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It Takes Considerable Expertise To Carry Out A Fire Safety Assessment

Fire safety is critical in any building, whether domestic or commercial, but one big difference between the two is that on commercial premises there are certain legal requirements that must be followed.<br><br>

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It Takes Considerable Expertise To Carry Out A Fire Safety Assessment

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  1. ItTakesConsiderableExpertiseToCarry OutAFireSafetyAssessment

  2. The problem for most people who are the “responsible person”isthattheysimplydonothavesufficient knowledge to carry out a building fire risk assessment themselves. This ishardly surprising because there is a lotto learnandalot to takeintoconsideration.Notwo buildings are exactly the same or in the same position, andeveniftwoaresimilartheymaybeputtodifferent uses.Forexample,anengineeringworkshopwillhaveall sortsofequipmentandstockthatyouwouldn’tfindina dairy,andthereisabigdifferencebetweenafarmshop andapetrolstation.

  3. Thisiswhymanypeoplewhoaretheresponsibleperson choose to have us at UK-FireRisk Assessments carry out theirfiresafetyassessmentforthem.Astheresponsible person,youcandelegatethejobtoa“competentperson” to do it for you. This means that you are compliant with thelaw, anditalsomeansthatyourfireriskassessment will be accurate, and it will advise you of any steps that youneedtotake.Beingcompliantkeepsyousafe, because it is actually possible to receive heavy fines and evenajailsentenceifyouarenotcompliant.

  4. SomeThingsWouldNeverOccurTo TheAverageMan There are just so many things that need to be covered within a fire risk assessment. Some of them are obvious, but many of them would never even occurtotheaveragemaninthestreet.Forinstance,doyouknowwhattypeof fire extinguishers you should have, and where they should be placed? Are you aware that your electrical system should be tested annually? Do you get your electricalequipmentPATtested?Doyoucarryouttrainingandfiredrills?Those arejustafewofthethingsthatneedtobecoveredand/orthatyoushoulddo. At UK-FireRisk Assessments we can cover all of this for you, advise you of any steps that you need to take, and provide you with the written report that you need,allforaone-offfeewithnohiddenextras.

  5. ContactUS TheStableoffice,YoungOak WaterLane Oxton Notts Tel:01158963814 https://www.uk-fireriskassessments.co.uk/

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