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Please check information on drjudywood Picture references at: drjudywood/wtc

Please check information on www.drjudywood.com Picture references at: www.drjudywood.com/wtc Also see www.checktheevidence.com www.nomoregames.net. Right - Plane has merged with building – no explosion yet. (Video Clip 1).

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  1. Please check information on www.drjudywood.com Picture references at: www.drjudywood.com/wtc Also see www.checktheevidence.com www.nomoregames.net

  2. Right - Plane has merged with building – no explosion yet. (Video Clip 1)

  3. How can aluminium & light materials crash through solid steel girders? If it’s so hot there after the fire, how is the woman holding on? Plane Crashes Through Many Steel Girders??

  4. How can the inflated tire have survived? This is a government supplied photo!

  5. I completed a study of over 500 accounts in October 2007 I managed to establish that at least 96 witnesses were near the WTC (with ½ a mile) at the time of 2nd impact and a further 21 witnesses were inside one of the WTC buildings at the time of the 2nd impact. This gave a total of 117 witnesses who were near or the Inside WTC buildings at the time of 2nd impact. Only 19 of the witnesses near the WTC reported actually seeing plane 2 before impact therefore 20% of Witnesses saw the 2nd plane. Only 20 of the witnesses near the WTC reported actually hearing plane 2 before impact therefore 21% of Witnesses heard the 2nd plane. Only 8 of the witnesses near the WTC reported actually seeing and hearing plane 2 before impact therefore 8.3% of Witnesses saw and heard the 2nd plane. NYC 1st Responder Witness Study - 1

  6. From the account of Scott Holowach - File No: 9110114 At that time Chief Ganci was behind me and he thought there was another explosion in the north tower and that's when I turned around and said Chief, listen, there is a second plane that hit the other tower. He was like no no no no, we have another explosion. I said no, Chief, I witnessed it. I watched the plane hit the other tower. He is like are you sure. I said Chief, I'm 100 hundred percent positive I watched the second plane hit the other tower. FIREFIGHTER DAVID SANDVIK - File No. 9110375 Page 4: We start heading down the block and we get down to I guess about Church Street and the second plane hit, and I remember just being underneath. I never heard the motor of the plane, the sound of the engines. We just heard the explosion, you felt the explosion, and looking straight up and seeing that fireball that you see on the news, but we're underneath looking up now at it. Under the Fireball and Heard No Plane…

  7. Witness statements conflict – some witness swear they saw planes, some (like the TV reporter) say they didn’t see a plane. (As at Dealey Plaza, where witnesses say the car stopped and the Zapruder film showed it did not – we’ll come to this again shortly!) Stories about Black Box recovery at WTC conflict No serial numbers of any plane parts recovered at WTC have ever been published. If planes did indeed crash, then ALL the video evidence should match perfectly – especially that from main news outlets (CNN, ABC etc). It does not! Other Points Re Planes/NBB

  8. No hijackers Anomalies with passengers can be explained (almost no families turning up at the airport where one of the planes should’ve landed – see Sept Clues.) No stand down Explains flight anomalies well and fake flight 77 data (Calum Douglas got this from the NTSB) Explains surviving Hijackers Explains faked NORAD tapes Operators were watching RADAR blips hence they may not have been real planes Indicates another layer of cover-up. If the Plane Crashes WERE faked, it means…

  9. Here's a possible scenario for what happened on 9/11 (regarding planes): Quite a number of military exercises are going on (but the actual number doesn't really matter). Some General or Military high-up dude rings up and says "4 hijacked planes are in the air!!!" NORAD, FAA and everyone spend 1 or 2 hours looking for them - but they're not there. Nothing is scrambled as there are no planes to intercept - eventually some fighters take off, but don't know where to go as there are no real targets. Everyone feels bad because these non-existent planes have managed to destroy the WTC and part of the pentagon. No one will admit to anything because it's a HUGE cock up. Few realise what did the damage at the Pentagon and the WTC. (Shanksville may have just been a missile fired into the ground or an explosion of some kind) and so the myth begins... “It’s a Plane Charade…”

  10. WHERE DID THE BUILDINGS GO?We know this photo was take before noon on 9/11/01. WTC7 can be seen in the distance. The Verizon Building is at a distance on the left.

  11. WHERE DID THE BUILDINGS GO?This is a view from West Street, looking east across the remains of WTC1. FEMA entered this photo on 9/13/01, which is the earliest date for any posts for the 9/11 event.

  12. Paper in the foreground is not on fire. Why are vehicles in the parking lot on fire at some distance away? If a quarter-mile tall building just fell down here, why don't we see much more than paper here?

  13. HOLES - Some debris has been cleared, but the pulverized dust is still emerging. If most of the steel from the upper floors of WTC1 and WTC2 was pulverized, then how much steel was really shipped as scrap to China? Does anyone have these figures or the receipts?

  14. This shows the vertical cut-outs in the center of WTC6. To the left of WTC6 are the remains of WTC1. Note the fairly consistent diameter of the holes. The holes are essentially empty: little debris visible inside the holes.

  15. Inside the 8-story WTC6 hole – Where are the remains?

  16. Notice how straight the vertical holes were that cut down through WTC6.While there is abundance of aluminum cladding on the roofs of buildings 5 and 6, there is little or none in the holes.

  17. View over dome of WFC2 shows the damage to WTC6 (center of the photo) Remains of WTC7 on left. To right is remaining north wall of WTC1 which leans toward WTC6

  18. LITTLE DEBRIS IN BASEMENTS - workers descend into subbasements below WTC2. Extensive damage, but little building debris bottom hole. No sign of molten metal. Worker in distance walks along column.

  19. HOLE The previous photo was taken in “HOLE”, above. Overhanging debris was removed before ladder was lowered into the hole.

  20. Gravity Collapse - Pakistan earthquake.

  21. Woodward's Department Store – Prior to Demolition – 8 Stories High

  22. Woodward's Department Store Rubble - Vancouver

  23. There was no significant damage to the bathtub on 9/11. This picture looks west-northwest, from the center of the WTC 1 footprint

  24. General Appearance - Before Destruction

  25. After - why did the destruction stop at ground level? (west)

  26. Seven stories below ground stayed intact. (north)

  27. Again, Bathtub intact - clean

  28. PATH Train cars were not crushed and were lifted from the bathtub February 22, 2002

  29. “Bubbler” (left) and “Snowball” (right)

  30. Steel columns disintegrate into steel dust with WTC7 and water tower in the foreground

  31. NO FUMES LOTS OF FUMES! Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was “lathered up”. Massive clouds of fumes come from Right Hand Side in this picture

  32. Video Clips of Towers Turning to Dust (Video Clip 2)

  33. WTC 7 “Lathering Up”

  34. WTC1 is blowing "smoke rings"

  35. High Heat?? Low Heat Peculiar wilting of car doors and deformed window surrounds on FDR Drive. Evidence of (apparent) high heat and low heat within inches.

  36. Extensive damage to front of car, including no door handle on driver's door. Unusual, unburned circular area on rear door. Note open trunk

  37. Toasted interior of car 2723 was consumed except for fire extinguisher. How does a car rust so fast on the inside? Fire, should‘ve caused a blackened-burned appearance. Instead, we see large amount of rust on the inside of the car. Why?

  38. Burned out cars & bus along West Broadway. They seem to have missing door handles. Gas tanks don't appear to explode.

  39. The windows have round holes in them. They are double-paned windows, but the two windows do not show the same damage

  40. Round holes in WFC2

  41. Round holes through glass, looking out of the Century-21 Bldg (Contrast Changed to show outside details)

  42. Millennium Hotel Windows – “Melted” Window Holes

  43. Only 1 pane is broken…

  44. Damaged during the destruction of the WTC. You might think the steel section hanging down had been blasted across and caused all the damage, yet why isn’t it damaged much itself? Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank Building

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