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Kimberly Hobbs , Principal Otilia Gomez , K-2 Administrator Jacqueline Curtis , 3-5 Administrator

Welcome to Fifth Grade ’ s Open House Bienvenidos a Quinto Grado. Kimberly Hobbs , Principal Otilia Gomez , K-2 Administrator Jacqueline Curtis , 3-5 Administrator. Patrick LaPadula , 6-8 Administrator Dr. Stacia Spillane , Counselor Doris Rios , Magnet Coordinator.

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Kimberly Hobbs , Principal Otilia Gomez , K-2 Administrator Jacqueline Curtis , 3-5 Administrator

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  1. Welcome to Fifth Grade’s Open HouseBienvenidos a Quinto Grado Kimberly Hobbs, Principal Otilia Gomez, K-2 Administrator Jacqueline Curtis, 3-5 Administrator Patrick LaPadula, 6-8 Administrator Dr. Stacia Spillane, Counselor Doris Rios, Magnet Coordinator

  2. Meet The Cluster Teachers Conozcan a Los Maestros de Quinto Grado • Mrs. Carrasco, Room 202:Math and Science/ Matemáticas y Ciencias • Mr. Harper, Room 203: Reading, Language Arts and Social Studies/ Lectura, Lenguaje y Estudios Sociales • Mrs. Woodfin, Room 204: Math and Science/ Matemáticas y Ciencias • Ms. Santana, Room 205: Self Contained / Todas las clases • Mrs. Matson, Room 206: Reading and Language Arts and Social Studies / LecturayLenguaje y Estudios Sociales

  3. Tonight’s schedule:Itinerario para esta noche: • 5:00 Parents sign in. • 5:00 to 5:30 Cluster Meeting • 5:30 to 6:00 Classroom Visitation • 6:00 to 6:30 Discuss Field Trips in the cluster area • 6:30 to 7:00 Meet the Ancillary Teachers

  4. NCLB and Title I SchoolsPURPOSE of Title I • In 2001, the federal government passed the NCLB Act which provided identified schools with federal funds for the purpose of supplementing the instructional program of schools to ensure a high quality education for students that would help them meet the state standard (currently STAAR – State of Texas Assessment for Academic Readiness). • Our Title 1 Coordinator is Mrs. Callegari (6th grade)MCALLEG1@HOUSTONISD.ORG

  5. NCLB and Title I SchoolsPURPOSE of Title I • In 2001, the federal government passed the NCLB Act which provided identified schools with federal funds for the purpose of supplementing the instructional program of schools to ensure a high quality education for students that would help them meet the STAAROur Title 1 Coordinator is Mrs. Callegari (6th grade)MCALLEG1@HOUSTONISD.ORG

  6. Goals of Open House/ Objetivos de este Open House • Understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year/ Para entender el trabajo que su hijo/hija tendrá este año • Explain our expectations for your child/Para explicar las expectativas para su hijo/hija • Share information about how you can work together with us to support your child’s learning/ Para compartir información en como ayudar el aprendizaje de su hijo/hija

  7. Goals of Open House/ Objetivos de este Open House • Tonight is a general overview of 5th grade classroom procedures and expectations. Hoy tendremos una descripción general de los procedimientos y expectativas en el quinto grado. • Please save personal student concerns for conferences with the teachers. Si necesita hablar con los maestros y maestras sobre alguna preocupación que tiene, favor de hacer una cita con el maestro o maestra.

  8. Cluster Expectations/Expectativas del Centro de Aprendizaje Students should be prepared for class everyday/ Estudiantes deben estar preparados todos los días Get to class on time with all materials./ Llegar a clase en tiempo y con todas los materiales

  9. Cluster Expectations/Expectativas del Centro de Aprendizaje Come to class with a positive attitude/ Llegar a clase con una actitud positiva Use planner on your own to keep up with your homework and turn in your homework on time/ Usar el Diario del Estudiante para anotar todas las tareas y entregar las tareas a tiempo

  10. Grading Procedures/GoalsProcedimientos para calificar/Metas • Grades are one type of feedback on student performance/ Las notas dan información del progreso del estudiante • Grade Speed is available online / GradeSpeed está disponsible en el Internet

  11. Grading/ Calificaciones

  12. Math: March 30, 2015 Reading: March 31, 2015 Science: April 22, 2015 4 hour time limit (including breaks) Tiempo límite de 4 horas (incluyendo descansos) 3 open ended questions for science and math 3 preguntas abiertas en ciencias y matemáticas

  13. Reading/ LecturaSTAAR testing: Tuesday, March 31, 2015/ Retest May 12, 2015 • Reading is a subject that includes the entire curriculum. Every child is encouraged to read for enjoyment and to read for information. We recommend reading 30 to 40 minutes daily. Lectura aparece en todo el currículo. Alentamos a todos los estudiantes a que lean para diversión e información. Recomendamos 30-40 minutos diarios. • iStation • Accelerated Reading (AR)

  14. Language Arts/ Lenguaje Fifth Grade English emphasizes the study, understanding, and correct usage of English grammar. Students explore writing and learn how to use it for multiple purposes, thereby strengthening their ability to communicate effectively. Spelling is an important component of this course, as is the continued development of preparation and study skills. (Literature Connection) El enfoque de lenguaje en quinto grado es en el estudio, comprensión y uso correcto de inglés. Los estudiantes explorarán escritura y aprenderán cómo usarla con varios propósitos. De esta manera los estudiantes podrán comunicarse efectivamente. La ortografía también es un componente importante del curso.

  15. Math/ Matemáticas • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math • Think Through Math “Think 30” • STAAR testing date Monday March 30, 2015

  16. Science/ Ciencias • Hougthon Mifflin Harcourt, Science Fusion • STAAR testing, Wednesday April 22, 2015/ STAAR, 22 de abril 2015

  17. Social Studies/ Estudios Sociales • 5th grade focuses on the following aspects of US history: Early European Explorers, Colonization, American Revolution, The Constitution and Bill of Rights, The Civil War and The Industrial Revolution. El quinto grado se enfoca en los siguientes aspectos de la historia de los EEUU: Exploradores europeos, Colonización, la Revolución Americana, La Constitución y la Carta de Derechos, La Guerra Civil y la Revolución Industrial.

  18. Social Studies/ Estudios Sociales • Geography and correct use of social studies terminology • Geografía y el uso correcto de la terminología de estudios sociales • Final assessments will done through 9 weeks projects/ Proyectos a través el año como parte de exámenes finales cada 9 semanas

  19. E-mail Communication/ Comunicación por Correo electrónico • Teachers will respond to email before school, during their planning time or after school/ Las maestras responderán antes de la escuela, durante el tiempo de planear o después del día escolar • Please allow 24-48 hours for email responses/ Necesitamos 24-48 horas para responder • http://www.thericeschool.org/index.html

  20. Conferencing/ Conferencias • Planning/Conference time is daily 12:20 to 1:10/ Tiempo para conferencias 12:20 to 1:10 • Please contact to set an appointment via e-mail, call the front office or handwritten note./ Para planear una conferencia con la maestra envíe una nota en la agenda, llame a la oficina de la escuela o envíe una petición vía correo electrónico • dcarras1@houstonisd.org • tharper1@houstonisd.org • vwoodfin@houstonisd.org • asantana@houstonisd.org • vmatson@houstonisd.org

  21. Breakfast in the Classroom/ Desayuno en el Salón • Students enter the cluster @ 7:40. 1st period starts @ 8:15. • Los estudiantes entran al salón a las 7:40 AM. Las clases comienzan a las 8:15 AM. • Students are expected to complete morning work and get their materials ready for first period before being dismissed to first period. Los estudiantes completarán el trabajo asignado durante el desayuno y se prepararán para el primer período antes de empezar clase.

  22. Field Trips/Viajes • We are scheduled for camp this year./ Estamos en la lista de espera para el campamento. • http://www.hisdoec.com/aboutus.html • Fundraisers help fund our possible field trips this year./ Las actividadespararecaudarfondosproveen el dineropara los viajes.

  23. Ideas for Student Success/Ideas para el éxito del estudiante • Encourage attendance/ Promover asistencia • Encourage and model reading at home/ Promover y ser un ejemplo de lectura en la casa • Ask questions about what your student has learned throughout the day/ Pregúntele diariamente sobre las actividades de la escuela

  24. Ideas for Student Success/Ideas para el éxito del estudiante • Check their backpack daily/ Revise la mochiladiariamente • Talk to your child about making good choices/ Hable con suhijo para que tome buenas decisions • Homework is a daily extension of what has been taught in class. Please make sure that reading is a part of this daily routine.

  25. Parent Volunteers/VIPS • If you are already registered, you must re-verify by providing your driver’s license to the front office. This can be done during school hours at the front office.

  26. Fundraiser opportunities for the cluster: • Fall Festival • Fundraisers • End of the semester celebrations Scheduled meetings in the cafeteria for cluster parents: Tuesday September 16 @ 8:00 amThursday September 18 @ 5:15 pm

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