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Gene Yagow Virginia Tech Biological Systems Engineering Dept. Public Meeting Notes

Moores Creek and Lodge Creek, Meadow Creek and Schenks Branch ----------------------------------------------- Implementation Plan. Gene Yagow Virginia Tech Biological Systems Engineering Dept. Public Meeting Notes September 20, 2012 Charlottesville, VA.

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Gene Yagow Virginia Tech Biological Systems Engineering Dept. Public Meeting Notes

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  1. Moores Creek and Lodge Creek, Meadow Creek and Schenks Branch -----------------------------------------------Implementation Plan Gene Yagow Virginia Tech Biological Systems Engineering Dept. Public Meeting Notes September 20, 2012 Charlottesville, VA

  2. Revision to Moores Creek TMDL Boundary • Outlet moved from confluence with Rivanna River upstream to the biological monitoring station at river mile 0.6 • Moores Creek WWTP • located near the outlet ≈ at river mile 0.3 • downstream from the biological monitoring station on which “impairment” is based • permitted sediment load is 416 tons/yr greater than existing load • Revision allows Moores Creek WWTP to be nested with the Rivanna River sediment TMDL • Revision foregoes requiring additional upstream reductions to satisfy the unused WWTP load • Revision approved by EPA

  3. Original Segments and Watersheds WWTP

  4. Revised Watershed Boundary

  5. Existing Loads, Reference Loads, and TMDLs

  6. TMDL Components TMDL = ƩWLA + ƩLA + MOS + FG where TMDL = total maximum daily load; WLA = wasteload (permitted) allocations; LA = load (nonpoint) allocations; MOS = margin of safety; and FG = future growth allocation (1%).

  7. Revised TMDLs

  8. Summary of Planned Reductions

  9. Allocation Scenarios

  10. Lodge Creek Sediment Load Allocation

  11. Moores Creek* Sediment Load Allocation * Excludes Lodge Creek

  12. Shenks BranchSediment Load Allocation

  13. Meadow Creek* Sediment Load Allocation * Excludes Schenks Branch

  14. BMP Summaries

  15. Control Measures: Lodge Creek

  16. Control Measures: Moores Creek**

  17. Control Measures: Schenks Branch

  18. Control Measures: Meadow Creek**

  19. Implementation Timeline

  20. IP Timeline: Lodge Creek

  21. IP Timeline: Moores Creek

  22. IP Timeline: Schenks Branch

  23. IP Timeline: Meadow Creek

  24. Implementation Costs: Moores Creek and Lodge Creek

  25. Implementation Costs: Schenks Branch

  26. Addressing PAHs • Selecting urban BMPs that infiltrate or address “first-flush” effects • Include vegetation with phytoremediation potential, e.g. switchgrass • Include educational materials on RRSEP web site, such as • Concerns with coal tar-based asphalt sealants and possible alternatives • Recycling of used motor oils • Through MS4 programs, emphasize proper management and maintenance of petrochemical storage areas

  27. Questions? • For more information, contact Gene Yagow 540-231-2538 eyagow@vt.edu

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