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The Kite Runner

The Outsider. The Kite Runner. By Shannon, Jasmine and Kelvin. The Outsider. Definition: Someone who does not belong to a particular society or group Someone who is isolated from the activities or concerns of a community Examples in The Kite Runner: Amir Hassan Baba Soraya Sohrab.

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The Kite Runner

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  1. The Outsider The Kite Runner By Shannon, Jasmine and Kelvin

  2. The Outsider • Definition: • Someone who does not belong to a particular society or group • Someone who is isolated from the activities or concerns of a community • Examples in The Kite Runner: • Amir • Hassan • Baba • Soraya • Sohrab

  3. Amir • “But he’s always buried in those books or shuffling around the house like he’s lost in some dream. I wasn’t like that.” • “There is something missing in that boy.” • “If I hadn’t seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes, I’d never believe he’s my son.” - Baba (pg 19-20) • This shows that Amir was considered an outsider due to his behaviour and personality • His nature contrasted with Baba’s, which made him an outsider in his eyes

  4. Amir (continued) • “You’ve always been a tourist here, you just didn’t know it.” - Farid (pg 204) • Amir still thinks of Afghanistan as his home country • However, he lived a luxurious life compared to the rest of Afghanistan • Seeing a poor beggar on the street makes Amir feel like an outsider in his own country

  5. Hassan • “They call him “flat-nosed” because of Ali and Hassan’s characteristic Hazara Mongoloid features.” - Amir (pg 8) • Both Hassan and Ali are considered outsiders due to their physical appearance which labels them as Hazaras • “What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He’ll never be anything but a cook. How dare he criticise you?” - Amir’s conscience (pg30) • This shows the bloom of Amir’s betrayal • Amir begins to consider Hassan as an outsider who does not deserve to be his friend

  6. Baba • “For me, America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his.” - Amir (pg 112) • While Amir finds solace in forgetting his sins, Baba becomes lost without his old friends and life • This makes Baba feel like an outsider in America

  7. Soraya • “But no ‘khastegars’, no suitors, have knocked on the general’s door since.” - Baba (pg 123) • Soraya was generally avoided by other men due to the fact that she had left her home to live with another man before • Amir was also portrayed as an outsider • Getting together has allowed the two of them to feel less like outsiders because they have each other’s company

  8. Sohrab • “People stopped asking why he never spoke. Why he didn’t play with the other kids.” • “Like dull wallpaper, Sohrab had blended into the background.” - Amir (pg 318) • Sohrab is still mourning his old life and refuses to let go of his feelings • As a result, he becomes mute and almost invisible to others • He is labeled as an outsider by other Afghan people in the community

  9. Conclusion • Why does Hosseiniemphasise the position of an outsider? • It shows us how important friendships and relationships are • We see the impact on a character when they are isolated • This is a way of showing a character’s vulnerability

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