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Finding grant schemes

Finding grant schemes. Anthony.de-soyza@ncl.ac.uk. 3 major types of funding. Project- specific idea Person- fellowships Program- area of work with workstreams. Multiple sources. National Governmental level NIHR MRC Wellcome Charity Broad Specific areas Local funds. 4 th strand.

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Finding grant schemes

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  1. Finding grant schemes Anthony.de-soyza@ncl.ac.uk

  2. 3 major types of funding Project- specific idea Person- fellowships Program- area of work with workstreams

  3. Multiple sources • National Governmental level • NIHR • MRC • Wellcome • Charity • Broad • Specific areas • Local funds

  4. 4th strand • Industry egPharma often have schemes AND/OR will consider direct approaches • Eg

  5. How to find them • Google! Check your area and ask for advice from peers • Research design service • Rdinfo www.rdinfo.org.uk

  6. www.rdinfo.org.uk

  7. www.wellcome.ac.uk

  8. Managing evaluation research on behalf of the National Institute for Health Research What has the NIHR ever done for research?

  9. Aim • Outline of what the NIHR does & how it is a key target for research funding • Flavour of what’s on offer

  10. Why research is important for your organisation • Since 2010 every NHS Trust has been required to publish an annual Quality Account which is available to the public. This includes a statement of the number of patients who were recruited to participate in research approved by a research ethics committee during that period.

  11. What is NIHR and what does it mean to me? • The National Institute for Health Research is the largest funder of clinical research in the country: Wellcome £746m; MRC £767m; NIHR just under £1b. • NIHR supports clinical and applied health & social care research improving health, well-being and prosperity. • NIHR is becoming internationally recognised as the model for organising a health research system.

  12. What have the Romans NIHR done for us? • Radically increased number of clinical trials; 1300 new research studies via the NIHR Clinical Research Network • Patients recruited more than doubled to over 0.6m • Highest proportion of cancer patients in the world taking part in trials (1 in 6) • Helped establish research culture in the NHS: 99% of NHS Trusts now delivering clinical research • Helped reverse the decline in numbers of clinical researchers

  13. Background: • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funds • Research infrastructure (networks, sessions, nurses) • Individuals (AHPs, Nurses, STs/SpRs, Professors) • Platforms • Grants : many different schemes • NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC), Based at the University of Southampton)

  14. Better Quality • Better Value The Innovation Pathway DIFFUSION INVENTION EVALUATION ADOPTION • Spread • new things • new ideas • new techniques • new approaches • Creation • new things • new ideas • new techniques • new approaches • Assessment • new things • new ideas • new techniques • new approaches • Uptake • new things • new ideas • new techniques • new approaches Basic Research Applied Research Commissioning Patient Care MRC & Charities NIHR NHS Commissioners Providers of NHS services

  15. The NIHR Health Research System Faculty Associates Investigators &Senior Investigators Trainees Universities Infrastructure Research Clinical Research Networks Research Projects & Programmes NHS Trusts Patients&Public Clinical Research Facilities, Centres & Units Research Schools Research InformationSystems Research GovernanceSystems Systems

  16. Dr Katy Hester

  17. NIHR fellowships for non medical staff • Allied Health Professionals scheme- nurses, physio(PhD Fellowships- egSr K Heslop) • NIHR CAT scheme • NIHR Biomedical scientists • Also Knowledge mobilisation fellows….

  18. NIHR fellows • You are joining a community of over 20,000 researchers, in the NHS, public health, social care and universities. • You are part of a family of over 2000 research trainees

  19. Fellowships • Early stage ones are about fellow and training • Later ones are about impacts and developing the applicants group • High rate of success locally

  20. NIHR Research Career Pathways Doctors and Dentists NIHR Integrated Academic Training All Professions NIHR Fellowships Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals Clinical Academic Training Other Awards Level of Award NIHR Senior Research Fellowship NIHR/CNO/HEFCE Senior Academic Clinical Lecturer Senior/ Pre-Chair -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIHR Clinician Scientist Award NIHR Career Development Fellowship NIHR/CNO Clinical Lectureships Senior Post-Doc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSO Health Care Scientist PostDoctoral Fellowship NIHR Clinical Lectureship NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship Early Post-Doc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSO Health Care Scientist Doctoral Fellowship NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship NIHR/CNO Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowships Doctoral ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masters Health Economics, Masters in Med. Statistics. In-Practice Fellowships and NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships NIHR/CNO Masters in Clinical Research Pre-Doctoral/ Masters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undergraduate

  21. Infrastructure • Research networks until 1.4.14 • Combined Local Research Networks as of today • North East & North Cumbria LRN • Funds Trusts nurses, pharmacy, radiographers etc to support “NIHR Portfolio research” • Bidding process- based on recruitment and hitting targets • Funds Consultants time in job plan to deliver research • Bidding process

  22. The Comprehensive Clinical Research Network Support delivered through 25 Comprehensive Local Research Networks (CLRNs) Also work UK-wide Each CLRN has clinical/operational leadership CLRNs allocate their budget to hospitals and support a local workforce of research nurses etc All coordinated by a national coordinating centre

  23. New Clinical Research Network : Post Transition 15 larger networks

  24. Accessing the UKCRN portfolio database http://public.ukcrn.org.uk/search/

  25. Managing evaluation research programmes on behalf of NIHR • NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies (NETS) programmes • Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme • NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme • NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) programme • NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) programme • NIHR Health Services Research (HSR) programme • NIHR CTU support funding

  26. NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies (NETS) programmes- from 2012 NETSCC Health Services and Delivery Research from 2012 HS&DR Public Health Research Established: 2008 Health Technology Assessment Established: 1993 PHR HTA Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Funded by the MRC Managed by NIHR Established: 2008 EME

  27. Needs-led and science-added approach for NETS programmes • Needs-led The NETS programmes work closely with policy-makers, professionals and the public to identify areas where high-quality evidence for decision-making is needed • Science-added because we ask does the proposal meet the scientific quality we insist on, and how can we support the delivery of quality • Value for money because assessment of need and scientific support maximises the relevance and benefits achievable within a funding stream

  28. We encourage Public and Patient Involvement • Closer working with patient/service user organisations on topic identification • Open recruitment of wider group of public contributors to prioritisation and commissioning • Panels & boards require clear evidence of commitment to PPI in design and conduct of research • Wider dissemination of ‘plain English’ findings to interested communities • Reference group of public contributors to advise on strategic development of PPI

  29. Research themes

  30. Full and appropriate funding • We provide: • Full and appropriate funding because we place no upper limit on the amount of funding granted for a project • If the question is important enough and the science requires it, we will fund it • University based projects: we fund up to 80% of the Full Economic Cost (FEC) • NHS Trust based projects: we fund 100% of the direct costs • Other organisations are also welcome to apply

  31. The EME programme remit • The EME programme is broadly aimed at supporting 'science driven' studies with an expectation of substantial health gain and aims to support excellent clinical science with an ultimate view to improving health or patient care • The remit includes evaluations of new treatments, including therapeutics (small molecule and biologic), psychological interventions, public health, diagnostics and medical devices. Treatments or interventions intended to prevent disease are also included

  32. Managed Translational Pathway

  33. Translating science into better health • MRC: can it work? • EME: does it work? • HTA: is it worth it? • The EME programme is funded by the MRC and NIHR, with contributions from the CSO in Scotland, NISCHR in Wales and the HSC R&D, Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland • It is applicable to all parts of the UK

  34. Types of Research Who defines the question? Frequency Per year Primary Research; Clinical efficacy of interventions Continuous with 3 submission deadlines Researcher Researcher-led EME Primary Research; Large stage projects Clinical efficacy of interventions Commissioned EME programme 3 calls per year

  35. Examples of EME funded research A Randomised Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Oral Azithromycin as a Supplement to Standard Care for Adult Patients with Acute Excaberbations of Asthma [£1,092,118] Professor Sebastian Lennox JohnstonImperial College London

  36. NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme • Purpose and Remit To deliver information about the effectiveness, costs and broader impact of healthcare treatments and tests for those who plan, provide or receive care in the NHS • The HTA programme includes The programme includes all interventions used to promote health, prevent or treat disease, improve rehabilitation or long-term care including drugs, devices, procedures, settings of care and screening

  37. The HTA programme funding workstreams: Types of Research Who defines the question? Frequency Per year Primary research Feasibility & pilot Evidence synthesis HTA programme 4 calls Commissioned Primary research Feasibility & pilot Evidence synthesis Continuous with 4 closing dates Clinical evaluation Researcher HTA Researcher Led Theme from HTA programme Question from researcher Themed Calls Primary research Evidence synthesis 1 call NICE Guidance Direct referral to On-contract teams Specific technology assessment NICE

  38. Examples of HTA funded research A multicentre randomised controlled trial of an intelligent system to support decision making in the management of labour using the cardiotocogram (INFANT) [£5,957,981] Professor Peter BrocklehurstInstitute for Women’s Health, University College London

  39. TWICS trial- currently open now Theophylline with inhaled corticosteroids 12 month study Led Aberdeen; Newcastle, birminghametcDeVELOP- EVLP in lung transplantationled newcastle….

  40. Propose a study to the NIHR HTA http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/identifying-research/make-a-suggestion

  41. Research for Patient Benefit • Responsive scheme, funding research: • arising from daily practice in the NHS. • developed between NHS and other partners. • with potential for influencing practice. • Annual budget of £25m p.a. • 3 funding competitions per year. • Regional funding panels.

  42. RfPB scope • Regionally commissioned health services and public health research - qualitative and quantitative designs to: • Study the provision and use of NHS services. • Evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions. • Examine the resource utilisation of alternative means for healthcare delivery. • Formally scrutinise innovations and developments. • Pilot or feasibility studies.

  43. RfPB requirements • Principle investigator and up to six co-applicants. •  Strong research team with expertise covering all aspects of the proposal. • Maximum of three years of funding up to a value of £250,000 (possibly £350,000). • NHS Trust holds the money. • University academic partners are actively encouraged.

  44. RfPB requirements • Main research outcome of some tangible form of PATIENT BENEFIT. •  Ideally the results will impact directly on current practice. • Strong evidence of Patient-Public involvement (PPI) in the design stages of the research as well as in the running of the study and in the dissemination of its results. • Clear plans for dissemination.

  45. HS&DR background The HSDR programme builds on the strengths and contributions of two existing programmes – Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) and Health Services Research (HSR) research programmes • Purpose and Remit To produce rigorous and relevant evidence on the quality, access and organisation of health services. • History This is a new programme and will be launched in January 2012. .

  46. Types of Research Who defines the question? Frequency Per year Commissioned Primary research Evidence synthesis HS&DR programme 3 calls per year (6+ topics) HS&DR Researcher-led Primary research Evidence synthesis Researcher 3 calls per year

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