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研究命题特点,指导高考复习 —— 从理论到实践

2014 佛山一模分析会 桂华中学 2014.1.16. 研究命题特点,指导高考复习 —— 从理论到实践. 广东佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 Tel: 18927756278 Mail: 178200806@qq.com. 试题研究的意义. 1 、把握教学的方向; 2 、提高课堂,尤其是试题评讲课,的效率; —— 根据难度、区分度;指出问题关键 3 、提高批判评价试题的能力; —— 不把时间浪费在坏题上 4 、提高自己编制试题的能力; 5 、提高应试教学的能力 —— 学者设计具有良好反拨功能的考试. 欢迎加入原创题研究团队.

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研究命题特点,指导高考复习 —— 从理论到实践

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  1. 2014佛山一模分析会 桂华中学 2014.1.16 研究命题特点,指导高考复习——从理论到实践 广东佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 Tel: 18927756278 Mail: 178200806@qq.com

  2. 试题研究的意义 1、把握教学的方向; 2、提高课堂,尤其是试题评讲课,的效率; ——根据难度、区分度;指出问题关键 3、提高批判评价试题的能力; ——不把时间浪费在坏题上 4、提高自己编制试题的能力; 5、提高应试教学的能力 ——学者设计具有良好反拨功能的考试 欢迎加入原创题研究团队

  3. 语言测试的真实性要求 20世纪70年代,语言教学开始提倡交际法(communicative approach),“交际”和“真实”也逐步被引入语言测试中。 真实性是指考试的内容要真实于实际的语言交际任务。 3. Bachman & Palmer (1996)把真实性定义为语言测试的任务与使用目标语言的真实任务之间的一致性程度,也就是考试的内容必须真实体现受试者在实际的语言交际情景中可能或必须完成的任务,而不是简单地把语言分解成词汇、语法和听说读写四个基本技能进行单项的考试。

  4. 真实性——理想与操作的考量 1. 语言教学的理论在测试的体现需要考虑教学与测试理论外的因素(组织、评卷、信度) 2. 语法单项选择题和改错题 3. 听说考试 4. 真实和交际并不只限于听说 5. 阅读的交际性在于读懂文章,理解意义 6. 交际并不意味着牺牲准确性和标准化 在多元需求的条件下折中取舍

  5. MC试题的编写难度 语言测试专家认为多项选择题的命题难度非常大: Heaton (1988:27) “多项选择题是命制难度最大且命题耗时最多的题型之一” Hughes(1989:3) “编制合适的多项选择题非常困难(notoriously difficult),编制工作需要投入大量的时间和精力......设计拙劣的多项选择题可能无法准确地发挥测量功能” “写干扰项其实是MC题命题工作中最不容易的一步”(李筱菊,2001:155),干扰无效导致答案不唯一。题目设计中最忌讳的就是出现两个答案,这种题目就成了废题(刘润清,韩宝成,2000:54) 高考选择题多,提高教师的试题研究水平尤为重要

  6. 根据本校学生特点决定试题的难度 建议:练习难度定在高考全省难度和本校难度之间 (高考难度+本校难度) ÷2 • 集中突破难度 • 上难度、上台阶 • 根据教学目的 • 根据学生实际 • 教育部指导难度系数 • 《广东省高考年报》指导难度系数 • 实际的考量 • 改革的趋势

  7. 完形填空 1. 根据近3年高考试题,你能总结到哪些命题规范? 词数?词类?选项?词组? 考实词不考虚词;考意义不考搭配 2. 命题中的反侦察。平时有哪些“非技术性方法”? 词义的褒贬?上下文的重复出现?近义排除?词义的不同范畴? 3. 学生错因何在,如何解答学生的疑问? ——以佛山一模第5、13题为例

  8. 完形填空 A major benefit of after-school programs is 4 . They keep children occupied, and 5 children usually stay out of trouble. Besides, after-school programs provide educational, cultural, and personal 6 . ... Sure, after-school programs cost money, but they’re worth every dollar. Besides, help is always 13 . Our school board can apply for funds (资金) from the government and ask for 14 from local business groups. There’s no good reason to 15 programs that benefit our children. 5. (0.16/0.26)A. busy B. young C. lonely D. poor 6.(0.27/0.17) A. backgroundsB advantagesC. abilitiesD. views 13. (0.26/0.29)A. valuableB. AvailableC. necessary D. legal

  9. 语法填空 除了考语法知识外,还需要哪些能力?语法知识要求多深? 【2011NMET广东卷语法填空】 One Sunday morning in August I went to a local music festival. I left it early because I had an appointment16 (late) that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 17 the bus arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 18 (sit) at the front. He 19 (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be 20 (mental) disabled. Behind him were other people to 21 he was trying to talk, but after some minutes 22 walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed.

  10. 语法填空 I didn’t want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him 23 his own either. After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 24 amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home. I’m glad I made a choice. It made 25 of us feel good. 【2012】20 he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. 高考语法填空关注篇章的意义;命题又受制于篇章

  11. 2014佛山一模语法填空 Orville and Wilbur Wright were the two American brothers that invented the first airplane. They started out as bicycle repairmen. Soon, they became interested in different types of machines and began to learn 16 the machines worked. They observed birds flying 17 (get) ideas, as well as read about other inventors’ attempts to make aircraft. In 1900, the brothers completed their first design of a kite glider(滑翔机) and tested 18 in North Carolina. They tested kite gliders both with and without 19 pilot. Some planes have seats 25 lie flat to become beds and on the very newest planes, passengers can even use the Internet!

  12. 阅读理解 • 1. 根据近3年高考试题,你能总结到哪些命题规范? • 词数?问题?题干/选项长度?题干无否定?题干有含义?题目顺序?题目比例(信息、推理、概括)?题型比例(猜词、题目) • 2. 外语阅读的能力要求:思维?技巧?语言? • Carrell P. L., Devine J., Eskey D. E. (Eds.). 2006. Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading[M]. Beijing: World Publishing Corporation. • 吴诗玉. 2008. 母语阅读能力对英语阅读的影响(英文版)[M]. 上海:上海交通大学出版社. • 王宗迎、蔡任栋. 2011. 母语阅读能力和外语语言水平在外语阅读中的作用[J].《山东师范大学外国语学院学报》(基础英语教育) 5:7-1. • 王宗迎. 2011. 语言知识在高中外语阅读理解中的作用[J]. 《基础教育外语教学研究》4: 21-25. • 王宗迎、鹿红运. 2010. 题海战术与任务型学习法对阅读理解的影响[J]. 《中小学外语教学》(中学篇)10:1-5.

  13. 29. (0.52/0.1) What can be inferred about the author and Carmen from Paragraph 5? A. They were both interested in books and music and opera. B. The author greatly influenced her daughter’s hobbies. C. The author was probably a famous TV presenter. D. The author didn’t know much about Carmen’s hobbies. I don’t think she goes to the cinema or watches TV much. She might watch my films, but I don’t know. It’s not the kind of thing she talks to me about.

  14. 31. (0.46/0.23) When you hear a mobile phone beeping, it means that ______. A. you will be forgiven for your mistakes B. someone has got a text message C. the traditional text has disappeared D. someone has got some kind of message If you hear the sound of a mobile phone beeping in a bag or pocket, you could be forgiven for thinking that someone has received a text message. But nowadays there are so many different ways of messaging someone that it could spell the death of the traditional text as we know it.

  15. 44. (0.36/0.37) What can be concluded from Paragraph 4? A. Interactions between two people confuse dogs. B. Dogs never understand the reaction of one person. C. Dogs have good interactions with one another. D. The findings of some studies are controversial. 45. (0.49/0.31)Which is the best title for the passage? A. Man’s Best Friend. B. Be Kind To Your Dog C. Dog’s Amazing Ability D. Dogs Are Observing You

  16. 信息匹配 • 最具交际性的题目 • 考查的方式限制 • 特殊的功用 • 三不原则:不练不教不讲 • 命题:不同类;争取有技巧地送分

  17. 写作 基础写作: 形式固定性;文体有限性;话题无限性;内容回归性 读写任务: 阅读文章长度、段落?概括要点数量、长度、行数? 写作段数、行数? 高分作文: 准确、充实、流畅、悦目 最需要个性化辅导的题目 积累定水平(改错积累、好词美句积累) 教师的写作水平提高

  18. 教学建议 • 重视精读 • 扩充comprehended阅读 • 把词汇放在首位 • 注重重复 • 敢于取舍 • 留时间给学生 • 坚持写作 • 坚持背诵 • 成绩未必全来自方法,但方法肯定促进成绩

  19. 欢迎申报以下省级课题子课题 • 广东省教育科学十二五规划项目《交互理论视角下的高中英语阅读能力培养模式研究》 • 广东省教育科学“十二五”规划2012年度教育信息技术研究项目《于信息技术的语料库在高中外语教学应用案例研究》

  20. 欢迎交流 广东佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 Tel: 18927756278 QQ: 178200806

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