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„Forests in Poland and Europe. Characteristics and management.”

„Forests in Poland and Europe. Characteristics and management.”. Deforestation problem in Europe. People have been involved with forests for ages. Forest are slowly cutted out by people leaving near to it just for their daily needs.

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„Forests in Poland and Europe. Characteristics and management.”

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  1. „Forests in Poland and Europe. Characteristics and management.” Deforestation problem in Europe

  2. People have been involved with forests for ages. Forest are slowly cutted out by people leaving near to it just for their daily needs.

  3. Irresponsibledeforestation, cutting out old orilltreescould do no harm to forest and itevenhelpsit. But whentreesarecut out from big areasjust to getwoodor to getmineralshiddenunder the forest, thatswhere the problem isborn.

  4. HOW DEFORESTATION IS DONE • Building a roads to the deepparts of forest • Professional cars and equipmentaretransportedintoforest • People aresettlingnearroads • Pollution • Hunting • Whenbestgoodsareusedall of treesarecutted out


  6. From the otherhandsituation in Europe doesn’tlook as bad as itlooks in general. From 1990-2010 forestareaisgrowing in opposit to worldsforestarea with isgettingsmaller and smaller.

  7. Over 40% of surface of the European Union iscovered in forest and that’sabout 25 % of worldforestwhichprotectus from climatchanges but alsoisendangered by them. Treesareabsorbingcarbondioxide.

  8. European Union iscalling to the limitation to a half of the globaldeforestationtill 2020 to 2030. It isalsoproposed to giveinternationalbenefits for developing countries, in whichdeforestationwill be stopped. European Union is in cooperation with thesecountries, which export theirwood in order to makeforest management better and with theseonesthatguaranteetheirwood was cutlegally.

  9. Bibliography http://ec.europa.eu/environment/basics/global-challenges/index_pl.htm https://www.ibles.pl/documents/10180/47695/EuropaWalczy.jpg?t=1372336683977 https://www.ibles.pl/-/europa-walczy-z-nielegalnym-drewnem http://docplayer.pl/6439614-Odpowiedzialna-konsumpcja-przyklad-zasobow-lesnych.html http://docplayer.pl/6439614-Odpowiedzialna-konsumpcja-przyklad-zasobow-lesnych.html http://www.liczby.pl/baza-wiedzy/dane-o-polsce/pytania/powierzchnia-polski-w-porownaniu-z-innymi-panstwami-europy http://docplayer.pl/6439614-Odpowiedzialna-konsumpcja-przyklad-zasobow-lesnych.html http://lesniczowka.blox.pl/2012/10/Czy-musimy-wycinac-drzewa-w-lesie.html http://fakty.interia.pl/raporty/raport-najladniejsze-miejsca-w-polsce/galerie/puszcza-bialowieska-zdjecie,iId,1166426,iAId,85663 http://olx.pl/oferta/wycinka-samosiejek-lasu-karczowanie-gleboszowanie-talerzowanie-CID619-ID6t82N.html http://www.jaslo4u.pl/powrot-do-korzeni-czyli-rzecz-o-karpackiej-troi-newsy-jaslo-5453 https://sites.google.com/site/puszczaaugustowskaorazaugustow/home/foto http://www.dialektologia.uw.edu.pl/index.php?l1=opis-dialektow&l2=dialekt-mazowiecki&l3=suwalszczyzna&l4=pojezierze-suwalsko-augustowskie-kultura http://www.wrota.podkarpackie.pl/pl/srodowisko/aktual/130419-posadza-nowy-las http://www.ilawa.olsztyn.lasy.gov.pl/aktualnosci/-/asset_publisher/1M8a/content/juz-niedlugo-czas-wielkiego-sadzenia/pop_up?_101_INSTANCE_1M8a_viewMode=print#.VxZtTno-5rg http://www.wykop.pl/wpis/6300572/mapa-zalesienia-europy-mapy-ciekawostki-europa/ https://ic.fsc.org/en/news/id/1135 https://us.fsc.org/en-us http://www.eko-polano.pl/transport-drewna-galeria-4.html

  10. Oliwia Frączek 1 LO Dominika Leśniak 1 LO Barbara Wyrzykowska 2 LO Liceum Ogólnokształcące Sióstr Urszulanek UR we Wrocławiu

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