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Introduction to 3CSN Communities of Practice

Introduction to 3CSN Communities of Practice. Habits of Mind . Jan Connal 3CSN Habits of Mind Coordinator BSILI 2014. This CoP is for e ducators wanting to…. Understand why and how Habits of Mind impact learning and success

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Introduction to 3CSN Communities of Practice

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  1. Introduction to 3CSN Communities of Practice

  2. Habits of Mind Jan Connal 3CSN Habits of Mind Coordinator BSILI 2014

  3. This CoP is for educators wanting to…. • Understand why and how Habits of Mind impact learning and success • See examples of activities and programs that cultivate Habits of Mind • Discover new ways of embedding Habits of Mind activities and routines into their practice • Learn how to assess Habits of Mind improvements and outcomes • Network

  4. Importance of Habits “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Gandhi

  5. Cognitive Science finds that…. Intelligent behavior is not just a matter of being able to store and retrieve knowledge (content) Rather, it is how Habits of Mind are practiced with content knowledge

  6. Habits of Mind inform Behavior So… What do we mean by Habits of Mind? • An acquireddisposition to respond in particular ways when we don’t have a solution. • The inclination, capability and commitment to particular behaviors that lead to productive outcomes.

  7. Disciplinary Habits of Mind • History • Welding • Art • Composition • Math • Sociology • Nursing • Sciences • Business What is your discipline? What habits of mind have you acquired through your disciplinary training? What mental routines or strategies do you employ when confronted with a problem?

  8. Our Habits of Mind Framework Persist Manage impulsivity Listen with understanding and empathy Think flexibly Think about your thinking (Metacognition) Strive for accuracy Question and pose problems Apply past knowledge to new situations Think and communicate with clarity and precision Gather data through all senses Create, imagine, and innovate Respond with wonderment and awe Take responsible risks Find humor Think interdependently Remain open to continuous learning

  9. Habits of Mind can infuse & inform… • Classroom practices and activities • Directed Learning Activities • Supplemental Instruction • Tutoring • Student Support Services • Campus-wide initiatives • Flex and professional development activities • Curriculum development • Student Learning Outcomes assessment • Program Review & Accreditation • Institutional Effectiveness

  10. California Acceleration Project Katie Hern and Myra Snell CAP Co-Leaders BSILI 2014

  11. CAP supports educators to. . . Increase student completion by redesigning their English and Math Curricula • Shortening developmental sequences • Better aligning remediation with college-level requirements: “Junior Varsity” college English classes, Algebra preparation for students in math-intensive majors; statistics pathways for others

  12. CAP’s “why” Developmental courses sequences were intended to support the success of under-prepared students, but they are having the unintended consequence of weeding students out of college at high rates.

  13. CAP’s “why” The lower students are placed, the more likely they are to drop out. • 19% of students who begin 3 or more levels below College English complete a college-level English course in three years. • Just 7% of students who start 3 or more levels below college math complete a transferable math course in three years. • The pipeline is clearly broken!

  14. CAP CoP helps faculty teach redesigned classes that. . . • Replace decontextualized sub-skill exercises with just-in time remediation • Offer a thinking-oriented curriculum that is rich in collaborative practice • Use intentional strategies to address students’ affective needs

  15. CAP Professional Learning includes. . . • Introductory ½ day workshops • North and South • Fall and Spring • Community of Practice • Year-long training program for faculty piloting redesigned courses

  16. Community of Practice includes. . . • Three weekend workshops • Training in accelerated pedagogy • Sharing best practices • Leadership capacity building • Check-in calls with faculty teams • Shared classroom resources

  17. “Acceleration Means to Me”. . . • Video from CAP Website

  18. Results RP Group study of first 16 CAP colleges found that in effective accelerated pathways: • English students had a 2.3 times greater odds of completing college-level course • Math students had a 4.5 times greater odds of completing college-level course

  19. Why Reading Apprenticeship? • “Learning is hard. True, learning is fun, exhilarating, and gratifying, but it is also often daunting, exhausting, and sometimes discouraging” • (Angela Duckworth, qtd in Tough) • “The secret killer of innovation [learning] is shame. You can’t measure it, but it is there. Every time someone holds back on a new idea, fails to give . . . needed feedback, is afraid to speak up . . . you can be sure shame played a part. That deep fear we all have of being wrong, or being belittled and of feeling less than, is what stops us from taking the very risks required to move . . . forward” (Brene Brown, Daring Greatly, 65)

  20. Reading Apprenticeship • A partnership of expertise between the teacher and students, drawing on what content area teachers know and do as skilled discipline-based readers and on learners’ unique and often underestimated strengths

  21. Reading Apprenticeship Framework

  22. Why Threshold Project?

  23. What are “Threshold Concepts”? • First identified by Ray Land and J.F. (Erik) Meyer • Examples: • History consists of a series of competing narratives (History) • Language use constitutes meaning; it shapes what we know and how we know and how we know it. (Writing Studies)

  24. Characteristics of Threshold Concepts • Transformative • Irreversible • Integrative • Provisional • Troublesome • Liminal (Cousin, 2006)

  25. Characteristics of Threshold Concepts • Transformative • Irreversible • Integrative • Provisional • Troublesome • Liminal (Cousin, 2006)

  26. Communities of Practice • Make room for recursivity • Create safety, connectedness for risk-taking • Make room for growth • Shame resilience • Help us work productively with expertise

  27. CTE Community of Practice • Create networks of collaboration, expertise and creative problem-solving • Transform CTE programs and departments • Flow of successfully prepared graduates meets the demands of the California job market. California Community Colleges’ Success Network

  28. CTE Community of Practice Networking forums for faculty to identify, discuss and examine, the shared problem of  embedding basic skills into the curriculum areas without increasing student time to completion or increasing costs to the college California Community Colleges’ Success Network

  29. CTE Community of Practice Professional learning and support as faculty and staff create a shared vision of what can be and participate in action research to solve the shared problem California Community Colleges’ Success Network

  30. CTE Community of Practice Collaborate with existing organizations to improve delivery of instruction and services for CTE programs and classrooms California Community Colleges’ Success Network

  31. CTE Community of Practice A repository of research and best practices for CTE instruction California Community Colleges’ Success Network

  32. CTE Community of Practice Next Steps: Connect with Donna and Luis Join monthly conference call Share ideas and practices with group California Community Colleges’ Success Network

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