

The Effectiveness Of A Tummy Tuck In Flattening Your Abdomen If you have excess fat around your abdomen, you can decide to go on a diet or go through an exercise routine to get rid of it. A protruding belly can be quite uncomfortable, especially when you have folds of excess skin and fat hanging loosely around your abdomen. Excess fat may accumulate around your abdomen after a pregnancy or you may have loose skin around your belly after losing a large amount of weight. Sometimes a protruding belly may completely refuse to go away even after dieting and exercising. You can therefore consider a tummy tuck to give you a flat, firm and visually appealing tummy. The Benefits Of A Tummy Tuck A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure which is used to restore the shape of the abdominal area. Loose sagging skin is trimmed off and excess fat is removed during the procedure. Separated muscles are repaired and the abdominal muscles are tightened to give the tummy a flat and smooth profile. The tummy tuck can be performed on men and women and the results of the procedure can be enjoyed for a lifetime. You will need to maintain your ideal weight after the surgery in order to sustain the results. Your surgeon will therefore advise you not to go through the procedure if you are planning to lose a large amount of weight. You should also not consider the surgery if you have plans of getting pregnant in the future since the results of the procedure may be lost. The Techniques Used To Address Protruding Bellies There are various tummy tuck techniques which can be employed by your surgeon depending on the severity of your condition. A mini tuck is performed if you have a slight bulge under your belly button. The surgeon makes a small incision that is a few inches long above the pubic hair. Excess skin is trimmed off and the abdominal muscles are tightened. The upper part of the abdomen that is above the belly button is not improved. The full tummy tuck is where an incision is made from hipbone to hipbone. Liposuction may be used to get rid of excess fat after which the abdominal muscles are tightened. The belly button is repositioned in the appropriate place and the incisions are closed. Techniques Used To Treat Severe Skin Sagging The extended tummy tuck is where the incision is made around the abdominal area and extends around the hips all the way to the lower back. Liposuction may be used to get rid of excess fat and fluids. The muscles around the abdomen and the hips are then tightened and excess skin is trimmed off. In this technique, the belly button is relocated to a position which is appropriate for the newly shaped tummy. The circumferential tummy tuck makes use of a 360 degree incision which goes all around the waist. This technique is especially used on patients who have undergone a gastric bypass surgery. A large quantity of loose hanging skin on the front lower half of your body can cause fungus to develop within the folds of skin. The technique can be used to remove excess skin from the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks. This procedure is also referred to as a torsoplasty. Dr. Tavakoli is a highly skilled and widely experienced cosmetic surgeon who has performed numerous successful tummy tuck procedures. For more information, please visit webpage .


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