his parents very happy. At the meeting she made her objections clear. ◆The snail—living under pressure The snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves. They take big long-term loans from the bank to buy luxury things. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure they can afford them. This can cause problems in the future. They should plan more carefully. ◆蜗牛型——在重压下生活 蜗牛型指的是那些自讨苦吃的人。为了购买奢侈品,他们会向银行申请大笔的长期贷款。即使不能肯定是否偿还得起,他们还是乐意贷大笔的款项。这种行为会给未来生活造成问题,这类人应当更加谨慎地计划消费。 此处even though表示“即使,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。该短语经常可与even if换用。 e.g. Even though I didn’t know anybody at the party, I had a good time. I Iike the job even though it’s badly paid. ☆long-term a. 长期的 该短语的反义词为short-term。 e.g. Any long-term plan in your mind? Here’s to our long-term cooperation. Cheers! *pressure n. 压力 e.g. The manager has been trying to put pressure on us. He could not come because of business pressure. refer to指……而言,指的是 e.g. When I said some people were stupid, I wasn’t referring to you. Who does the pronoun in the third sentence refer to?

  38. The End! Thank You!

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