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Why Intimate Hygiene Is Important(1)

Intimate hygiene is all about keeping your private part clean and hygienic. Sexual hygiene is as important as cleaning another part of your body. Intimate hygiene practices are vital for both men and women to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Condom is not the only solution to the cleanliness issues.

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Why Intimate Hygiene Is Important(1)

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  1. Why Intimate Hygiene Is Important

  2. Intimate Hygiene is For Both Men And Women Intimate hygiene is all about keeping your private part clean and hygienic. Sexual hygiene is as important as cleaning another part of your body. Intimate hygiene practices are vital for both men and women to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Condom is not the only solution to the cleanliness issues. Following a good hygiene routine could help you to keep your sexual parts healthy and have a good sex life.

  3. Intimate Hygiene For Women Even with the increasing female literacy rate in urban and rural areas, the adoption of good hygiene practices is rare during menstruation. Just like other body parts, a woman's vaginal area also has friendly bacteria that produce acid. The role of this acid is to maintain the health of the vagina and prevent the growth of any harmful bacteria or yeast. Women go through various cycles, and poor cleaning during this time can lead to the spread of harmful bacteria in this area. Not only that, some hair removal techniques, using harmful feminine hygiene wash, and sex can also cause the spread of the bacteria.

  4. How To Keep Vagina Hygiene And Healthy? When it comes to keeping the sexual part hygiene, you will need special treatment. To maintain intimate hygiene, you can do these things as follows. Use a good quality wash because intimate care of your private part requires special attention. Using regular soaps can disturb the pH level that can further lead to problems like odor, itching, and infections. Vagina has the ability to cleanse itself, which is why you don't have to wash insides. Wash only the outside area of it, such as vaginal lips, vulva, and around the clitoris. Make sure to wash it once a day, and if possible, with warm water. During your periods, it is recommended to wash two times.

  5. Use a soft towel only and don't use gloves or a sponge. Wipe it right with vaginal wipes or napkins. Do wash it before and after the sex to stop the growth of dangerous bacteria. If possible, avoid having sexual intercourse during periods. Wear cotton clothes that improve the air circulation in that area. Don't use too must tampons regularly as they cause a toxic syndrome. Regular doctor visits can help to maintain intimate health. If there are any hormonal changes and an irregular menstrual cycle, then visiting the doctor could help.

  6. Intimate hygiene For Men Men's intimate hygiene is different from women's. It is easy for men to maintain good sexual hygiene when compared to women. But most of the men avoid following these simple, intimate care routines. It often leads to urine infection, itching, fungal infection, and other infections.

  7. Here is How To Maintain Proper Intimate Hygiene For Men To stay far away from any type of infection, men should keep their intimate area dry after bathing, swimming, or playing. Then it is always advised to clean the area before and after the sexual intercourse. Adding a cleaning routine to the schedule is a good women intimate care practice, especially after a heavy workout session. Men can use chemical-free intimate wash for it. The ideal pH level is 3.5, and to maintain that level, intimate washes are recommended. Changes in the pH level can cause infection. Wear loose-fit cotton cloths for better comfort, and it avoids itching. The area under the genitals must be washed properly, and don't forget to wash the area under the foreskin by gently pulling it back.

  8. How To Make This a Practice? No matter you are a man or woman, you must share these things with your partner. Keep noticing and guiding each other to be safe Keep an eye on an indication of the infections, or other issues If anything gets serious, then consult the doctor.

  9. How To Use Intimate Wash Properly? Take few drops of the intimate wash and wash your palms first Use the liquid on the area and rub gently till foam is formed Wash it properly with water

  10. Buy High-Quality Intimate Hygiene Products Fresh You offers various intimate care products such as spray, oil, wipes, and wash for both men and women. They aim to provide high-quality and safe-to-use products so that people can maintain intimate hygiene.

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